Chereads / Unlasting World / Chapter 40 - Chapter XIX - Back at the Office (part 1)

Chapter 40 - Chapter XIX - Back at the Office (part 1)

Damn, is it noon already?


Ever since coming here, I have never once overslept. And here I am, sleeping from the third bell, all the way beyond the first bell.

Yesterday's events took quite a toll on my body, huh? It was the very first time I ever went all out like that ever since my initial training days with Jrake.


I looked outside through the window by opening the curtain.


Thank god it wasn't noon. It is still quite morning, and the sun only got up a little bit. But from my perspective where the sunlight was covered by the curtain, it does look like it's already noon.


I went to check the bathroom where all my bloody gears are at with bags under my eyes. Only to find the smell is getting worse.




I knew I should've cleaned them up immediately. But I was too sleepy last night, so I have no choice but to sleep. And now the smell has become much worse.


I picked up the soap and started cleaning up. The scent of blood has become worse overnight, to the level where it can probably kill a plant. 


While I'm in the bathroom, I might as well wash my body, so I grabbed the towel from the wardrobe.


After bathing and cleaning up my blooded gears, I came out with everything cleaned up. My robe is now clean and doesn't smell, and my sword is now shiny and cool. I also cleaned the dragon crest scabbard so that it will look shiny as well. The mask too, I cleaned off the goblin king's spit from yesterday. 


I still don't know why he spat blood on my mask. I thought it was corrosive, so I was starting to worry. The mask was made out of wood, so the paint didn't really get washed off easily by water. 

It surely is a high quality paint, and I didn't buy this thing for cheapsies. The robe too, all for the sake that I wouldn't get blood everywhere, and also to hide my identity.


After storing everything on the ring, I grabbed my adventurer bag and got ready for my first mission as a Grey ranked. In the end, I actually ranked up, huh?


Then, I left the inn. I didn't go to the Office last night alongside the other adventurers, so I'm guessing... someone might have been worried sick about me.



And there she is.


Klane ran to the entrance and hugged me as soon as I entered. It was expected, but also unexpected at the same time.




"Thank gods you're okay!! I heard from the other adventurers! It was dangerous, wasn't it?"


"Uhm... Good morning??"


This is in public. I love you, but can we not attract too much attention...?


"Come with me!"


She took my hand and ran to the back. I may be strong enough to hold a strike from a giant troll, but I couldn't escape her grip. 


Jrake is at the back, alone. He is eating his lunch box, like he always does at this hour. He was quite surprised when he heard Klane come and shout.


"Jrake! She is okay!!"


I arrived at the arena alongside Klane, and I looked into Jrake. He just grinned because he already knows that.


"Emm... Klane. I'm sure she is fine... She is Rize after all."


"That was not my point!"


Klane turned to me. She pulled my hair so I would lower my head, because she is shorter than me.




"Are you suurree that you are okay?"


"I'm not! You are pulling my hair!"


She let go of my hair while saying 'hmph!', and I proceed to rub my head while giving her a questioning look.


"If you really are okay, then I'm glad."


While I was brushing the part of my head where she pulled my hair, I saw her face smiling. I guess she really was just worried. 

Remembering what really happened yesterday, it would make sense if she heard horrible stories from the other adventurers. Anyone would worry sick if they knew someone they're close with were involved in such a situation.


Jrake also smiled, but he didn't say anything.


"Oh well, I got some work. Jrake, you told me to call you when she arrives. Now, here she is. Now have some chat, two of you!"


She left the arena in a quick woosh, leaving only me and Jrake standing awkwardly at the arena. I turned to Jrake with the same confused look as the one he is wearing, and we both chuckled before sitting down at the bench.


"She really is something wonderful, isn't she?"


Jrake asked as he sat down to continue his breakfast, and I just hummed in agreement. I took out my sword from the ring and swung it a little, and he quickly noticed what I'm doing.


"So, how are you feeling?"


"Tired. I mean, I understand that my body has become much-much better since a week ago. But, this is certainly... something."


"Agreed. For something to make you tired is... rare."


"Well, not that rare. Pretty sure getting myself tired was something common just last week."


I said while swinging the sword, and Jrake realized what it is I'm trying to say. He let out a sigh before asking about it.


"So, tell me."


Jrake looked at his meal again and started messing up his food with his spoon.


"Why does it have to be the 'Masked Man'?"


