Chereads / CoTE: Light Yagami in The Classroom of The Elite / Chapter 38 - Chapter 38 - Day 1 Conclusion

Chapter 38 - Chapter 38 - Day 1 Conclusion


You know the jig powerstones comments reviews etc. I appreciate all of them but anyways enjoy.


"Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration." ~Frank Herbert

It was a boring game, but I never planned on losing. I'll admit I was hoping to see something more from Katsuragi, even if I knew it wasn't possible. Still, what he showed me was impressive in its own way. He was just unlucky I was his opponent.

Koenji left after the conclusion of the game. I guess it's my turn.

"Well, Katsuragi, we'll talk later. This probably isn't the best time for friendly conversation after all," I said, walking towards the room exit.

Before leaving, I added, "Don't think too much. It isn't good. Just act."

With those words, I left the game room. Ryuk floated to my side with a satisfied grin on his face as I went to collect my belongings.


The silence in the lounge was deafening.

It made sense. Initially, dozens of students sided with Light Yagami in this competition. Still, his acting was so convincing, and the situation was so intense that he managed to trick not only Katsuragi but also over 100 minds in the lounge.

Over the next couple of days, no matter what situation Yagami found himself in, one thing was for sure: now that the entire school year had seen him in action, no one would feel confident counting him out.

It was a sentiment that had existed before, but to a much lesser degree.

"Ichinose… is your class prepared to challenge Yagami yet?" Horikita asked softly, still looking at the television.

"Haha… No, I can't say we are, especially after that game…" Ichinose responded.

All the classes and high rollers had decided to watch Yagami's and Katsuragi's game before challenging them to a game the next day. After all, one was a respected figure in the school and had been accepted directly into the student council by the president himself, and the other was the leader of Class A, the class that dominated all others in terms of class points.

"I will be challenging Yagami next, then," Horikita responded, getting looks from those around her.

The regular students looked at Horikita like she was crazy, while Ichinose and Kanzaki looked at her with more interest.

"Did that game between Yagami and Katsuragi help you figure something out, Horikita?" Ichinose asked, full of curiosity.

Horikita slowly nodded her head in response, looking around before continuing, "I… well, what I say shouldn't have much of an impact on my plans. When we were reviewing your Class B's plans to beat Yagami, I think you were on the right track, adopting the mindset that no one can beat Yagami in his own game, even if he hands you every advantage like in the game we just saw."

Ichinose's eyes widened, understanding what Horikita was implying. "I see; you don't plan on giving him any chance to prepare, do you?" Ichinose whispered. "What you're planning is risky, though."

Horikita shook her head. "High risk, high rewards. I'll take the chance," she responded, getting a gaze from Ayanokoji.

"Tsk, you really don't learn your lesson, do you, Horikita? You just lost to me today, and you're already suiting up to take another defeat at Yagami's hands. You're very charitable with your class points," Ryuen said with a confident grin.

As if on cue, Yagami finally entered the lounge.


"Don't be like that, Ryuen. She seems confident, so she must have something in mind. No need to put her down like that," I said as I walked into the lounge.

As students began to notice me, I received some cheers, mainly from those in my class, while many others simply looked at me with intrigue.

"So, Horikita, do you have something to say to me?" I asked.

After a moment's hesitation, Horikita responded, "I challenge you to a high-stakes game for tomorrow."

"I see. Do you have any ideas for the conditions or setups of our game, or should I offer some instead?" I asked in response to her challenge.

"No. I won't agree to any game terms you propose, and I also won't be proposing any, meaning we will be forced to play whatever game the school selects or comes up with at the time of our game," Horikita explained.

Her words took me slightly by surprise, as they did the rest of the people in the lounge. It seems she is hoping to make our game a "true gamble." It was an interesting plan from her. I thought her pride would be above such a thing, but it seems she must really have a desire to defeat me at any cost, even if it was a cheap move. Maybe it's because of the defeats she's already taken at my hand or because of my connection to her brother. Well, it doesn't matter.

"I see. Well then, what time will we be doing this?" I asked Horikita.

She seemed surprised by my response. "I didn't expect you to accept so easily."

"Well, it's not really like I have much of a say if you are set on doing this, Horikita. Plus, I'm not the type of person who would complain if put in a difficult scenario. I simply do what's required of me. Anyways, we will need to report this to staff, so let's hurry and do that."

It was off-putting not only for Horikita but for everyone else in the lounge how easily I accepted Horikita's ultimatum. I guess I am just that confident in my victory over her.


"Looks like you two lost," Sakagami said, flagging the bartender down for another drink as his cup was getting dry.

"Don't act so confident. Admit it, you were worried there for a moment yourself, weren't you?" Mashima asked.

"It's just a testament to how much better my students are than yours. My worry was justified. Katsuragi definitely should have been favored statistically in this confrontation, but my student didn't care about that for even a second."

"Yeah, don't be a sore loser, Mashima. But let's focus on what really matters—free drinks!" Hoshinomiya said, flagging down the bartender.

Chabashira finally spoke, "Sakagami, tell me the truth… who's the real leader of your class? Is it Kakeru Ryuen or Light Yagami?"

Sakagami, Mashima, and Hoshinomiya were all surprised by Chabashira's question. She was usually reserved and focused solely on her class, but now she seemed to have taken an interest in another class and its students.

