While the dev was happy boy pick up one copper coin and trying to figure out what use of it.He try to bite it,taste it and punch it only for it to be nothing.Screen appear agains to show him what the coin could be use.
- Congratulation for collecting your first coin
Coins can be collected once the enemy died coins will appear it can be followed by its level.But if it was mutated the coins will be random.
1-10: Copper coins
11-25: Silver coins and Copper coins
26-???: Gold coins,Silver coins and Copper coins
-This coins is mainly use on buying something for the shopkeeper.Cost of it will be mainly focus which items you buying.
-Example: Heal potion: 10 Copper coins
As the boy saw what the coins could do he saw some coins he didn't yet pick up.After picks up alot of coins boy saw they are 10 copper coins and 5 copper coins.
Boy was happy to get this much of coins for his first battle.
Boy understood what was the use of the coins but still doesn't know where he could buy such a item before.
As he trying to figure out where he could buy any item he started to remember the one guy who gave him the sycthe and the book.As he started to go back another path appear.The boy look back to saw another path appear althought he wanted to go back curiosity take the boy mind to see where it could take him to.
For many minutes,hours or it seem a day it take him to walk inside the path only to see it as a maze.As many hours has pass inside the game it only been 6 minutes on the outside world.As it take him inside the puzzle moving in every path possible only to be a dead end.
In many hours of moving amid all path one glows brightly.After moving in the right path the boy eyes saw one that stand alone. Status seem to call it humanoid bug lvl 142
Boy was in stated of panic to see it as it standing menacingly.Suddenly screen appear to be said
Boy has realized that he could not survive if he try to attack it.in a stated of panic boy took the change to run back into the maze before it could attack.
As the boy run inside the maze the boy look back to see it ran into the maze breaking the law of the game itself.
"Heh changing the boss A.I seem to work!"Dev said with a smile
-mory10 has donated 30
-Don't you think that overkill?
"Of course not!"
"He literally killed a mutated slime that are high level!"
Meanwhile the boy
"Keep running onto every path possible" said the voice
boy was going every path possible and was crying as the bug getting closer and closer until the voice said goes onto the right path fast as he could.
"Congrat u lost the bug and found a new emotion!"
"Sadness" said the voice
Boy was shock and shaking almost turned into stone
For running away for the bug.
Boy make a decision to not go into the maze path as it far more dangerous.For a while boy was trying his best to be stealthy to go back while hiding for the bug.
It took the boy 30 minute to escape the maze.
-mory10 has donated 1 dollar
-wow he escape? Can't imagine how it feel like to ran away while having that human bug chasing you that fast.
While the boy finally escape the maze to go back onto the merchant shop the screen came back which said
-congrat you have lvl up to lvl 5
Boy check his status to see a different on his status
Race:??? Name??? Str: 21 Vit: 19 Dex: 24 Agility: 30
Int: 30 Cha: 36 Luck: 45 Mgc: 1
Hp: 100/100 Mp: 80/80
Skills: Weapon transformation
Boy seem to be happy as he finally got somethink new after he got chase by a bug.
Well didn't expect you to be this far :/