I stopped swinging. I tried using my senses to find anyone nearby, but there doesn't seem to be anyone besides me and him. It's safe to talk, and I'm glad he asked.


"No one can annoy me, no one will talk about me, and no one will know it was me. It's just that simple."


"But you won't get any of the credits, you know? Killing the goblin king and a few trolls... that's a huge matter."


"To me, it doesn't matter. I just wanted to get out of that trouble without getting in trouble."


I said jokingly while continuing swinging my sword, and Jrake closed his lunch box.


"Then, show me."


He stood up and picked up his sword, and he started walking to an open area. I quickly realized what he wants, and I turned my gaze to the lunch box on the bench.


"You just finished breakfast..."


"That doesn't matter."


Using my words against me... How dare he?


"How strong is the goblin king?"


Jrake asked, and I tried remembering what happened.


"Well, he truly deserves the Green rank he was given. In fact, I would say Green is not enough for him."


"I see. Then... if I were to fight him. Would I win?"


I thought about it for a while now too. Jrake is the heavy assault type. His sword is big so that he can do a lot of damage on a single strike. But the goblin king... is a speed type, and he has magic abilities. 


Jrake's earth magic might be able to repel it, but the explosion and the control of those fireballs are scary. He is the very thing Jrake definitely won't be able to handle.


"No. You wouldn't. But, maybe other Green ranked adventurers might be able to."


"Heheh... I thought you would say that."


He pointed his sword at me with a grin in his face, and something tells me the Jrake of today is going to be a lot tougher than the past.


"Because I thought so too."


He said with the same grin as he released his pressure, and I lifted my sword to get ready for battle.


This could be... our final spar before we go our separate ways. After today, I will not be training with him anymore since there is no such need, and I probably will start training on my own and become a real adventurer.


Grey rank is the real beginning for adventurers. Because on this rank, you started to fight and choose on your own and get the experience. And now that I have obtained the rank, I won't need Jrake's help. 

And he seemed to have understood that better than I do. So let's make this count.


"Thank you, Jrake. For all of your teachings."

I said to him out of nowhere, which made him laugh.

"What are you saying!? You're acting as if you're strong enough to beat me!"

Jrake said with his confident laugh, but I already know. I've spar this guy many-many times before to know the things he can do or he can't do, and he has revealed to me every card that he owns.

This will be our last sparring session.


"Then, don't hold back. This time, pretend that I'm an experienced Blue ranked adventurer."

I said to him firmly, and Jrake seemed to get it even if I don't tell him.


But, I need to let him know just in case. If he holds back, that removes the purpose of this spar.



He asked from his position, and I nodded.


"On your mark."




Jrake rushed at me with his highest speed, and I did the same thing. The two of us closed the distance in seconds, and our blades hurriedly approached one another.








Inside the office's diner, the sound of swords can be heard once more. Klane just silently sips her coffee while everyone is talking about it.


"Really? They are already sparring this early?"


"Who is it? Jrake?"


"Yeah. And who is the opponent?"


Nobody knows the answer. They rarely see me and have no idea who Jrake often spars with. All they know is that Jrake is fighting someone.


Meanwhile at the back arena, the sparring is getting more heated than ever. Jrake's movement with his blade has been fast and faster, a very different style than what I'm used to. 

He slashed his blade every time with his highest speed, but all I had to do was tilt my sword a little, and the blade would quickly slide through my sword and hit the ground. This has been my most favorite way to counter his giant blade, and it gives me an opening right after.

One time I tried slashing at his head, but he ducked very quickly. He tried kicking my leg, but I predicted it and jumped, then I kicked him while still in the air. 

He blocked the kick with his left hand, while his right hand is holding the blade. He got thrown back a few meters, and he proceeded to laugh before rushing back at me.


"You surely got even better!"

Jrake shouted excitedly, and I placed my sword on my shoulder.


"I finally obtained some experience."


"Thank god you did. Otherwise, this would be boring!"


He lifted his left hand, and hit the ground. Without chanting, the ground was shaking and pillars of stone jumped from the floor. 

Magic, huh? It's about time he takes it out.

I dodged the rock pillars before they could hit my face. After I dodged, more and more pillars are jumping out of the ground one after another. I moved my sword and tried slashing every single one of them, and the destroyed stones fell to the ground. Jrake is not going to stop there.


