"I only need it for a few minutes," He called after me as I stomped my way out of the museum. Stealing a jacket? A Sandwich? Okay, I can do that. Stealing an ancient scroll?
"Are you fucking insane?" I snapped back, shoving Loveall. Fire sparked under my palms, the blue shots of light glow in the depths of Loveall's soft gaze.
"Come on, I stole it once before. I just need it for a few minutes," Loveall said.
I couldn't hear him as misunderstood emotions flooded my blood steam. Was I…afraid? No.
"Get away from me before I burn that pretty face of yours," I said with so much rage that I felt the lion tail hidden within my pants twitch.
"You think my face is pretty?"
BRAT!!!! What a BRAT!
"Fuck off, don't follow me!" I retorted, allowing the only emotion I recognize to come through. With that, I stormed down the sidewalk. Leaving Loveall behind, my energy drained and tears started to fall down my cheeks. Turning to mist before they can touch my chin.
"Move," I barked at a few people as I rip my keys from my jacket pocket and made towards my car. I hated how much I cried that day.
Sleep. It's the only thing that could possibly make it feel better. I tossed and turned until a crack of lightning jolted me awake. Surveying my room before looking down. I froze.
I was not in my body.
Instead, I was sitting just above it. Panic jolted my soul, was I dead? Standing, I took a few steps. No, I had to be dreaming. Right? I looked outside and watch as the clouds opened up. With a leap, I'm in the sky. What is this? My eyes moved over the world around me.
The beauty. Everything bright against the shimmering skies. Then I saw it! Lines connected the stars, making shapes. A lion shutters and walked forward, alive with stardust sprinkling his face and claws. A pair of round, pink glasses settled over its eyes.
"Are you made of stars?" I said out loud, but my voice was but a squeak. The lion said nothing as it padded past me, flicking its tail as if to beckon me forward.
Towards the city, down some streets, to the museum, it stopped and blinked.
"Why am I here?" I asked.
The lion glances past us, following its gaze, my chest squeezed. Laying in front of the museum, wrapped in old blankets, was Loveall. The creature looked back to me, bowed its head and said, "O Rider, The Basileus will need fire to scorch his bones, to illuminate the pillars of the empire, beneath the height of the moon. O Rider, on holy rock, you stand beside the traveler of suns."
I woke up.