
Myrniel Ranking:

-0 stars (Dormant)

-1 to 3 stars (Awakened)

-4 to 7 stars (Master)

-8 to 10 stars (Grandmaster)

-11 to 12 stars (Saint)



Every star level is divided into four stages:

- Low

- Mid

- High

- Peak

The higher your star level, the harder it will be to rank up.

Rank of beasts in Myrniel range from E to S rank:

- E-D rank beasts: Dormant-Awakened stage

- D-C rank beasts: Awakened - Master Stage

- B-A rank beasts: Master - Grandmaster Stage

- S-????: Saint - ???? 

A King predator beast can take on multiple beasts of its own rank with ease and can even fight with a normal beast of a rank higher unless one who is an A ranked beast.

In the demon world, instead of star levels, they gave noble titles to demons in a specific order:

- Peak 7-star level: A Baron-ranked demon

- Peak 8-star level: A Viscount-ranked demon

- Peak 9-star level: A Count-ranked demon

- Peak 10-star level: A Marquess-ranked demon

- Low 11-star level: A Duke-ranked demon

- Low 12-star level: A Royal-ranked demon



[WARNING: Spoilers ahead from Chapter 90 and onwards.]

Ranking of the creatures that come from the void.

-Voidspawn: The lowest rank of creatures within the void, Voidspawn are twisted and malformed entities, barely sentient and driven purely by instinct.

-Netherbeast: Netherbeasts are predatory creatures that lurk in the shadows of the void, preying upon anything unfortunate enough to cross their path. While still primitive in intelligence compared to higher beings, Netherbeasts demonstrate a level of cunning and coordination not seen in Voidspawn.

-Dreadnaught: Dreadnaughts are massive and formidable beings, towering over lesser creatures within the void. While possessing a rudimentary intelligence, they are still relatively primitive in their thinking, relying more on brute strength and instinct than cunning. However, they exhibit a higher level of strategic thinking compared to Netherbeasts and Voidspawn.

-Abyssal: Abyssals are ancient and inscrutable entities that dwell within the deepest recesses of the void. Their true forms are obscured by darkness, and their motives are shrouded in mystery. They wield immense power, capable of creating lesser armies that they can control.

-Nihilith: Nihiliths possess intelligence rivaling that of humans and other races. They are embodiments of annihilation and are relentless and unstoppable forces within the void. Their presence heralds the impending doom of all who oppose them. They have been recorded only once in lost history.

-Devourer: The highest rank of creatures within the void, Devourers are ancient and malevolent beings that exist beyond mortal comprehension. They are the ultimate predators of the void. Nothing is known about them.

Each void creature progresses through four stages within its rank:

-Primordial: Basic entities devoid of unique abilities.

-Great: Larger and more formidable than Primordials.

-Defiled: Possessing distinct and powerful abilities.

-Apocalyptic: Capable of altering its environment.