Even though both Mashima and Hoshinomiya understood Chabashira's question was inappropriate, given they were all aiming to get their class to graduate from Class A, they couldn't help but be curious about Sakagami's answer. After taking a sip from his newly served whiskey, he spoke, "That's a good question. Honestly, I'm not quite sure myself. I wouldn't say either one of their influences over the class is false if that's what you're insinuating. Ryuen has gained his control over the class through some 'aggressive' means, and Class C sees him as a leader. But Yagami has gained the trust of the class, and many students would probably revolt against Ryuen at his word. Whether that revolt would be a success is a whole different question, but it doesn't bother me since, from what I've seen, Ryuen and Yagami coexist quite seamlessly. It's been a pleasant surprise."

Mashima nodded. "I see, quite interesting. Yes, you're lucky you don't have to deal with a situation like the one in Class A, where the class is split between two different factions fighting for power."

Hoshinomiya responded next, "Yes, it's quite rare to get even one person as capable as those two in your class, Sakagami. Although it seems overall the quality of the rest of your class could be better."

"Yes, I'll admit, in terms of depth, Class C is lacking. But honestly, I prefer my class's situation over yours, Hoshinomiya. You have depth, but I don't see much potential in Class B's leader."

Hoshinomiya just looked sadly at her drink at Sakagami's words. Her thoughts on Class B were likely similar.

"You say that, Sakagami, but without Ryuen, couldn't your Class C become very similar to Class B, no, even worse given your lack of depth? In terms of capabilities, Yagami is certainly up there, but personality-wise, I don't see him as very different from Ichinose," Mashima said.

Chabashira interrupted, "No, you likely haven't conversed with them much, but those two are very different. You're overlooking one thing, Mashima. Even without seeing the difference in how Ichinose and Yagami think, you can tell they are different by how Yagami allows Ryuen to operate however he wants in Class C despite obviously having the power and ability to stop him. This could be due to his naivete, but I doubt that's the case, especially after what happened between him and Katsuragi just now. He unapologetically demolished him, and following that, he berated him for his flaws. No, I'm sure Yagami understands Ryuen is a necessary evil in Class C, the same way I'm sure Ryuen has come to acknowledge Yagami as an integral piece to the class."

Sakagami ignored Chabashira's analysis and took another sip from his drink. It was too early to come to any solid conclusion on how the minds of those two students of his worked, especially Yagami's. At least Ryuen's philosophy of violence, on which he based his actions, was simple to understand, even if he was obviously more than just a simple musclehead. Yagami was more difficult to comprehend. He seems to have many goals, but the manner in which he takes action to achieve them seems overly convoluted. There was probably a reason as to why Yagami overcomplicated his actions, but it was impossible for Sakagami to know that reason.


"Finally, that game is done with," I said, walking down the hall of the cruise ship after making my game against Horikita official.

"Was it really that much of an annoyance for you?" Ryuk asked.

Looking around for cameras and only seeing one a good distance behind me, I whispered softly, "Well, yeah. It's like going to the theater to watch a movie you've already seen. I already knew how my game against Katsuragi was going to go."

Ryuk nodded. "I was curious, though; you made it look like you were struggling on purpose, right? I mean, that wasn't necessary, was it especially to the degree you exaggerated?"

"Well, in a way, it helped with deceiving Katsuragi. But the main reason I did it wasn't for Katsuragi if that's what you're getting at. It was for the camera, of course."

Ryuk looked at me with interest.

"Think about it. Playing someone who seamlessly came back from an unwinnable situation is demoralizing, and everyone today saw it. While they're playing me, where do you think their mind will go every time they put me in a tough spot, every time they see me struggling?" I asked Ryuk.

"I see; it's a mental trick. Every time anyone thinks they have an advantage over you, they won't be able to help but doubt themselves. After all, the last or only other time they've seen you like that, you did something seemingly impossible."

"Yes, that's all there really is to it, Ryuk. I've put a picture in their mind that they won't forget any time soon. When put in mental situations like that, people begin to doubt themselves. The obvious answers to their questions become clouded. After all, they've seen me perform a miracle. What's to say I can't do it again? Like Katsuragi, whoever I play against can have every advantage over me. Still, because they are playing against me, Light Yagami, in their mind, they may already be anticipating their defeat."

"Hehehe, that's evil, Light. You were already looked on highly by everyone in the school, but it seems even that wasn't enough for you."

I simply smiled at Ryuk's words as I entered my room.

"Anyways, what's the plan now?" Ryuk asked.

"Hmmm, well, I will probably have my meeting with Katsuragi tomorrow, and then after that, I'll quickly defeat Horikita."

"Oh, are you that confident your game against her will be a short one?"

"You could say that. I'd be surprised if our game even lasted 10 minutes."

Day 1

Katsuragi v. Yagami - 0-1

Horikita v. Ryuen - 0-1

Kanzaki v. Kushida - Draw

Morishita v. Ichinose - Draw

Class A: -50 Class points

Class C: +100 Class points

Class B: 0 Class points

Class D: -50 Class points

Low stake games point total: ?


Let me know your thoughts on everything, we will be back to the action soon although I don't think this chapter was boring even if it was "action packed" but I love to hear opinions.