Chereads / Dual levelling: I level up with my clones / Chapter 3 - Cloning Activated

Chapter 3 - Cloning Activated

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"I guess my hope was too high. My energy level isn't even up to four," Lee Seung mumbled as he got out of the awakening company. His result showed that he lacked precision, and the most surprising part was his energy level.

Few moments ago with the result analyst.

'The awakening program is open for you at any time. Come give it a try again after improving yourself. Most especially,' the lady pointed her pen at Lee Seung sarcastically, 'work on increasing your energy level. The statement is true that it's four for normal humans; however, it's below four for the weakest of the human race.'

Even remembering her statement, Lee Seung didn't feel bad. He had his own plans before coming for the test.

He thought, 'I am more obsessed with academics than anything else, so it's natural I am not strong. I will just become a farmer or whatever in the nearest future; I don't even have enough to sponsor my education further.'

Someone walked by his side, and Lee Seung saw one of the men he mistakenly took for an Awakened earlier offer a business card to the person.

"Our Guild is looking for people gifted like you. Come join us; we provide the best percentage on every hunt."

The Guild manger told the young man who immediately clutched the card. Lee Seung walked forward and peered at the young man's wrist; he was wearing a malachite ring that displayed two words on it.

'Ghost Cloning,' Lee Seung read in his mind. 'When I checked my result earlier, the analyst told me I was a semi-awakened because I lack enough stream of energy to unlock an ability. What's the ability she said I was supposed to unlock again? Hum....oh, it's cloning.'

'With this guy awakening ghost cloning, I don't understand the difference between it and mine. Do they differ?' Lee Seung rubbed his chin as he made his way to the side of the road to catch a cab.

He didn't expect any of the managers to approach him since he wasn't given a ring like others.



Few moments later, Lee Seung got out of the taxi at his neighbourhood junction.

'Hoof....' He pant lightly on walking for few seconds.

He believed that the stress he felt was normal since the road had an irregular slope. However, a healthy person won't have been stressed over a little sloppy area.

Lee Seung got to his apartment and unlocked the door. He lied flatly on the white sofa, deciding to take a nap.

"Today's unfortunate. I will have some ramen to cheer myself up." He cut the nap and headed to the kitchen.


The walls trembled, materials rattled, and the floor quivered beneath his feet.

Dust drifted from the ceiling, filling the air with a faint, musty scent.




"What's that?!"

It seemed like something massive dropped from the sky and made his house tremble.

"I am beginning to feel scared again. Why's today the most unfortunate day of my life?"

He hastily opened the door and went downstairs immediately. He would have called Mr. Song for help but his shop was a bit distant from his house.

And if he left the house to call him, a thief might break into his house.

"I can't risk the possibility of theft, even if the monitor is the only valuable thing I have. It's all I have got from my parents after all," he mumbled.

Lee Seung picked up a small metal rod to use for self-defense as he limped towards the backyard.

"Who's there??"

He attempted to smash whoever was at the backyard with the rod, but his hand hung in mid air. He lowered his 'weapon', dumbfounded to find nothing there.

"So I was worried for n-" he paused on sighting a brown material around flowers. The last time he checked, he only planted redcurrants at his backyard. He moved closer to it, and hoping nothing was dangerous, he dug his hand into the flowers and...

"An iron box? How did this get here? Was it intentionally dropped?" he soliloquized. "I am unsure whether this is harmful to the neighborhood."

Lee Seung took the iron box inside, not minding whether he was subjected to danger or not. He placed it on the floor, then went to the kitchen and brought out a knife. For some reason, he wanted to take a look at what was inside. Maybe some rare materials?

"Seeing that it's encrypted with some codes, there's only one way to open it." He sat on the floor and stroke the box's lock.


"Why won't this thing open?!" Lee Seung shouted at the top of his voice.

He put the knife away and went to FAST BITE — he asked Mr. Song to give him a bottle of sulphuric acid.

"What do you need an acid for?"

", okay, I for it. How much for it?"

Mr. Song hit his arm, yelling, "You little brat, I have told you countless times to stop acting shy infront of me too. Is this your way of telling me I am not a family?"

Lee Seung couldn't say anything and rubbed his neck instead.

"I don't save stuffs like that for sale. Help yourself with any quantity you would like to use," Mr. Song said and saw three people enter his shop. He left Seung to his business anyways.

Back in his apartment, Seung opened the acid bottle.

He smiled, "Now, let's put my chemistry knowledge to practice."

He poured the acid onto the box, but no change was visible. His mouth agape, he stared at the box, the same as before.

"Nothing changed with concentrated acid?" he asked loudly.

Lee Seung then picked up the knife again and delivered a hard strike to the center of the lock. It was still the same as before. He got so overwhelmed that he was distracted and began to strike it consequently.

Then, suddenly, the cover of the box opened violently, and for no apparent reason, Lee Seung was sent flying around.

"Ahhh!" he shouted as he hit his head on the wall and landed directly on the white sofa.

His head scrammed, and pain surged through him. He didn't believe he could move his body anymore at that moment. The box then swirled with milky white light.

Lee Seung was starting to lose his consciousness but he saw the box. It was illuminating strange lights and even was suspended in the air.

" that thing?" He sighed loudly, his eyes closing, "Argh."

However, before he lost consciousness completely, he could have sworn he saw a screen directly before his eyes.

[Energy transmission completed.]

[Cloning activated.]