Chereads / Bride of the beta devil / Chapter 4 - All hope is lost

Chapter 4 - All hope is lost

Episode 4

All hope is lost.

"..she took it all." Elora's lips quacked, "She took everything."

As they returned home from the shop, they came to find Elora's room in shambles; Candice had completely ransacked the place, and now both she and the money were missing.

"How could she?" She put her hand over her mouth, not knowing what else to do with herself.

"Maybe…" Damien turned around and took to his heels. "Maybe I can still find her!"

Tears began to stream down her face as he left; her legs gave way, and she fell to her knees. She cried bitterly, wondering where she had gone wrong. All she ever gave her daughter was love, and yet...

"I'll find her, I'll find her, I'll find her!" Damien chanted in his mind as he raced to the streets of the town

He checked all her usual spots, but she wasn't at any; they had been gone from the house for a few hours, so he had a feeling she had already skipped town, but he didn't want to believe it; if he did, that would mean all their hard work… their sacrifices would be flushed down the drain.

"Shit." His fist tightened as he hit a dead end; no one in the town had seen her all afternoon; she was long gone. "No..." He lowered his head as the pub owner closed his door on him.

He turned around and slowly started walking back home , his feet felt heavier and heavier as he approached the house, it was all over, the weeks of torture, sleepless nights and empty stomach, it was all for nothing their sacrifices were stolen so easily

"Ma…" He bit his lower lip in sadness as he came to find his mother on her knees, crying silently, her body shook violently as she did, she had been that way since the last 3 hours he left

He walked over to her, not knowing what to do; he got down to her height and wrapped his arms around her tightly. He knew nothing he had to say would make her feel any better, so they just knelt there in silence as she cried throughout the night.

3 days later

"This is hardly enough." He looked at the coins in his pouch.

The very day after their money went missing, Damien got to work, selling everything of his that he could. Today was the day the gang people were supposed to come take their money, and so far he had 300 silver out of 4000.

"Damn it," he sat on a bench. "Damn it all...."

The only option they had left was the sell the house, the only thing her dear Alfie had left behind, his legacy , he didn't know what was going through Elora's mind but that would be the only thing that could get them off the hook

"I have to talk to her." He walked down the path to his home; it was one of the classiest-looking homes in the village; it would sell for a good price, maybe even help them pay off their debt, rent a smaller house, and get another shop; they had to sell their old one; if she just agreed, they could get back on their feet.

He took a deep breath as the gate creaked open; he closed it behind him and climbed up the stairs. He reached for the doorknob, then stopped; he didn't know what he'd say to her, but he knew he needed to try. He twisted the doorknob and opened the door.

"Ma, we need to talk...." His eyes searched around the room, but she wasn't there. Then he heard a small splash, like something was dripping from the roof. The liquid below was dark, almost like "Ma!" he screamed as his eyes hit the silhouette of his mother hanging from a beam with a rope around her neck.

He rushed into action, slamming the door behind him; he got a chair and managed to pull her down; her body was cold and stiff...she was dead.

"Ma! Ma!" His voice croaked as he tried to get her conscious. "Ma, please," he shook as her lifeless body remained still in his arms; his heart was racing, and he had no idea what to do. "No... Ma would kill herself… She wouldn't."

He realized that her whole back was covered in blood; she was stabbed, she was stabbed and hanged; that had to be it; his mother wouldn't just commit suicide; she had so much to live for.

"So where's the money?" A voice echoed. It was very faint, but he heard it.

Suddenly a piercing pain went through his head; he clutched his head, covering his eyes in the process. It felt like a nail was being driven into his head. He only ever felt this pain once in a while.

"So where's our money, old lady!" the voice got deeper, louder , it was like the person was standing right in front of him

He slowly raised his eyes from his palm, staring directly at the group of people that were suddenly in his house; only they couldn't see him. What he was looking at was a memory, Elora's memories.

"Please give us some time," she begged. "The money got stolen...we had saved up almost enough, I swear!"

"Swearing isn't going to get you anywhere, lady. After two whole months, we come to find you empty."

"I…I'm sorry." She lowered her head.

"Well, we have to take something!" One of the members whined.

"Search the house." another bellowed, and they set out unto different parts.

"well darling" The fat man got uncomfortably close to her face. "If we can't find any valuables, we'll have to take human collateral." His eyes caught sight of her chain. "Nice rings you have there; they'll catch a good price in the market."

"these are not for sale" She clutched her necklace. "Please, give us more time; we'll find something."

"Tick-tock," he scoffed. "Time is up; if you have nothing to give us, then we'll take your son as payment."

She slowly looked up to face him; all of a sudden, her eyes didn't look so scared anymore. "...What?"

"Ho, ho, I've got you mad. Well, too bad; you don't have the right to be mad." He grabbed her arm roughly. "He'll fetch a good price on the market; people really like green eyes."

"Let me go!" She spat at him and bit his arm.

He threw her to the floor to tend to his arm; she scrambled off the floor and rushed to the kitchen, grabbing a knife to protect herself.

"Stay away from me and my son!" she screamed frantically, pointing the knife at him.

"Whoa, little missus," he raised his hands up. "Careful where you're pointing that thing," he mocked. "Wouldn't want to get someone hurt now."

Suddenly there was a loud sound, and she froze.

"Are you okay, boss?" Another guy's voice echoed behind her; he was holding a gun; he had shot her.

The knife fell from her hand as her body followed almost immediately to the floor; they both watched and did nothing as she bled out on the floor.