Chereads / Dimensional Warper / Chapter 36 - Chapter 36

Chapter 36 - Chapter 36

Running wasn't an option for Murray not committing suicide as Aldritch would just bring them back no matter how many times they killed themselves.

Truly he was stuck between a rock and a hard place, a hopeless situation where the predator was simply toying with his meal and the only thing left was to compromise. "Fine, I'll tell you what you want." Murray said as gallons of blood came from all over his body.

Aldritch had been killing him and Lorna over and over again till he'd lost count.

Every single time he killed them, he did it in a different way slowly increasing the amount of pain they felt but made sure that their sanity was still kept in check for them to break.

Everyone here was horrified with what these two had endured bit they couldn't afford to intervene but now it seemed that it was all over.

Natalie and the rest of her squad were mortified with what Aldritch did.

Every attempt Murray tried to pull in order to escape his gruesome fate only resulted in failure as they were all countered and received the brunt of it.

The only one who wasn't affected by the gruesome display going on was Eva as she had already seen how much of a monster Aldritch was but still she was a little scared of him was always.

"It wasn't so hard now was it?" Aldritch said as he smiled looking down on Murray. Murray wondered what he had done wrong to deserve this but it wasn't about his karma, his luck was just not looking up.

"We appeared in this world approximately two months ago. We had to flee our world in search for a peaceful place ..."


"You're lying." Aldritch said as he continued sipping on his tea beheading Murray with the water sword he manifested from the lake.

Snapping his fingers, Murray healed instantly as if he was never injured in the first place. Murray stammered, "Ok...okay...we left our world because of..."

Aldritch tilted his head, "You were stripped of your position not to mention banished from your family. Seems like the work of a leech too. But my question still stands, how did you get to this world?"

Both Murray and Lorna looked at Aldritch and wondered how he knew, "I can read your minds. Now resume." Lorna thought in her head, 'If you can read minds then why did you force us to go through all that pain if you could have just done that to begin with?'

 Aldritch looked at her before mentally replying, 'Because this way is quite boring and too direct.' Lorna's face froze when she realized that he could read her mind.

 "Some weirdly dressed woman presented us with a small artifact to enable us to leave our world but it was at the expense of our cultivation and it was a onetime use. We encountered her as we were fleeing."

Aldritch pondered this for a few minutes before walking to Murray and Lorna before asking, "Choose which one of you lives. Make it fast."

Murray and Lorna looked at each other before Murray volunteered himself, "You can kill me but please let my beloved go."

Aldritch looked at his teacup noticing that it was empty so he started to reconstruct it changing its shape and distorting matter giving off an unrealistic effect to it captivating everyone's attention.

"You can leave Lorna." He said as he gestured the way out for her. She stood up with a solemn look on her face then leaving softly crying as she left.


A loud bang was heard as Aldritch pulled the trigger on his deagle. The target was Lorna on the back of her head and she fell with a soft plop on the wooden floor as blood came gushing out of her head.

Compared to how he had repetitively killed them using all elements starting with fire, he would burn their bodies from the inside out causing excruciating pain, dehydrate their bodies of any water till the only remains were their skeletons, as for ice, he had placed a small ice lotus on top of their heads which would slowly freeze them to death and the cycle would repeat itself.

Everyone was perplexed with how many elements Aldritch could master not to mention he mixed some elements with others so a shot to the back of her head, Aldritch saw it as one of the least painful death to ever deliver not to mention she died obliviously and quickly.

"You said that you would spare between me and her. And I chose her so why?" Murray asked as he clutched Lorna's corpse on the ground. "Because I chose you Murray."

He said before stretching his right hand and dark tentacles came out of it clinging onto Murray.

They suspended him in the air before a small vortex appeared and swallowed him halfway but before he was taken fully, "If you can survive Murray for five minutes there then I'll naturally let you be and restore your wife." Aldritch spoke as he started to walk back to his carriage.

The vortex completely swallowed Murray as he drowned in the dark ominous void and within a split second of his arrival there,

a piercing inhumane shriek came from Murray was heard mortifying everyone.

Murray felt as his body being devoured alive and his soul burnt alive before his life came to a gruesome end.

His sacred soul was taken by a large tentacle sinking him further into the void devouring him completely till both his body and soul no longer existed.

Eva then caught up to Aldritch who had stood looking back at her ushering for her hand before stuttering, "What was that?"

She was quite scared with Aldritch's skill set as there was truly no way of combating him. Her body was shaking and her hairs standing from fear.

She was an undead and unlike humans, her body wasn't prone to change in temperature and fear was clearly plastered on her face. "An alternate reality I created. It's where all ungodly fears and abominations reside." Eva was shocked with what she heard.