He punched the ground again, and I realized right away that it's quicksand this time. 


But, I learned a new trick from this. I focused my energy on my thighs and legs, and using those energy, I jumped very high. Out of the quicksand, I am now in the air, holding the sword with both my hands.


Jrake quickly moved his blade to cover his head since he realized I'm coming at him from above. 


As I fell, I landed a hit on his sword with a loud bang. Then when I gain my balance, I hit it again from below, throwing his blade into the side. Now that there is nothing between me and his neck, I quickly pointed at his neck with my sword.


"Game over."


I said with reflex, and his sword stabbed the ground far on the left.


"... What?"


He looks confused, because that's not an expression that exists here.


"Ah, I mean, it's the end. It's the thing I always say when ending the battle."


"Oh. That's a cool expression."


I lowered my sword, and put it back to the dragon crest scabbard. Jrake's eyes followed the sword I'm sheathing all the way to my scabbard, and he quickly realized it.


"That's a cool scabbard. Where did you get it?"


"Where do you think?"


"Rize... You didn't steal it, didn't you?"


"Emm, does stealing from a dead body count?"


"So, you killed the guy and then you stole his scabbard?!"


"Goddamn it, Jrake!"


We proceeded to both laugh at that, because I already knew Jrake knows where it came from.


"Just kidding. I knew you got it from the goblin king. Who would've thought that the goblin king would have such a cool scabbard. Why didn't you take the sword, though?"


"You think I didn't?"


I took out another sword from my ring and held it with my left hand. Jrake looked at it with utter amazement.


"Wow. This sword is… pretty shiny for a goblin weapon."


"I know, it's too flashy. That's why I hesitate to use it. But, I need to have a second weapon in my arsenal, or else I'm dead when I lose this sword. And also, I'm quite good with dual wielding."


"Hmm... The quality of this sword isn't as good as that one. But, the material is actually unbelievable."


"It is?"


"If I'm not wrong, this is not normal steel. This is orcish."




"Yeah. Metal belongs to the orcs. It can withstand heavy fire. It won't easily melt from fire magic."




"Yeah. I tried deflecting a fireball using my knights sword, but some part of it melted. So, I stopped deflecting and started dodging more."


"With this sword, you can deflect a few. It can withstand temperature. It also can withstand heavier attacks. This sword won't break that easily, and it's truly a good sword to have."


"Hmm... I see. Thank you Mister Bald Hero."

Immediately upon me mentioning that, Jrake's eyes became widely open. It's so funny to see because his eyes were already large to begin with.


"Eh?? Who told you about that??"


"The adventurers did. Some of them knew about you. What is it about you not wanting to rank up because you want to get stronger?"




"And why did they call you a hero?"




A grin can be seen from my face. Now I have something to blackmail this guy.


"Hey! I still know your secret identity."




... I completely forgot about that.



After that, the pointless talk came to an end. WIth me beating him even when he goes all out marks the end of my training. I've never thought the way would come when I surpass him, and I could've never imagined it being only a week ever since I started practicing with him. It's nuts.

But, all journeys had an ending. From this day on, my days as a genuine adventurer have only just begun.


After parting with Jrake, I went to the mission board to look for a Purple ranked mission. I just want to try it at least once, so I thought the first mission as a Gray, will be a Purple ranked. 


Ah, found it.


"Here you go Klane."


I gave Klane the mission paper. She read it and turned wide eyed.


"What? Are you sure?"


I simply nodded at her, and Klane can't really say anything else. This felt like a deja-vu as to when I was getting the bear mission. However, this mission is totally a much harder one.


"Fine then. Your funeral!"


She gave me the mission scroll. I opened it and read it. Everything is the same.


"Thanks Klane, see you later."


"Don't die!"


After that, I left the office to go to my mission. 


You know what they say. Once you start doing something, doing it for the second time might be easier.


And I'm well on my way to slay another pack of demonized wolves, all by myself again.

I was wondering what kinds of missions I should be doing from now on, but I realized that I should just take it slowly. I've been speeding up in terms of wanting to become stronger for a week now, and I think I've gotten a little fatigued.

As such, let's just keep things simple.

Kill, and kill. Day by day, mission by mission.

Obtain some money, read some books. Then, I can finally gather some answers that I might need regarding my arrival in this world.

My days of truly living in this world have only just begun.




