Chereads / Dual levelling: I level up with my clones / Chapter 6 - First time using my clone(2)

Chapter 6 - First time using my clone(2)

A few minutes later, the famous constructor in Korea, Woosung, arrived at the reception with his own personal guards. Two guards, exactly.

He immediately reached out and shook Lee Seung's hand, telling him it's nice meeting him.

On the other hand, Lee Seung hoped something could teleport him away from that place.

"You already have guards. May I ask why you still need my service?" Lee Seung asked, feeling his throat in his mouth. He couldn't even talk like that to his mates, but had to muster up his courage since his safety seemed to be at stake.

The man, who appeared to be in his fifty's, smiled slightly. He said, "Let's just go, Mr...."


The five of them got into a black Jeep, speeding out of the industry.

Lee Seung had no idea where they were going to, why the man and his receptionist were withholding information from him, and why he was still there when there were stronger men guarding the man.

Time went on. The car was silent, until the driver pulled over as a gunshot was heard.

'A gunshot?!' Lee Seung panicked, peeping at the front.

Infront were five masked men each holding an AK-47!


One of the men shot the car, the window shattering into pieces.

"What the hell is happening now?! You didn't tell me about this, old man!" Lee Seung cried, hiding behind the driver's seat.

"Go now and do your work. You are resistant to bullet afterall."

"Says who?! I don't have that kind of ability!" Lee Seung yelled.

At the moment, he saw his clone jumping to the front seat, kicking the driver out of the car. The car jolted back to life and sped towards the assailants.

Two of them were hit by it, while the other three got out of the way.

With swift movement, the clone landed a punch on two of those who weren't hit, bringing them down one after the other.

Before the third could cock his gun, his head was smashed on the bonnet, and lost consciousness.

"You see that? Your friend saved us," the man told Lee Seung.

He was clearly dazzled by his clone's ability to both drive and fight. The men were clearly strong, still his clone defeated them. What in the world is the ability he has?

Lee Seung didn't say anything and got out of the vehicle. The CEO followed.

"Aigoo, those jerks. This is my fourth car they have damaged," the man said, putting his hands in his pockets. He smiled as he looked at the men, "Thanks for saving me, this means a lot. There's no reason why I should have told you beforehand; it's the fate of metahumans to walk the most perilous path."

Lee Seung gritted his teeth and fumed hard but he didn't show it. Then the man told him he wired him his pay.


His phone vibrated for notification. Upon checking, his eyes widened. He swallowed hard, his hands shaking.

[Amount: 1,400,000 won]

"I gave you a tip because of your friend. See you next week."

"Yes, Mr. Woosung," Lee Seung said lightly and left with his clone.

"Aigoo, that youngster yelled at me. Who does he think he is?"the man groaned, smashing his hand on the bonnet.

One of his guards approached him, "What should we do about him?"

"Leave him be for now. I will give him a proper teaching very soon," he said, dusting his coat. On looking at his front, he saw the guard still there, staring unnecessarily. He hit his head, "Are we going to lurk here, silly punk? Place a call to the industry and get another car for me! This one also needs to be repaired."

"Okay, sir."

* * *

As Lee Seung and his clone returned to his apartment, he noticed milky white light emanating from the clone's body.

"Why are you losing your form, clone?!" He shouted.