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Oops! We're Married

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She's the perfect daughter of the town's pastor. The perfect church girl. She has the perfect fiance. She was going to have the perfect wedding, be the perfect wife and raise perfect children. All is well well with her world. Or so it seems. Until she finds out that the man she married is a total stranger. Society has led her to the altar with a gentleman she thinks she knows. Played for a fool, she's embarrassed, furious, and worse, married to an equally outraged, exasperating stranger who unleashes all manner of emotions in her--not to mention unwanted desire. Reluctantly, Deborah agrees to play the role of a wife until he can sort out the mess. But the undeniably attractive stranger unsettles her well-guarded heart--making her want to do so much more than "act" the role of a blissful bride. . .

Chapter 1 - His Brother's Keeper

The door of his office clicked shut. From his chair behind the huge mahogany desk, Ryan St. John, CEO of Stallion Group, eyed the card he was holding with marked disfavour.

"Impossible!" He muttered, the word heavy with contemptuous disdain laced with an odd reluctance. As the sound of his secretary's retreating footsteps dwindled, his gaze lifted from the card and he grabbed his phone. He dialled his brother's number and his brother's picture popped up. He studied the features of the young man depicted there, the impudent, devil-may-care smile and mischievous grey eyes topped by wind-tousled dark brown hair. How did they look so alike, yet so different? 

A muscle twitched at the corner of Ryan's mouth. He quelled it, his austere, chiselled features hardening into ask of chilly reserve.

The door opened to admit a man, dressed casually in dark blue jeans and brown cashmere sweater. He paused his hand on the knob and raised a brow inquiringly.

"Is there a problem? Is now a good time?"

With the confidence of one sure of his welcome, Jason Howard did not wait for an answer but, shutting the door, strolled towards the desk between the long windows.

Ryan let out an explosive sigh. "Damn it, Jason, this is no laughing matter! I don't know what Royal is up to but if this is another of his tricks and lies, it would be the height of irresponsibility for me to allow him ruin this family name with such scandal. If this is a lie --- which I'm sure it is--- I would kill him this time. I most definitely will!"

Pushing back his chair, Ryan turned to face his friend as he sank into an armchair nearby. "More to the point," he continued, stretching his long legs before him, a somewhat grim smile twisting his lips, "he probably have spent all his money and thinks getting married will unlock his trust funds. He probably thinks he's smart trying to fool me with a fake marriage. I know all his game and antics! If my aunt's hear about this, they would make sure the news is all over social media. They won't miss the opportunity to plan a wedding. I can't let that happen."

"I dare say your aunt's will be delighted to plan a wedding. However, I have no idea what you're talking about."

At that, Ryan's piercing gaze focused on friend's face. "Who else will get me all worked up like this?"

"Oh... Your twin, I presume. But what's this talk about a wedding?"

"I just received his wedding invitation card. I haven't heard from the bastard in over four months, he practically disappeared from the face of the earth. And now he's suddenly getting married. Getting married is the only way for him to get his trust funds and I know him too well. That rogue isn't cut out to be a husband. It's all a ruse and I'll be a fool to not see through it!"

"Oh C'mon! He just may have found the love of his life. Besides, a wedding sounds great. Atleast, your aunt Phyna won't badger you about getting married in another few years as long as your brother brings a wife home.*

"Just who's side are you on, Jason?"

Jason smiled. "Need you ask? But I see no reason why you're all worked up though. Your brother wants to get married, let him. Be it a fake or real marriage, as long as it doesn't directly affect you. He's after his trust funds which he can only access when he gets married. The good thing is your aunts won't be on your neck to take a wife. Easy peasy. Everyone's happy. The end."

Having delivered himself of this eminently sounding piece of advice, Jason sat back and watched his friend digest it. Sunshine shone through the windows at Ryan's back, burnishing the famous chestnut locks cut short in a flattering style. Broad shoulders did justice to his ash-gray suit. There was only one man in the whole of Florida who could effortlessly make Jason Howard feel less than elegant and that man was seated behind the desk, sunk in unaccustomed gloom. 

Both bachelors were bound by many common interests, but in all their endeavours it was Ryan who excelled. A successful CEO, a consummate sportsman and very skilled with the women. 

Seeing Ryan's pensive yet stubborn reaction towards his brother's marriage, Jason stifled a sigh. Few understood how different the brothers were. At 19, their father had died, leaving Ryan and his brother to handle the family's group of companies. Ryan, the older of the twins by seven minutes, much less cynical, much less irresponsible than Royal, would take on the responsibility of the CEO of Stallion Group, while Royal would act as the Chief Operations Officer. 

However, Royal wasn't inclined to keep his own end of the bargain, preferring to continue his life undeterred but the responsibility of running a company, or the bonds of matrimony. 

The silence was broken by a frustrated snort. "Damn you, Royal," Ryan grumbled, his palms balled to fists. "how dare he carry on without a thought for this family's reputation, when Celia may be affected by whatever scandal he may cause. No doubt his would be bride would be someone, just as disreputable."

"C'mon," Jason waved a hand."Royal has more sense than to cause a scandal that would affect Cecilia. He loves her." 

"Are you telling me that I don't love my sister as much?"

"All I'm saying is, cut him some slack."

Ryan's grey gaze transfixed him. "You being such an expert on the matter?"

"Hardly. But, as I recall.... All your recent mistresses have been married, haven't they?"

Jason's bored expression didn't deceive Ryan one bit. Nevertheless, his lips twitched and the frown which had married his strikingly handsome countenance lifted. "Your misogyny defeats you, my friend. The women I bedded are prime reasons for my distrust in the venerable bonds of matrimony. Such women are perfect examples of what I should not wish for in a wife."

