My sovereign, I await beneath your throne,
Longing to stand beside you, to atone.
O King, your lineage lies oppressed,
Soon, the chains that bind will be undressed.
Strength surges like an endless wave,
You rule with might, firm and brave.
Though our connection may seem weak,
At your peak, my presence you will inevitably seek.
Whispers echo, a sequel of nightmare scenes,
In the realm where life and death convene.
'A poem...'
As Darwin meditates by a campfire bathed in purple flames, confusion grips him as he reflects on the messages from his soul. Without all the pieces, the puzzle remains unsolved.
Attempting to return to meditation after drifting away, the elusive sounds evade him, leaving Darwin with more questions than answers. Mies De Beur had foreseen this and shared his own encounters with Darwin.Before delving further, Mies De Beur sought to know what Darwin had gleaned from his soul. Darwin recounted his revelations telepathically, knowing Mies De Beur's proficiency in telepathy.
Mies De Beur was astonished by what he understood.
"The more ambiguous the poem, the more fruitful the evolution for that Hollow." Stroking his chin where hair follicles once were, Mies quietly contemplated this revelation."Hollows are embodiments of chaotic emotions. It could be deep and dark yearning for attention, vengeance born from utterly despair, and more." As Mies pointed towards Darwin's opaque heart, he continued, "You harbor chaotic emotions within you, Gillian, or should I say True Gillian."
Other Adjuchas, attentive to Mies's words, reacted with gasps and interjections. "Unbelievable," Muscles exclaimed.
"You're saying Darwin embodies evolution to point of adaptability?" Owl Adjucha questioned.
"There are murals about this. The True line was originated from a powerful being that existed 3000 years ago." Ronny interjects, remembering the foundations from his experience.
Wisdom was seldom sought after. Darwin was by no means not one of them.
Listening to Ronny's, Owl Adjucha's and Mies' words felt like a mystery was being unravelled.
'True Gillian... I guess it makes sense considering my unique appearance.' Darwin inwardly acknowledged.
Mies followed up with a probing question, "What do you desire?" Although seemingly straightforward, this question held deeper ambiguity.
Without hesitation, Darwin responded within his mind, 'I yearn to understand more about my existence.'
"Hey old man, what did he say?" Scorpion Adjucha eagerly inquired.
"I want to know too!" Others chimed in, intensifying the encampment's atmosphere with solemnity and tension.
Amidst the silence, Mies murmured, "He desires knowledge of his existence."
With a sudden shift in expression, Ronny's face turned somber. He said hinted with meaning, "Our existences are like broken glass that is unable to contain our desires. No matter how much we pour into them, the broken crevices will cause it to leak."
Mies pondered Ronny's words thoughtfully.
"Meaning is hard to find when our existence is synonymous to a broken being controlled by chaotic desires."
Turning back to Darwin, he remarked, "You are close to achieving the impossible, controlling and containing the desires within your body. Evolving to Adjucha will make controlling much more simpler as it requires mental fortitude and more stabled consciousness. it's the Gillian state that's the most challenging when obscured by distorted desires as you are clouded by the thousands. Your progress sets you apart from all other Gillians, including us during our earlier evolutions."
Quietly contemplating the profound exchange, Darwin mused, 'So that's it.'
Hueco Mundo was a home for these broken beings, Hollows. They cannot exist in tandem with other beings like Soul Reapers, Quincies and Humans due to their innate nature. However, Darwin was perceived as a Hollow who could obtain such stability. He wasn't a broken glass, he was a malleable iron which he could cast and bend to his will.
His eyes slowly closes to look deeper into his soul.
Darwin was currently at the cusp of evolution. The curtains was slowly lifted up, unravelling its essence. A mystery was no longer a mystery. He saw what could be described as evolution. He saw a tree with many branches, branches which extends to twigs. But what truly fascinated him at this moment was that this tree looked like life, the veins was an answer to that.
His eyes was going through many scenarios. It was like a new high he was experiencing for the first time. His mind was wondering into new life. He could see himself as the base of this tree.
Outside his inner domain, the gang including Mies was witnessing the birth of a truly beautiful existence, an existence they wished was theirs. They were in awe, some were even envious at his evolution.
While most were stunned, Mies was quiet, silent the entire time. His hands were clasped together behind his back gazing upon this bright light.
'Finally! Just wait a little longer…' Mies thought, grinning to the spectacle.
The figure was gradually floating towards the sky, their body wrapped by interwoven Reishi particles. These Reishi particles became something recognisable, silk. It was like a cocoon, an evolution for a moth.
The massive cocoon shell in the sky was slowly peeled off. Then a burst of light shot forth sending each shell hurdling outwards like a massive shockwave.
Darwin then gracefully fell, planting his newly formed feet to the sand.
His figure now stood lean and muscular, his upper face started to mold a twin horned semi mask situated on top of his head and neon green eyes to accentuate his confidence and dominance.
Standing two metres tall, he still maintained an incredible physique. At eased, he slowly inhales and exhales the surrounding Reiatsu.
Everybody within his vicinity could instinctively feel that he was on another level.
The first to comment on his new appearance was none other than Mies.
"Wonderful. Darwin, you have achieved a great transformation."
Just before anyone could chime in, a swift but powerful punch aimed towards Darwin's right cheek.
Its force ripples across the air, cutting through it like a razor edge.
Darwin locks his vision on the incoming blow, then, he moved his head a little to the right dodging it with ease.
Everyone who saw Scorpion Adjucha was confused. They gaze upon the crazy they were witnessing.
Bitting her nails, Scorpion Adjucha said with shivering teeth, "I can't help it myself. You get what I mean?!" Her face contorted displaying her disgustingly wide and cheeky grin.
"Sonido." With immense speed, her scorpion tail whips towards Darwin's figure in attempt to knock him backwards.
To retaliate, Darwin parries the tail swiftly with the back of his left hand—deflecting with considerable force.
Her tail collides with the sand causing a massive dip to form.
"I could feel that you are adapting at an alarming rate."
She begins to coil her tail around her body, leaving her telson pointed outwards before spining—creating a monstrous and air repelling hurricane.
With quickness, the hurricane locks on to Darwin as it inevitably charges without mercy.
"Filatura Dance."
Darwin begins producing his green miasma, surrounding himself with it. With faster and more thorough control over his abilities, he shapes his mist with heightened capabilities.
Shaping the mist, he hurls it upwards forming a drill shape.
The small, concentrated drill became increasingly more dense, dense enough to be called a solid.
A soft exhale escaped from his purple lips, he called this new move,
"Delver Trapano."
The drill gyrates, creating a rotational force. It's power sucks in the Reishi nearby making it the more deadly.
The spectator observed with a mixture of excitement and anticipation.
"Delina is truly going all out on this one." Mies quietly mutters, thinking the entire time.
'I wonder how this attack will fare against her dance.'
Ronny, Muscles and Owl Adjucha stood next to Mies, while crossing their arms. They were unfazed to the updraft of wind brushing across their skin.