William and Wilfred bantered like that for a moment before William stopped and asked seriously.
"Why… why now?"
Sensing the moment, Wilfred gave a large sigh, "I didn't know."
William gave him a confused look. What didn't he know?
He didn't know about the misbehaviors on me?
He didn't know that I was kicked out?
Or was it, He didn't know that I was kicked out intentionally without any fault?
"I didn't know that you existed."
"…" William stared down at the campfire and felt the silence overwhelm them.
The silence has always been a comforting or saddening place for him and right now it was somewhat saddening.
"He didn't tell me, Ervin… He's not really that good at-" Coming to this point Wilfred shook his head heavily.
"No… no I can't put the blame on someone else." Wilfred looked straight ahead at William, "Negligence… the true cause was negligence."