Tyler woke up on a day as normal he stood up and walked into his kitchen to make him self a sandwich,as he sudenly remberd that the new game world of lost souls is coming out today at 10am.So he looked on his watch too see its alredy 9am he was calm and said its nothing i still have time he thougt to him self and proceded to make him self a sandwich eat it.Then brush his teaht and take a hard dump in the toilet after that he sat on his bed and pulld out his vr gaming Headset he bouhgt for this game a weak ago he then layed down and put the helmet on to get into the charkter creation menu there where a few set and changebal options
Gender male(set)
Hair black(not set)
Heigt 189 cm(set)
Eye coler blue(not set)
Starting stat distribution
10 phys 10agi
10wisd 3 free points
After contemplating for a while he chose to leave his aperenc the same and used all stats on phys after that was done it was time to spin for his inate talent he remberd that the categories of those where common ,uncommon ,rare ,super, rare epic, orange and legndery
He presed the spin butten infront of him whit his finger and the lotery began to spin and stopt on a talent named the end
Name The end
Rarety ???
Effects 1you will automatycliy get the hidden class walking Apocalypse (type growht can evolve trouhg finding the eye of ???)
2you can use the inate skill end of times one time a day level 1(end of times emvelops the sowrd in the aura of the end and ignores any law/rule of realty to hit its target dealin 1000x
Atack dameg
3grants a anti curse effect level1(only small curses)
After Reading his talent tyler was flabergastet but as suddenly as this happend he felt like a chain in his head was breaking and remberd some vage things about this game like it comming into realty after only 3 mohnts but after that it felt like somthing was not alowing him to rember but he just brusched it aside aince he thougt that he just was a bit to focused on the game so he imagind stuff and was lost in his own fantesys
He was so focused on contemplating about the inate talent he got that he forgot time and soon relized that the game had alredy started as he found him self getting telported too the mewbie villige
Standing there he found the game facenaiting as he calld up staus
and a blue game like screen apered infront of him
Tyler haylen
Class walking Apocalypse (+3stat points per level and extra skill point +class skills)
Phys 13
Agi 10
Wisd 10
Inate talent the end
Skills end of times
Equipment newbie set