After he had his meal, Kevin was accompanied by one of the maids to his father's private study. He didn't know why his father would summon him. But the one thing that bothered him was the fact that he couldn't remember who Cedric's father looked like.
'I can't believe that I would be meeting with the villain's father as soon as I woke up in the body of Cedric. Although I feel kinda weird, but I can't be frightened or tremble in fear. '
Although he felt fear in that moment, he couldn't let it overcome him. He has to find a way to not loose to the fear within himself.
'My "father", who is he in the story? From the way things are going, I can say that he is probably a background character in the novel. But who is he? You know, I never heard that the villain had a father before...'
"My lord, we have arrived at your father's private study." A Maid said to Cedric, as they stopped in front of a pair of massive doors.
"Then knock. What are you waiting for?"
When he opened his mouth to speak, those words just came out all of a sudden. He was left in utter shock after hearing what he had said.
The maid opened the door feeling frightened and shaking. They both entered into the room, and as Kevin entered the room he saw an intimidating looking man sitting at the table looking through a bunch of paperwork.
'Oh man, this guy is my father? He looks intimidating... but I never heard that Cedric had a father throughout the entirety of the story. '
Kevin thought to himself as he faced off with the father of the villain of his favorite web novel. That excite him.
There was nothing he could do than to make the best of his situation. And besides, it could be a strange dream or something.
The man didn't acknowledge the presence of his son or the maid who had accompanied him, he just focused on his paperwork that he was signing and going through.
"Ah, you have come, Cedric. Please have a seat, I will be with you in a moment." The man said in a stern but quiet voice to Kevin.
He instantly sat down at the table and the maid bowed and exited the room. Now it was only Cedric and his father remaining in the study.
Although it was already daytime, in his father's study was still dark. The only light source was the window.
"Why did you call me to your private study, father? It's a rare sight that you would let any and everyone into your office. So, what is the problem?"
Without wasting any time, all of a sudden the words just came out. It was just like earlier with the maid.
The man turned his attention from the mountain of paperwork and looked at Kevin, from the way he looked it may seem like he's angry at him, but that's not true.
He stared at him in shock and disbelief. But he knew that he had to say something.
"Ah, well, you see Cedric I wanted to have a discussion with you about the future of the family's domain. You know, since you are my only son."
"The future of the family's domain, huh...?"
Kevin was clearly in disbelief at the reason why his father called him in his private office for. That circumstances was really difficult.
"You see, I am getting old and soon will be stepping down from ruling the family territory, and everything will be pass down to you. " The man continues in a soft calming voice.
"And I want you to be prepared when the time comes. And that is why I want you to learn as much as possible about the domain's history."
Kevin was standing there and still kept quiet as his father continued to talk. He didn't know how to continue the conversation with his father.
All that he did was nod to everything he and his father agreed with each other.
"You want to teach me how to rule the territory? But I'm only 16, though.." Kevin object to his father.
"It doesn't matter. There are much younger people who took the position of rulership in this kingdom, so there's no problem." His father interjected.
"But they ended up being manipulated by some big shot official." Kevin said to his father.
The conversation continued going back and forth between them, none of them didn't come to a conclusion. Kevin himself didn't understand why his father was pushing a role he wasn't ready for unto him.
"I think you should consider the offer while you start your new term at the Royal Academy. You have until when you complete your studies." Kevin father suggested to him.
He just nodded in response to his father, knowing that he has some time to actually think it over.
"You can go now. I will continue with my paperwork."
Before he left the private study of his father, he turned around to ask a question.
"One more thing before I go. I woke up next to a woman who was sleeping in my bed, do you have any clue how she is?" Kevin asked about the strange woman who he woke up next to.
The man stared at him with some confusion showing on his face. He couldn't believe how strangely his son was acting.
"What are you talking about? That woman is your fiancée. I can clearly remember you requesting her to come visit you last night ." He exclaimed, while showing some annoyance.
'So that means that she is my fiancée...? I can't believe that Cedric even has a fiancée! In the novel it didn't specifically stated that he had a partner. '
Kevin left the private study and is accompanied by the maids to the library of the Miller family. He had planned to do some quick research on the family and the world, beyond what he read from the novel online.
The Miller family domain is one of the most wealthiest domains in the kingdom of Summerville. It has been ruled by the Miller household for many generations, since the formation of the kingdom 5,00 years ago.
The current ruler, George Miller is a talented strategist who claimed victory in various wars during and before he began his rule.
Out of all people who ruled the domain in the past, he is the strongest and most capable to rule.
His mother Caroline Miller is from a fairly lower ranking Noble house, she was an Adventurer before she married into the Miller family.
He also have two older sisters who don't spend their time home.
He's from a real aristocratic family...
'I am really from a powerful aristocratic family... and I can't afford to lose anything!'