After a full week, they had to return to college, and because the college was far away, they had to train well every day and adhere to strict instructions...
They had to live in the training dormitory at the college, so all the students moved their clothes and some things to the dormitory. There was a floor for boys and a floor for girls... The college dormitory was a little dark and the sun's rays entered it and illuminated the place, but at night they used some candles...
Sensei Yuzuru imposed strict rules on them, so everyone had to adhere to the instructions. By nightfall, as it was their first day staying overnight in the dorm, it was time to sleep. Arata was lying on the bed, and he felt like going to the bathroom, so he went and when he returned... He heard two teachers talking in a low voice. Arata felt curious about what they were talking about, so he came closer to hear their conversation, while he was hiding on the wall while he was hiding. The teacher said while he was talking to his colleague in a low voice so that no one would hear.. "Oh my God, pain You really hear the latest news... The authorities have sold some lands again..." His colleague replied, "What... What a shame... I don't know when we will get rid of this city that takes away rights..." He continued, "I thought it was just rumours." I don't know how long we will live in this farce. This situation will never end well!" Arata begins to realize that the matter concerns the authorities.
Arata heard their sudden words, as these lands belonged to the citizens, they sold the lands so that Miho City would not attack them, so instead of Shinjo City defending its right and fighting, it did something worse..
This is a crime against the country, as Arata joined the military college to be stronger and to be able to reform the country, but what is the benefit if the country is the one that is destroying itself?!
Arata felt a strange and sudden feeling when he heard that. He was feeling frustrated and disappointed. Arata then left before anyone noticed his presence, and went to bed while he was still thinking about what he heard... and he said to himself, "Was what I heard true? ?!... How can this be true?... I can't believe it turns out that the authorities are just cowards!... This is impossible..."
And early in the morning, everyone woke up to train, and while they were training, they were all asked to be present in the square. No one knew the reason, so they headed out wanting to know the matter, and as soon as they arrived, one of the most famous officers in the country came, and the strangest thing was that he brought with him Little did anyone know why she came with him.
That officer was called Carlval Taka. The officer then informed everyone that this girl would be a new trainee at the college. Officer Carlval then asked her to introduce herself. Then she came forward and introduced herself, saying, "I am Chiara Siler... I will be a trainee at the college." She just said this, while she was standing next to the officer, with a sharp and serious facial expression.
Accepting the trainees was difficult, meaning that they were subjected to difficult and arduous tests, and some of the trainees who were at the scene of the battle with Arata, but now they were entering as girls without any testing or training, this was unfair to the trainees, as everyone felt curious towards Kiara, because she was... She entered without any fatigue or trouble. Everyone felt that she was an important girl or that she was the daughter of one of the officers, because Officer Carlval said, "Chiara does not need a test to be accepted...I am honored to present her to you..." Then Chiara came forward and joined the ranks of the soldiers while all eyes were on her. hovering around...