"Alternate reality!?!? What is that?" She asked with a confounded look on her face. Aldritch spoke when they arrived at their carriage and entering shortly followed by Eva, "An alternate reality is similar to your storage ring but as big as this world if not bigger which can support life."

In this world, living animals couldn't be stored in storage rings till they were dead as the rings couldn't support life.

"That process requires you to manipulate space and time to make your reality which in itself would be hard for you to learn if you were curious."

He looked at Eva who had a curious face with her intent to master space and time. For Aldritch such a feat was easy as he had already made numerous alternate realities each with their own purpose.

Beings on the third dimensional plane required extras like artifacts or innate talents to manipulate space or time but beings on the fourth were naturally privileged to master time automatically, fifth dimensional plane beings could master both time and space automatically and the complexity increased with the increasing of dimensional planes.

At this point Aldritch didn't need to use his will to do something like that as he was already privileged to it coming from the ninety ninth dimensional plane and it was easy as breathing to him explaining how he was able to teleport Murray and Lorna back to where he was.

 Using their time frames to see where they were and manipulating space taking them back to where he was, easy to him but complicated to others.

"Speaking of talents, how's Evelyn progress coming along?" He asked as he placed his right hand on the window frame supporting his head looking at Eva.

"She's now late B rank which is rather monstrous for her age bordering A rank. Most of her age mates are mostly C rank."

Aldritch hummed softly and then proceeded, "Are elemental talents rare in this world?" Aldritch asked once more, "Yes actually."

Aldritch now looking at her eyes with his jade green eyes making Eva slightly nervous but she didn't break away. "You don't have any talent, so I'll let you pick one of your choice."

Crossing his leg over the other then looking outside. Eva stayed silent for a while before giving her reply. Modesty was something Aldritch wasn't a fan of and Eva knew this so she did not start protesting against it and made her choice.

"I would like a space talent but if you..." Aldritch raised his index finger and snapping his finger.

He had granted her space talent he created himself as regular space talent would either rely cool downs or had serious drawbacks like one's lifespan for a change.

His on the other hand had no drawbacks and cool down as using Fanfiction, he can remove the drawbacks as he wished with the only limit being that it also depended on the user's limit in terms of rank or cultivation.

In Eva's case since she was above SSS rank then her talent was clearly above this world but the worldly boundaries and principles would limit her unlike Aldritch.

Aldritch took out his hand and manifested a small black hole but it didn't affect anything rather it was slowly taking in the light where it was explaining its dark color and aura.

Eva tried to do the same and with the help of Aldritch's pendant he had given her, she was able to conjure one up though it was smaller than Aldritch.

It lasted for twenty seconds before collapsing in on itself disappearing completely.

The toll wasn't that severe as the pendant helped in regulating her mana making sure that she didn't pour all of it into the black hole.

She paused for five minutes before retrying once more this time making it bigger than last time whilst Aldritch's was present the whole time.

"That's too easy. Try to make it bigger." Aldritch said as he expanded his but not big enough to distort anything.

Eva focused and made one the size of a beach ball compared to her marble sized one from earlier.

"With a little bit of practice, you'll naturally be able to master it in no time." Eva collapsed in her fingers similar to Aldritch and the black hole disappeared from her hand and took in a deep breathe.

There was something that was on her mind and she was unsure of the results if she brought up the matter now.

"I still remember that you lost Eva and as for what you have to give me is something rather simple." Aldritch said as he looked at her.

Eva was slightly startled but she regained her composure quickly, "What would you like from me, Aldritch?"

She asked without the slightest clue what Aldritch would demand from her.

Everything around her was a result of his actions, from curing her to helping her to become a queen then reuniting with her mother, maybe he would take it all back?

"No I won't Eva." Eva looked at Aldritch who now sat beside her instead opposite her catching her off guard but he found her confused expression quite amusing, "Your undying fealty."

Eva was flabbergasted when she heard this. She had already given his all to him expecting that he would ask for something rather precious to her but it turned out to be surprisingly simple.

"Rest assured Aldritch, you have my fealty towards you ready to die for you at your command. "Ready to die for me huh?"

Aldritch said tauntingly as he summoned a small dagger at her neck but she looked at him with a calm look on her face expecting him to make his move which he did but not what she expected.

Aldritch moved his right arm around her neck hugging her removing her hair band then with his left hand tilted her face to face his before stealing a kiss making her blush.

"That's all I needed to hear." He said with Eva leaning closer to him initiating another kiss.

He had always told her to feel free around him so she didn't hold back turning off her senses as they proceeded with the journey.