Chereads / Harry Potter: Shadows of Tomorrow / Chapter 124 - Sibling Rivalry on the Pitch

Chapter 124 - Sibling Rivalry on the Pitch

"Well we're not going to do anything major, not yet at least. For now we're just going to annoy her as much as possible, she thinks we're on the ministries side so she won't do anything at first or at the very least she won't think we're supporting Dumbledore."

Soon came the time of Umbridge's first lesson. She immediately entered and told everyone to put their wands away, after a forced greeting she made them open their books. In her eyes everything was going perfectly, she sat on her chair at her desk when a ribbit sound was heard. She immediately shot up, after a brief moment of confusion she sat down again and the same sound was heard.

It took her five minutes to deduce that the sound occurred every time she sat down in her chair, she tried sitting on the table instead. It made her feel very uncomfortable marking papers like this, Harry decided to make things worse, a well hidden cutting curse on one of the legs and Umbridge fell to the floor once the table broke. Laughter echoed throughout the room.

"ENOUGH!" Umbridge shouted as she stood up "I WILL HAVE ORDER!" The class reluctantly became silent. Umbridge huffed before she started picking up the fallen papers.

"What?" She asked when Hermione had raised her hand

"I have a question Professor" Hermione answered "about the course aims, it doesn't say anything about using spells"

"Using spells" Umbridge gave her a sickly sweet smile "I can't see why you'd need to use spells"

"Being in a school that teaches magic might be a reason" Harry whispered to Ginny

"But isn't there a practical portion in our exams?" Hermione asked

"As long as you've studied the theory then you should be fine" Umbridge responded

"Without practising it first?!" Ron shouted

"You will raise your hand, Mr…" Umbridge prompted

"Weasley" Ron answered "how are we supposed to pass without practising? We need to practise for what's out there"

"There is nothing out there" Umbridge replied

"Yes there is" Ron argued "ask Potter, he saw it"

"Ah" Umbridge's face lit up "Mr Potter has never claimed that you-know-who had returned, only Dumbledore and his followers have ever claimed it to be true. They've done this in a blatant attempt to cause panic and make people lose faith in the ministry. There is nothing out there, who do you think would harm children such as yourselves? Do you think you're in danger in my classroom?"

"Yes" Harry raised his hand "first year I was attacked by Quirrell, second year Lockhart was a fraud who could have potentially been using memory charms on students and fourth year we were taught by a death eater. Funnily enough the only decent defence teacher who hasn't posed a danger was the werewolf" Umbridge twitched her eyes a little.

She spent the rest of the class ignoring everyone, Ron and Hermione lost everyone a lot of points by constantly arguing and both got put in detention. But Umbridge kept looking at Harry, almost as if she was trying to figure him out.

Soon it came time for Harry to go to the quidditch try-outs, Angelina had insisted that the all the team be there to help out with the try outs. Harry decided to come whether she wanted him there or not, for the simple reason of Ginny trying out for the reserve team.

"Ginny" Harry spoke to her as he made his way there with Ginny at his side "you going for chaser?"

"Of course" Ginny smiled

"Well, I was thinking, perhaps you could apply for keeper as well"

"What?" Ginny raised an eyebrow

"Well the chaser positions are already full" Harry explained "so even if you do better than the current keepers you'd still be a reserve, and as they rarely ever get injured or take time off, you'd likely play two games a year at most. I'm proposing you apply for the reserve position and current keeper position"

"Any other reason?" Ginny said in a knowing voice

"Other than the fact that I want to play with my wife?" Harry smirked "There is actually, I remember one of those times I played at the burrow, you had to be keeper because you drew the short straw. You were good as well, usually it's Ron who played Keeper but you were so much better at him. Plus I know you like being keeper and you can change it next year."

"True" Ginny admitted "any other reason?"

"Fine" Harry sighed "as much as I hate to admit it, your brother has some, some, keeping talent…never tell anyone I admitted that"

"I won't"

"Thank you, but him being a keeper wouldn't be a good thing. If he became keeper, there'd be bets in the common room over which team member kills him and when. Personally I think it'd be Angelina first, she always looks like she's about to snap when he's near."

"Fine" Ginny laughed before pecking Harry on the cheek "if it means keeping my husband sane then I will gladly accept"

"Thanks Gin" Harry kissed her back.

Harry went over to the team while Ginny stood with the reserves, Harry explained what he had just discussed with Angelina and she seemed all for it. Everyone in the team knew that Angelina would likely kill Ron, Fred and George sometimes even stood between them just in case.

First the reserves tried out for chaser, a few had potential and some were good. Then all eyes came on Ginny, she flew like a natural and the team beamed at her with pride. The current chasers had helped her train over the years along with Harry so they were not surprised at how good she was.

Then the team moved onto the beaters, they found two with good potential, they weren't as good as the twins but then again not many people were. Then came the turn of the keepers, a few were good, then came Ron's turn. Ron blocked most of them but let a few in, at the moment he was in the lead. Harry could see Angelina holding her clipboard and pen as if they were Ron's neck, the other two chasers looked to be praying, while the twins winked at Ginny.


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