A hard kick landed on a young boy's cheek , knocking him down with a thud . The person who executed the kick looked at his fallen opponent and winced through his teeth. Too much force , he thought .
The two people were two teenage boys , who had similar red hair and freckled faces . But the one on the floor had more deeper red hair than the one who had kicked him , whose hair was a lighter shade .
The two boys were in a medium sized room , with no windows and only a single door behind the fallen boy . The walls were patted down with noise cancelling material , meaning with the door closed , no one could hear anything the boys did. Which was the intended purpose .
" You kicked ... to hard . " The boy on the floor said getting up and the other boy sighed .
" Maybe but in real life zombies would never kick you. They'd just go for the jugular and that's it , you're dead Lesley . " He said with a smirk but Lesley just rolled his eyes .
" I haven't seen or heard of a zombie that kicks you know , so I doubt this training would help . But the jugular thing makes sense. Teach me how to protect myself against that. " He said .
" What's the magic word ? " The other boy said and Lesley rolled his eyes again.
" Please super brother Liam . " Lesley said with sarcasm dripping like honey . But the other boy smiled regardless and entered a fighting stance as Lesley wiped the spittle off his cheek .
The two boys were cousins , not brothers , their fathers had been brothers . Lesley had lived with his family in another neighbouring city and Liam with his father and stepmother had stayed in the city they were in . All of the family were presently dead , killed by zombies . They were the only family they had left and that's why Lesley raised his hand and got into fighting stance too .
He wouldn't be a loser . He knew the price of weakness .
When the apocalypse started ,most humans faught back and for a while it seemed as if they would win . But the undead had alot more advantages that humans did not . They never tired ,never grew hungry and never really died ,unless a human cut off their head .
The humans eventually became overrun by the horrible monsters and then the slaughter began . In every city , town , village and hamlet , the zombies charged like a hellish horde , killing every human in their path .
The human government tried to destroy the areas with zombies , but it was futile . More zombies appeared everyday , dead bodies rose from the ground and joined the zombies . This meant an endless army for the monsters and so some government members decided to save their most important and powerful people .
Everyone else was on their own .
So the killing continued , people dying and becoming zombies or just not coming back . How is it possible some did not come back to life ? Because ,not everyone the zombies attacked was left in one piece . Most times the body would be wholly devoured , leaving nothing . That is what happened to Liam and Lesley's parents .
They both remembered how it was like , watching their loved ones die infront of their eyes ... atleast Lesley did . When the zombies attacked his family , they had been trying to get onto an escape train , that was taking people to a safe city with little zombie infections .
Just as he boarded , a wave of zombies rushed into the crowd , ripping and killing anyone . Lesley's mother was torn in two when three zombies tried pulling her apart . He'd been on the train , watching them , watching her as she screamed and screamed .
The horror of it was etched into Lesley's brain forever . But that was not the worst death he saw , his grandmother had tried to run towards the train and he'd yelled for the train to wait , to give her time . But no one listened and the train had shut all its doors , to prevent zombies from coming in .
His grandmother had still ran , knowing it was futile but still desperate to flee from the monsters around her . She'd made it to the window where Lesley was and begged him to tell the train to stop . But he couldn't and so she'd been jumped on by five zombies , who tore her insides open as Lesley watched .
Blood had spread everywhere , fountains of dead bodies streamed and gushed out the crimson liquid in gallons . The people on the train , feeling guilty and sad looked away and weeped but deep down they were happy . Deep down , where their hearts were ,one thought was ringing out loud and clear ; I am relieved it was them and not me .
But instead of looking away like most of the people , Lesley watched all of it . He watched the zombies as they gutted on his grandmother , as they chewed off chunks of his mother . Not that everyone was looking away , some children were also inside the train crying and some women were wailing with grief .
But Lesley didn't cry . He just watched . He stood by the window for a long time even after it moved and left the station , going to the safe city . It was at the safe city , that he met his cousin , covered in blood and holding a grubby sign with the words ' Woodsman ' on it .
Lesley had walked up to him and they had both looked at each other with no words passed . Then Liam had taken Lesley's bags and they'd gone into the safe city , where they lived together for four years , safe and sound .
But now , the safe city wasn't safe anymore .
" I've got you ! " Lesley yelled as he delivered an uppercut but Liam saw it coming and dodged it .
He lifted a knee , grabbing Lesley and using his strength , shot it into the side of his stomach . The other boy felt the pain but didn't stop , he swung a punch and then two more . The first Liam dodged but the other two hit him in the face and he felt his nose bleed .
" Nosebleed ? Not bad . You are getting better . " Liam said wiping the blood off with a cloth from his pocket , " You do have a problem of telling your opponent what you're going to do next . Stop that . "
" Zombies don't understand speech . Even if I said each move before doing it , they would not understand . " Lesley said breathlessly and then he fell to his knees feeling exhausted .
" Are you tired ? Not ready for another round ? " Liam asked him proudly as he was still standing and barely breathing hard .
" No . I am tired . And my chest is acting up again . " Lesley said touching his chest where a small prick of pain was resonating .
" Do you want to go see Doc Clock ? " Liam asked and Lesley made a face .
" No , I don't . That guy is crazy . With his crystal balls and knifes . " He said and got up .
" He's the best doctor in alot of squads . " Liam reminded him , " Most other squads don't even get a doctor but we did . Be grateful . "
About a year ago , the zombies increased in the safe city and the government decided to create a group of attackers and defenders to safeguard the people . This organisation became known as Deadpool , consisting of any youths of fighting age who wanted to protect the people in the city .
When Lesley had heard about it , he signed both their names up , much to Liam's annoyance . But , too late and what was done was done . They recieved acceptance letters to the same squad and also a monthly pension . The pension made Liam happy since they barely made any money by themselves .
After that , they went to a special base in the CBD area called D.Q - Deadpool Headquarters . There , they received food , clothing and training for the battles to come . But Lesley found out one problem . He was too young to go out on excursions , only seventeen and Liam , who was eighteen years old could go .
This year though , Lesley could finally go out and fight against the monsters . He'd been training hard for this and he was happy , something that rarely happened .
What was there to be happy about ? Liam thought .
" Are you sure you don't want to stay and train ? This excursions we are going on next week is a food search and those are dangerous ." Liam said but Lesley didn't even answer him , making the other boy sigh .
" Do you remember how they died ? Your parents ? " Lesley asked him as he leaned against the wall .
" What ? "
" Do you remember ? "
" No , I didn't see it. Only found mom on the floor with blood all over her . I had hidden in the cupboard ... like she told me to ." Liam said with sigh . He hated telling how he'd hidden away whilst his step-mother was torn open . It was pathetic .
" I'm going to kill as many of them as I can ." Lesley said resolutely , " I'll do it . "
" Suite yourself . I'm going to get water , do you need anything ? " Lesley said as he went to the door .
" Water , two bottles . " Lesley said and Liam nodded before leaving .
Lesley sat back down after he left and closed his eyes . Images of his family's deaths played in his mind and he clenched his fist . He'd kill them , he didn't care if they were already dead , he'd kill every and any zombie that got in his sight .