I woke up but for some reason I couldn't open my eyes. I felt that I was in a warm place, it feels like an embrace from a mother.
'Oh I never want to leave, this is so comfortable.'
I then fell into a deep slumber while hearing a 'DING'.
4 Months later...
I suddenly woke up, I felt that I was being pulled out from my safe zone. I heard noises and as my skin made contact with the air it felt horrible. As they kept pulling on me it became unbearable. I felt my head pop out and heard people talking.
"The head is out milady, please keep pushing. You're doing a great job!"
I heard another woman wailing in pain and then angrily spoke.
"Where the hell is my husband!"
Speak and he shall appear. As soon as he was mentioned I heard some doors bust open. Then I heard muttering of pushing. The pain far more excruciating than I thought possible as I was pulled all the way out and then I was lifted upside down. After that it was all a blur as I wailed feeling my butt smacked. I began to feel drowsy from that ordeal.
"It's a boy Your Majesties!"
I was handed over to someone after I was swaddled.
"He has your eyes dear."
'Who is this?'
I looked up and saw a breathtaking woman staring at me. She had bright blue eyes and platinum hair. She gave me a gentle smile and then I motioned for her finger. She smiled as I held her and then I saw a man come into view. He had dirty blonde hair and gold colored eyes. Both of them had fair skin and they look like a couple from a magazine.
'What's a magazine?'
After I saw them I begin to pass out once again.
After that day I was in a regular routine of eat, crap, and sleep. When I was fed I had no aversion to my mom's breasts. I mean come on, that would mean I'm a pervert for my mom and that I am not. I also made it my mission to be more vocal and to try and move more so that I can become mobile sooner rather than later.
A couple of months after I was born I finally picked up on the language and learned my name, it's Kayde Wyldhardt. Apparently my family is royalty. Though I have no clue if my dad is a king or not. Also I've finally started to crawl. Needless to say my parents were definitely surprised.When my parents try to get me to crawl to them I go to my mom and I enjoy seeing my upset father and smug mother. My first word was "Manma", my mother cried tears of joy hearing me. It's been a very fun time so far.
For the next few months I've made it my job to learn what I can. I want my parents to be proud of me as a son.
6 Years later ...
Now as I am a few years older and close to my birthday I've been studying relentlessly. I've proven that I'm smarter than kids years older than me. I've made sure to do what I can to please my parents.
Enough of my studies, I've been anxiously waiting for my birthday to arrive. On my birthday it is when I will have my awakening.
If you don't know what an awakening is it's a Gift of the gods and it's when a child's potential gets quantified in numbers and labeled. It shows what path they are destined for and how far they can go. It doesn't matter if you are a commoner or a royal, everyone can awaken. The gods have decreed everyone from all walks of life are to be granted this gift. Now I'm not going to lie, ones bloodline can make a difference in talent and potential as well as their limit on how far one could go. There are exceptions to every rule though, if one is granted a blessing from any one god or goddess then they can soar further than most have thought possible. Now being a child of royalty I'm expected to be exceptional. Many noble houses are just waiting to have a reason to undermine my family.
"Young master, it's time to go and eat lunch with your family."
I looked to my right and saw a cute girl. She has Aubern hair and eyes the color of the purest Emerald one could find. Just from her appearance alone once could deduce that she would be a beauty in the future. Her name is Liliana, she is my personal maid that my parents assigned to me and the Third daughter of a Viscount. She is just 2 years older than me and I know the reason why I have a maid so young given to me. My mother hopes that we may grow close and marry in the future.
"Hello Lily, I'm just about done with this book anyway. Let's go and not keep them waiting."
She hasn't told me anything related to her awakening. She just tells me it's a secret. It's ok, I'll find out soon anyway. As we keep walking to the dining room I can feel her staring at me. I smile and as we arrive I open the doors. I noticed that father isn't here and I begin to feel saddened but as he's become the new king due to the my grandfather being put into a coma I can't feel upset. I smile at my mother and sit next to her at the table.
"Is father busy again today?"
She gave me a smile and slightly patted my head.
"He got called to a meeting of delegates two minutes before you got here."
After understanding the reason I started to feel a bit better. Then there was a knock on the doors before they were opened and then the food was being brought in. I had a great time chatting with my mother as we ate. After we were done my mother asked me a question before we headed to the garden.
"Are you ready for tomorrow?"
I nodded yes and then as we headed to the garden my mother spoke again.
"You'll love the garden when you see it. Your great-great-great grandfather visited allies off to the east and after visiting their royal gardens asked for someone who could do the same for us."
She smiled at me and I couldn't help but anticipate what it could look like. Then we reached two massive doors and as they were opened I forgot how to breath for one second. The ground was sand but there were circular patterns drawn into it around the many trees and rocks that dot the beautiful landscape. Off further into the distance you could see rocks imitating a mountain covered in grasses and various wild flowers.in from was a large pond with Lily pads and in the middle was a wooden platform with a gazebo suspended above with a small bridge connected from our entrance to it. As we walked through I could see small frogs of various colors and fish running through the pond. As we arrived at the gazebo I saw a butler and a maid waiting for us with freshly brewed tea. As we sat down I had Lily sit with us and we all chatted losing a sense of time as we enjoyed the relaxing atmosphere.
After we were done relaxing outside we headed back inside for dinner and thankfully my father was there this time.
"Kayde, I am sorry I wasn't with you and your mother for lunch. Come and see me after dinner in my office ok?" I nodded my head yes and began to enjoy the food in front of me. Then my mother made a statement.
"Kayde, when you go to the academy Liliana won't go as your attendant. She will also participate as a student, but that is a few years down the line."
I looked at her and saw a smirk. I know the reason why but I'm not going to state the obvious. After dinner I went to my father's office and knocked on the door.
I walked up to him and sat in a chair. He pulled out a box and gave it to me. I opened it and I saw a potion lightly glowing of various colors as if it's a rainbow trapped inside.
"What is it father?"
"It's an elixir, it draws out the innate potential of a person that most otherwise fail to even gain as they awaken."
"Can someone use it after they awakened?"
"I know why you are asking, but are you sure son? Are you sure you want to give it to Liliana?"
I smiled at my dad knowing that I'll be fine without the potion.
"It's fine dad, but I also read recently that all of humanity has various bloodlines. What is ours?"
He smiles at me after hearing me and then takes a deep breath.
"Our bloodline comes from dragons. It's usually different for what one you get as you awaken but every royal has a dragonic bloodline. Mine is a Light dragon. You'll find out yours soon and I can already tell you will blow everyone's expectations out the water."
I smiled and gave him a hug before I walked off to go take a bath and then hit the hay. As I lay there slowly losing consciousness I begin to smile at the possibilities.