"Precisely," agreed Jason. "So atleast you have that much insight." He looked up to discover Jason regarding him intently, a suspicious glint in his silver-grey eyes. 

"Jason, you aren't in any way suggesting something else, are you? You aren't by any chance possessed of an ulterior motive in this matter, right? Because just now, we were talking about my brother and his stupid decision to wed."

Jason looked uncomfortable. "I'm only giving you an advice."

"Perchance, my aunts haven't whispered dire threats to your ear, have they?"

"Damn you, Ryan, get those devilish eyes off me. If you must know, Aunt Phyna did speak to me, but you know she's always inclined to take your side. She merely pointed out that her sisters are were already considering candidates. S a good friend, I'm only trying to bring the matter to your notice."

Ryan grimaced. "Well, since you're such a good friend, you can damn well help me through the rest of it. Who the devil am I supposed to marry?"

The question hung in the air of the library while both men considered the possible answers.

"What about Miranda Blake? She's a successful actress with no scandal to her name and from a respectable family. She's surely pretty enough to tickle your fancy."

Ryan frowned. "Her father is in partnership with A.J group. A.J group has been our rival for almost a decade."

"What about the Frederick sisters? They own vast estates and their mother wouldn't mind partnering with Stallion."

"I should contend with three giggly adult ladies who still behave like teenagers and their whining mother to boot? No, thank you. Think again."

And so it went on and on, through the high ranking families and their unwed daughters.

Eventually, Jason was close to admitting defeat. Sipping the wine Ryan had poured him earlier, he tried a different track. "Perhaps," he said, slanting a somewhat peevish glance at his friend, "given your highly specific requirements, we would do better to clarify just exactly what is it you require in a wife and then try to find a suitable candidate?" 

Savouring the excellent idea, Ryan's eyes narrowed. "What I want in a wife?" He echoed.

For a full minute, there was silence, broken only by the silent tick of the ornate clock. Slowly, Ryan set down his long-stemmed, running his fingers down the figured stem in an unconscious caress. "She must be a virtuous woman, from a decent family, doesn't necessarily have to be from an elite family, smart, presentable and capable of being a St. John without the whole exposure. She would be in the background. She would only be seen with me at important occasions."

Wordlessly, Jason nodded. 

Ryan's gaze dropped to his long fingers, still moving sensuously up and down the glass stem. "And naturally, she would have to provide me with heirs without undue fuss over the matter." His expression hardened. "Any woman who expects me to make a cake over her will hardly suit."

Jason had no doubts about that.

After a moment's consideration, Ryan quietly added, "Furthermore, She must remain at St. John Manor caring for our future kids unless I specifically ask for her presence in Florida. That's where I grew up, I expect my future kids to grow up in a good environment, away from the press."

St. John Manor was the family seat, a sprawling mansion in Willamette Valley, Oregon. Living in that huge house, away from civilisation would definitely stretch the patience of the most reserved ladies.

At that cold declaration, Jason blinked. "But... don't you think that's a tad bit brutal?"

"My mother lived there with us as kids before she passed away. It is a perfect arrangement."

"You mean to incarcerate her at the manor? While you have all the fun in town?" When Ryan merely nodded, Jason felt moved to protest. "Really, Ryan! A mite cruel, surely?"

Ryan smiled, a slow, predatory smile that did not reach his eyes. "You forget, Jason, that we both have experience of the bored wives of the elites in town. Whatever else, be rest assured that my wife will never join their ranks."

"Ah." Faced with such statement, Jason had nothing else to say but to retreat. "So what else do you require in your bride?"

Leaning back in his chair, Ryan crossed his ankles. "She would have to be educated and smart ofcourse."

"Given what you have to offer, that should hardly pose a problem." Jason drained his glass. "Something else you haven't mentioned, she shouldn't be dim-witted. You never could bear fools lightly so you had better add that to your list."

"Ofcourse, if she's to avoid being strangled the morning after we are we'd, my prospective bride would do well to have more with than the common girl." After a moment's pause, he mused, "You know, I rather wonder if this paragon--my prospective bride--exists in this world."

Jason pursed his lips. "Your requirements are a mite stringent, but I'm sure, somewhere, there must be a woman who will fill your position."

"Now, we've come to the difficult part. Where?"

Jason wracked his brain for an answer. "I'm suddenly reminded of the young miss Ashbourne your aunt Penelope pushed under your nose the last time she was in town. She should be a lot older by now. 24? 25? Is she married now?"

"Heaven forbid!" Ryan exclaimed. "She was too scared of me and shivered like a wet mouse whenever I spoke to her."

The clock ticked on. Finally, frowning direfully, Jason flung up a hand. "Hell! what brought about this discussion in the first place? What's your plan for Royal's wedding? He sent you an invitation. Aren't you going to grace your brother's wedding?"

His gaze abstracted, his mind turning over his problem, Ryan's long fingers deserted his empty glass to idly play with the invitation card, designed in gold cursive letters. It was even scented. The bastard got some style, he mused. He wondered where he got the money to print such expensive invitation cards. Royal spent all his money on gambling, drugs and women. The last time he came back, the bastard stole his Lexus LS 500h, probably to sell it, raise money only to lose it again in gambling. 

He knew he shouldn't interfere with his brother's way of life, but he had a family name and legacy to uphold. But first he must think of Leigh-Anne and her future. Once his sister was well and safely married, Ryan promised himself, Royal would be cut loose, free to misbehave—and suffer—in any way he liked.

But until then, he was Royal's keeper. Ryan leaned his head back against his chair and said a quick prayer that Royal wouldn't get into any more trouble.

"I'll go to the wedding. I'll go see what pranks he has up his sleeves this time. He's probably getting married to some actress or model who just wants money. Don't you think?"

With no real idea, Jason kept mum. He didn't like getting involved in the brothers feud.