Chereads / A Witch's Legacy / Chapter 14 - Chapter 14

Chapter 14 - Chapter 14

"Stay away from me," Piper said as Serena walked over to her. "Go find some towels" Serena said turning to Amanda "You know you really did put this on yourself Piper" Serena said as she knelt down to Piper's level. "I won't let you kill my babies" piper said as sweat began to pour from her forehead as another contraction came about.

"We don't want to harm your baby's piper" Serena told her with a smile. "We want to raise them," she added. "Your children will become the greatest forces of good the world will ever know, they will bring us into a new age where humans and supernaturals can live together in harmony" Serena explained.

"And we would love it if you joined us in creating that world" Serena added. "I don't know what it is your planning but I know it isn't that easily accomplished," Piper said. "I won't let you take them" she added. Serena let out a sigh as Amanda finally returned with some towels.

"Why must you make things so difficult?" Serena said standing up. "Oh god" Piper said as another contraction hit. "It's time," Serena said, pulling scissors out of her pocket and cutting off her pants and underwear. "Alright Piper, I'm gonna need you to push," Serena told her.

"No," Piper said. "I won't let you take them," she added. "Fine," Serena said. "Don't push," she added. "But now that they're ready to come out the longer you hold them in the better chance of them dying. Do you really want to be responsible for their deaths" Serena told her.

"Serena," Amanda said. "What!" Serena snapped, turning to Amanda. "When do our powers come back, what if it's too late to escape?" Amanda asked. "They should return as soon as the first child is born but may not until after the second" Serena said. "Either way we may have to use our power to escape" she added.

"Ahh," Piper yelled. "Finally ready to push then" Serena Said as she turned back to Piper and kneeled down.

"Ahhh" Piper yelled as she gripped onto the steps. Suddenly it felt as if the world was shaking. "One more push piper" uhhhh" piper tried to hold in the scream as she pushed with all her might. "Wahhh" Piper heard as Serena wrapped the baby in a towel. "It's a girl," Serena said, staring down at it.

"Pit the baby down on the ground carefully and step away from her" Elliot said as he suddenly appeared holding a knife to Amanda's throat. Amelia and Tyler showed up behind him claws out. Some power had returned to the world.

"Ianuae eius" Serena said and Amanda suddenly disappeared. "It's to bad" Serena said turning to piper who was still in active labor. "I really wanted to take bot my niece and nephew today but it seems I'll have to return for him another day" Serena said. "What.." piper said as her eyes went wide and Amelia Elliot and Tyler charged at her. "Until next time my little sister" Serena said with a smile. "Ianuae me" she added. Vanishing as the 3 of them attempted to land a strike on her.

"DAMMIT" Elliot yelled. "NOOOOO" Piper cried. "You have to find them you have... ahhhhh" Piper yelled. "I see a head" Amelia said as she knelt down to piper. "What do we do?" Tyler asked. "Give me a towel," she told Tyler. "Piper, you have to push," Amelia told piper.

"I can't," Piper cried, shaking her head. "You have to piper," Amelia said. "No I have to find her I have to" she cried. "Piper he is coming out NOW I promise we will find her but right now you HAVE to push" Amelia said.

"Ahhhh" piper yelled as she started to push again. She cried. She cried for the daughter that was taken from her. She cried from the pain. From the exhaustion she felt. She cried for daemon who was stabbed in the chest. For her mother and sister who laid unconscious on the floor. She cried for her father who was nowhere to be seen and the wolves who had probably become seriously injured or even died during that battle.

"One more big push," Amelia told piper. "Ahhhh" she yelled as the baby boy came out. Amelia quickly wrapped him in a towel as Piper leaned her head against the steps and let out heavy breaths.

Her eyes became heavy and her vision blurred. "Definitely a boy," Amelia told her. Amelia looked up at piper. "Piper," Amelia said, concerned. "I think she's bleeding too much," Tyler said. "You really shouldn't be looking at your little sister's parts," Amelia said, handing Tyler the baby.

"Does that really matter right now? She's bleeding everywhere and I don't think there's supposed to be that much blood," Tyler said. "Piper, can you hear me?" Elliot said, kneeling on the steps next to her. "Piper, wake up, you have to take up," Elliot said.

"Dammit" daemon's voice suddenly echoed. "Now you're awake," Amelia said. "Ignore him, she needs a hospital," Elliot said. "She won't make it," Amelia said. "So we heal her enough to make it to one" Kyra said suddenly as she and a few other witches entered the pack house. "Alpha Kyra, what are you doing here?" Amelia asked.

"Explanations are for later," Kyra said, kneeling to piper. "Lucky for you I'm great with healing magic" Kyra said before holding her hands over piper. Her hands began to glow a green. "I already have my people healing the injured in your pack" Kyra told Tyler who gave her a nod. "Any enemies left?" Daemon asked. "None alive," Kyra told him.

"I'm surprised you were taken down so easily daemon from what I've heard you're strong" Kyra said looking up at him. "My strength is none of your concern," daemon replied. "It is if I have to kill you too" Kyra retorted. "I still have the special bullets that killed your brother" she added as she finished up healing piper.

"She should wake up soon," Kyra said. "Now we just have to find the missing baby," Kyra added.