Chereads / The Primordial Seraphim / Chapter 4 - Reunions (Part I)

Chapter 4 - Reunions (Part I)

After two hours distancing from the palace, the princess and the stranger stopped in a small inn and rented a room. The innkeeper, a short man at his late thirties, seemed to not care about the stranger's appearance.

Considering the smell of alcohol coming from him, he was probably drunk and didn't notice his guests' appearances, and he gave the key after taking some time looking for it.

"Room 103." he said with a hoarse voice.

"Go ahead while I deal with something." The stranger passed along the key to her.

The princess agreed with a nod and walked to the room, followed by the noise of the wooden planks creaking as she stepped on them.

The room was very simple, with a single small and worn-out bed, a dusty table next to the door, and a window that couldn't close properly.

'Is this... the correct bedroom? In fact, is this even considered a bedroom?'

At the palace, her bedroom was almost of the same size of a small house. It was well maintained and full of furniture, the complete opposite of what she was looking at now. It was almost as if a minimalist had built it.

After looking the room for some seconds, the princess inserted the key in the door and turned it twice, locking and then unlocking it.

'This is indeed the correct place. How is someone able to sleep here?'

"What are you doing?"

A voice startled Luna, who turned rapidly to see the stranger looking at her.

"How long were you here?" the princess asked.

"I've just got here."

"You scared me! I didn't even hear you."

The man entered the bedroom followed by the princess.

She had to lock the door since it refused to stay closed.

"Now, I assume you have questions."

The stranger's deep voice was still intimidating, but Luna got used to it and lost the apprehension she felt after meeting him.

Now that both were standing still, the princess was able to look properly at him.

Under the mantle, his clothing had long and dark cloth strips that hid his body, including his face. He almost looked as if he was bandaged.

Bellow these strips, he wore long clothes with a dark red color. He was very muscular, and his skin was as dark as his clothing.

"Yes. Firstly, what's your name?"

"Aegreon." the man answered after a brief pause.


Luna remained silent for some seconds, asking herself if she had already heard that name before.

"What do you want from me?"

"I just want to take you to the Angels' world."

When she heard that, the princess couldn't hold her surprise.

"What?! Why?! It's too dangerous, and you don't even know me! Why would you do that for me?"

The eyes of the princess looked at the stranger with concern and innocence, a glare that could melt anyone's heart.

"I just want to do this. There isn't a big reason. If you go to the Angels' world, you will be able to live peacefully."

"But my objective is not to go to the Angels' world, I just want to protect my people. I want to talk with Ardos and make him understand that I'm different from who he thinks I am!" she said as her feelings, which she kept hidden and locked in years, came out all at once.

After that, the princess remained silent for some time, with her eyes glaring at the ground.

"I just want to be part of this world and live a normal life…" she sadly said in a quiet voice, while keeping her hand on her brooch.

"The Council showed they are not willing to speak. If you want to live, and still protect Fordurn, you will have to go to the Angels' world and live the rest of your days there."


Luna was visibly hesitant. Freedom was something she didn't know, and now, suddenly, a stranger appeared out of nowhere offering her all freedom possible.

She was feeling lost. She was like an animal born in captivity and growing up in a prison for years. And then, suddenly, she was set free, but, since the cage was everything she knew, she feared the outside world and preferred to remain locked up. She never thought of the possibility to somehow be free and still live.

"But how are we going to do this? The portal is too far away from here, and anyone who see me will report us to the Council. You are strong, but you can't deal with the Vigil, let alone the Council."

"That's why we're departing this night to the Scorched Mountain. Their King has a debt with me, so he will help us to reach the Astrum Lux."

"What about Ardos' threats? Even if I disappear, the Vigil will come thinking that I would be hiding in Fordurn."

"The Council has eyes and ears around the whole world. Right now, the information that I captured you is being sent to Ardos, so he'll focus on finding you and will leave Fordurn in peace."

Luna remained silent for some time, while she looked at Aegreon with conflicted eyes.

"This sounds great, but... your life will be in danger if you do this. I don't want you to lose your life because of me…" She couldn't help but feel guilty.

"This won't happen."

"I'm sorry, I really appreciate your help, but I can't accept this. Everything will be solved if I simply surrender."

Aegreon looked at her for some time.

