'I hate you I will destroy the clan was the finished it is my work 'without that word is swing is sword destroying everything in coming in front of him he didn't care with it was a child a woman an elderly or anybody just saying destroying The clan has he was not able to capture it has he was not able to be the greatest he was not able to be get what you wanted he wanted to destroy everything has he could not get it at the end here is the palace where his most painful memories the palace of the divine Kingdom all bullies the tortures the embracement the betrayal from the one whom he thought is for him protecting him you want to finish everything won't like a storm inside the palace killing every words everything coming front of him he just wanted to finish Kingdom has it only tortured him he just wanted to learn but instead he was depressed was pressed down to ground living him to be only a villain but you was not ready for an alliance made by all Prince and princesses of the palace to kill him the queen the King all were there to kill him he was in the middle of the trap made by them no one there to protect they all captured him with the powers with a chain the captured him but what maricale is jute in front of everyone with a shield protecting him from everyone so and the eye of him and started in chanting bring out the flower of time flowee of healing and the flower of dimension all together make the time travel warm where he would be transferred to the time where he have to start again he was pulled by the dimension created by the enchantment of the flowers he was confused what's going on and by opening eyes you founded himself back to the time when he was preparing himself to join the royal academy of the divine Kingdom.....