Chereads / Harry Potter: Shadows of Tomorrow / Chapter 122 - Prefects and Politics

Chapter 122 - Prefects and Politics

"I see" McGonagall sighed "listen to me, the both of you. Being a prefect is an important task, the prefects are the role models of the school. Mr Potter not only has the best grades in his year, he is also, whether you like it or not, incredibly popular amongst the students and many teachers including myself would not hesitate to say he is our favourite pupil.

Another reason is because prefects need to be willing to help people. Mr Longbottom claims that he would be nowhere near as advanced in his class without Mr Potters help, and from what I've seen in class I'm inclined to agree. I've had a great number of students from various years and houses inform me about how Mr Potter has helped them past exams or complete their homework. Whether you like him or not, he is a well behaved student who rarely gets in trouble and many people in the younger years look up to him. Not just in Gryffindor, but the other three houses as well."

"Fine" Ron mumbled "but what about Ginny? Why would you pick her when Hermione is the smartest girl in the year?"

"Mr Weasley" McGonagall replied whilst making a mental note to ask Poppy for headache pills "though Miss Granger, is academically gifted she is the third best in theoretical knowledge as Mrs and Mr Potter are ahead of her. Practically she was barely keeping up with Mr Longbottom by the start of her third year whilst your sister is margins ahead of her. There is also the manner of how the other students react to her.

Forgive me for sounding rude but it's clear that you do not get along with your classmates as well as the Potters do. The quidditch team and various other students have actually sent me letters saying that those two were the only people they were willing to accept as prefects. I've also compiled some statistics, ever since those two arrived there have been various changes to Hogwarts. Gryffindor's had started getting less detentions, more points, higher grades and we've won the house cup four years in a row. This all leads back to the Potters, they seem the most capable of helping the younger students and the most likely to get along with them"

"I get along with younger students" Hermione argued

"Miss Granger" McGonagall gave her the 'are you stupid?' look, "I believe I can both start and end my argument against that on the incident where you made two first years cry. If that's not sufficient for you then there is also the incident where a first year reported that she felt 'forced' to buy one of your badges for that elf campaign you started."

Hermione and Ron fell quiet, they knew that there was nothing they could say that would help improve this situation. McGonagall at this point didn't really care for their discomfort, she just wanted them gone.

"Well it's quite late so if you'd like to go as I am not permitting you to break curfew" The two nodded and left.

McGonagall took a breath and leaned back, not for the first time in her life she wondered why she decided to teach. She remembered James and Sirius, those two were huge trouble makers but they were just naughty and at least compensated with their school work. When she had found out what Albus had done she lost all respect for the man, teaching just didn't feel the same, she would have left if Harry didn't want her to stay.

She found that funny, she was his teacher, head of house and deputy headmistress yet she was taking orders from a boy who had'n't even taken his owl exams yet.


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