Chereads / A Witch's Legacy / Chapter 24 - Chapter 24

Chapter 24 - Chapter 24

As Seraiya began to slowly open her eyes she began to hear voices around her. "Is she alive?" A boy's voice said. "If she was dead she wouldn't be here," said another male voice sounding slightly more mature. "Shh she's waking up," said a girl.

When Seraiya finally completely opened her eyes she first noticed 3 people leaning over her, a black girl with long black curly hair and honey-colored eyes, who looked to be around 16, a young boy who looked to be around the age of 10 with tan skin along with brown hair and brown eyes, and a man who looked to be around 20 with lighter skin as well as brown hair and brown eyes.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Seraiya asked. "I'm Amani," the girl said helping Seraiya sit up. "This is Brian and Zane" she added. "I'm Seraiya," Seraiya said as Amani leaned her against the wall. As Seraiya looked around she finally realized she was locked in a cell with roughly 10 other people.

"My question still stands on where we are," Seraiya said looking up at Amani. "Honestly…" Amani said looking around in hesitation. "We're at a supernatural trafficking place somewhere in Russia," Amani told her.

"In… Russia" Seraiya said slightly shocked. "Yeah," Amani said. "They plan to sell us," Brian told her. "Brian!" Amani snapped turning to the 20-year-old man behind her. "What if she can't handle this much how do you expect her to survive" Brian shrugged. "We need to get out of here," Seraiya said standing up and walking over to the bars of the cell.

"If only it were that easy," Amani said. Seraiya let out a sigh, before turning back to Amani. "Do any of you have anything to lose?" seraiya asked. What are you talking about?" Brian asked. "If we are able to escape we may quite possibly be hunted by them," she told them. "If we are… who knows what they'll do," she said.

"And how exactly do you, a child expect to get any of us out of here?" Brian asked. "They killed my family," Seraiya said suddenly. "They destroyed my pack" she added as she turned to face them once again.

"I don't intend to let any of them get away with it," she said in a dark tone as her golden eyes gave off a slight glow.

"Alright mutts, wizards, and bats," someone said suddenly walking up to the cell. "The show is about to begin," the man said pulling a remote out of his pocket and pressing the button.

Suddenly seraiya along with everyone else fell to their knees screaming in pain and grabbing the collars around their necks. Seraiya didn't even realize anyone including herself had them until this moment.

"Stand up," the man said looking down at Seraiya. Seraiya only glared up at him as he pressed the button again causing Seraiya, alone to scream in pain.

"Stand up," the man said again and this time seraiya slowly stood up. "Good girl," he said as the cell door opened. "Put the chains on her" he commanded the men behind him.

Doing as he said they quickly walked around him and put the chains on Seraiya. "We can't have a creature so valuable and dangerous with other supernaturals," he said. "Теперь мы можем" (now can we?) he said just staring at her.

Seraiyas continued to give him a look of defiance. A look that practically dared him to hurt her. "Let me ask you a question," Seraiya said suddenly. "How much is one of the only two tribrids in the world worth?" she asked.

He glared at her for a moment before bursting out into laughter. "Far too much," he told her before turning to walk away. "Поставь ее на аукцион" (get her on the auction block) he told his men as he walked away.

The men who still held her chains began to drag her away, out of the cell. They walked her down a long and dark hallway before they suddenly stopped and attached her chains to the floor.

"Tonight we have a premium supernatural" a voice echoed as the men walked away leaving her Alone. "Straight from America and one of the only two in the entire world…" he said giving a moment of suspense. "I bring you the tribrid" he added as curtains in front of her suddenly opened. As the auction began to take bids, Seraiya blinded by the bright lights above her quickly tried to adjust her eyes and focus.

"SOLD FOR 7,000,000" the auctioneer yelled as he banged his hammer off the podium. That was quick. Seraiya thought to herself as she looked down at the chains that held her.

If only she could get free. She thought. If only she could melt the chains. Suddenly the chains began to melt as Seraiyas eyes began to give off a golden blow.

And as the chains continued to melt and Seraiya looked up into the crowd of bidders fire suddenly erupted behind her.

People began to scream as Seraiya became free and the fire quickly spread. As people tried to run for the doors they were stopped by the fire that suddenly appeared in front of them. Others were trampled and severely injured or died upon injuries.

The fire continued to grow larger and larger by the second as Seraiya only continued to stand on the stage and watch as the people screamed. One by one engulfed in the quickly growing fire.

"Stop this you bitch" one of the auctioneers yelled at her as she grabbed her shoulders and shook her. Seraiya looked her in the eyes. And the woman looked back with fear and released her as she took a step back.

"You're a monster," said the woman as she continued to look into Seraiyas cold and lifeless eyes. "A MONSTER!" she yelled as suddenly the fire engulfed her as well.

"I may be a monster" Seraiya suddenly spoke. "But at least I do not take people from their homes and destroy them," she said.