When I realized that I was reincarnated into another world I was not mad I was very happy, after I gathered my thoughts together I looked around at my surroundings I realized that I was in a world of fire and ice it was very cold, and very hot at the same time I was burning and I was freezing.
My eyes finally adjusted to the light and I thought "Wow, this looks like the place where devils go in books it looks like hell".
As I started to move another monster attacked me and then I heard a voice say "Do you want to use gluttony" I assured with a "yes" and a black mist enveloped the fling creature and then I heard that voice say "You have gained the ability to fly and so after that, I looked at my stats:
800 MP
900 Attack
11999 Hp
1992 endurance
999 Dexterity.
Gluttony ability: when you eat a creature weaker than you, gain one of the features when you eat a monster stronger than you, you can gain all of their abilities and their features.
When I looked at my stats again I saw another status window so I clicked on it and it showed me some boxes that looked like I was supposed to put armor there, "oh ya I'm going to have a lot of fun in here" I thought to myself.