Living In This Forsaken And Horrible Place (Canceled)

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Chapter 1 - The Hunter's Guild

Here in this mountain side resides the Hunter's Guild, a place made specifically to deal with monster, creatures that disrupt the normal life of the people, and to do this are some of the most powerful residents of Torture, speaking of one.

"It's ready Akane." A large burly oni called out from behind a counter, slamming a armguard on it, "It was very difficult to enchant this thing with the specifications you gave me." He informed.

Akane, a child-sized purple oni, grumbled as she went to grab the armguard, "About time Goro, you damned slowpoke." She lamented, putting a satchel with the payment on the counter.

The oni behind the counter growled at that, "Don't you dare use that tone with me brat!" Goro warned, "You should know better than to question my skill when I'm the one who makes modifications to you weapon!" He reminded as he grabbed the satchel.

"Whatever dude, what is that commission you wanted again?" Akane questioned annoyedly, "And I swear, if it's about gathering sap from the bone trees again I'm going to pound you with boulder." She warned angrily.

Goro cleared his throat at the threat, "No, I had some taken a few weeks ago, what I need is eyes." He stated simply.

This got Akane scratching her horns in confusion, but then got more annoyed, "Eyes of what dumbass!? Be specific!!" She demanded.

"Eyes! In general two for each land monster!" Goro added, aknowledging to himself that he didn't really give that much information.

"Alright! I'll take it!" Akane accepted, "Better than going tree milking..." She grumbled as she headed on over to the Sightings Board.

Taking a look at some of the most recent sightings, Akane takes the ones that she needs, "Only four land sightings?" She thought to herself, growling at the fact she'll have to personally search for the rest, "Hey! Vishoku! Make me a list of all land monsters!" She called out to one of the Intelligence Workers.

In response to the request, Vishoku gave a thumbs up from far away, "I'll call you when it's done!" He told in responseas he got to work.

While she waited, Akane went to the Guild's bar to get something to drink, "Five glasses of sake." She ordered the bartender who sighed, wondering why she thought an Oni wouldn't order alcohol.

After she drank all the glasses and payed for her order, Akane went to checkon how the list was going, "Is it done yet?" She asked Vishoku who looked at her in annoyance.

"You've got the patience of a mule you know that?" The puppet sarcastically questioned his acquaintance as he handed her a paper, "Anyways I just finished writing it, also I made it a checklist in case you need it to be." He added befoire going back to other duties.

Taking a look at the paper, Akane sighed, realizing she had her work cut out for her since there were about thirty land monsters she needed to harvest eyes from, "Better get to work." she said, resigning to her fate.

Spirit Station.

Walking into the station has always been relaxing for Akane, not many people really needed to be there so it made it really quiet, "First the sightings..." She decided taking a look at the bounties, "The closest would probably be Magmhaven..." She thought, checking a map to judge the distance.

After she made sure, Akane put the map and bounties away, and began chanting "Ferrum Flux Velocitum Chrysopoeia." She chanted, drawing power from her armguard and shaping it into a spirit train that spawned on the tracks.

Stepping into the train, Akane proceeded to put her hands on what should normally be the controls and began mentally controlling the train, making it towards the destination.

Magmhaven Spirit Station.

Akane walked out the train and onto the station's platform, "Ahh... Home sweet home." she thought to herself, feeling the familiar warmth of the place.

Going out of the station, Akane stretched and took a deep breath, looking around the vulcanic landscape, "Good ol' fire." She says before putting her thumbs and index fingers in a square and chanting "Distarcanum Spectrascry." once again drawing power from her armguard to form a lens between her fingers.

Using the lens, Akane is able to spot the building housing the branch of the Hunter's Guild and with a snap of herfingers, she dispelled the lens and once more chanted "Fiberflux Tractio." forming magic circles in her palms, which she used to shoot a string towards another location, which then pulled her forward and launched her in the general direction.

Doing this a few more times, Akane was able to get to the building in no time, "Here we go." She stated in satisfaction, dispelling the magic circles.

"Well well, look who decided to show up." Someone said from the entrance of the building, looking at the person, Akane recognized her immediately.

"Of course you'd be here Fande." Akane said while shaking her head.