"I'm doing this because I want. If I help you, this will benefit you and your people, and nobody will be hurt. I hope you don't refuse my will."

The princess silently stared Aegreon for a long time while deciding what to do.

The words from that man couldn't be retorted, after all, she couldn't refuse help from someone who was so eager to do so.

A small smile appeared on her, and Luna gazed at Aegreon with grateful eyes.

"Thank you..." Her voice was full of gratitude.

Aegreon didn't say anything but nodded in response.

"Your food is here..." the innkeeper said from the other side of the door after knocking.

Aegreon stood up and opened the door. The innkeeper left a wooden tray with two dishes on the ground and didn't even bother to wait for someone to come and pick it up.

Aegreon picked the dishes and entered the room, closing the door and, right after, placing the food on the dusty table.

"I'm sorry, but I don't eat anything of animal origin. If I knew you would order food, I would have told you earlier." Luna said.

"I know, there's nothing of animal origin here."

The princess approached and looked at the food, noticing it was a simple vegetable soup. The broth was watery and not much nutritious, and the vegetables had an old and withered aspect.

Luna picked up one of the soups and started eating. After the first spoonful she barely felt the food's taste, proving it was poorly prepared.

Furthermore, the soup was completely cold, making it a difficult meal to eat, especially for Luna, who was used to eat exquisite food.

However, she ate without complaining, because she knew that many couldn't pay for that food, so she didn't want to be disrespectful with those people.

As to Aegreon, he ate his soup quickly and, after finishing it, he walked to the door.

"There are some things I must do now. I will come back during nighttime to take us to the Scorched Mountain. Be prepared."

Aegreon left, leaving Luna alone in the room while she slowly ate her meal.




A couple of hours passed since Aegreon left. The princess opened the room's window and observed the streets, noticing it had almost no one walking around, probably because of what happened at the palace earlier.

Despite that, even though it was deserted, watching it brought some comfort to her, she was seeing a part of the kingdom in a whole new perspective.

Luna was leaning over the window. Her glare was fixated into the street, but she looked at somewhere faraway.

Her mind was drifting, and a distant female voice echoed inside her.

Here you are, are you hurt?

Thank Kura! Not even a single scratch.

But you must be hungry, right? Here, I will feed you.


A sudden scream pulled Luna out from her daydreaming. When she looked to the street, she saw Raymond, her bodyguard. She was so deep on her trance she didn't notice him.


"Your Highness, quick! We must return before someone find you."

"Raymond, I won't return to the palace, I'm leaving Fordurn."

"Your Highness, I don't know what that kidnapper said, but the palace is the most secure place. Even if war really comes, Fordurn will fight to protect you!"

"Raymond, I… Wait a second."

Luna left the window, walked quickly to the entrance, and exited the inn to talk properly.

"Your Highness, we must go now." Raymond said in the moment she came out.

"Raymond, I will leave Fordurn."

"But, Your Highness, in the palace-"

"The soldiers won't put their lives in danger to protect me, you know that. They will do the exact opposite when the Vigil arrive. I must leave..."

"Your Highness, your father will be worried… It's too risky."

"I know, that's why I'm happy you came." Luna held Raymond's hand. "Now I'm able to say goodbye to you and entrust you to say my last words to my father." She tried to sound strong while looking into Raymond's eyes.

"Your Highness, we... we can definitely do something! The palace resisted the Angels before, so it can protect you from the Vigil."

He knew well she was right, however, as her bodyguard, he wouldn't allow her to be in danger. He had already failed once, and he would do everything to not fail again. That's what he wished, but he couldn't think of a way to save her.

"Raymond, that man destroyed a part of the wall with just a punch, and I'm sure he limited his strength! Imagine what the Vigil will be able to do."

"Nevertheless, if Your Highness stay, higher are your chances of surviving instead of leaving the kingdom."

"I don't have another choice otherwise follow Aegreon's plan. That way, you, my father, and the people won't have to lose their lives." Despite her smile, she said that with a silent and shaky voice, in addition to keeping her gaze down.

"Aegreon?" Raymond's expression became serious when he heard that name.

"I know you are suspecting him, but-"

In the middle of her phrase, a civilian accidentally bumped into Luna and interrupted her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, miss. I wasn't paying attention."

"It's a-alright." She hid her face by keeping her head down.

The pedestrian kept walking, leaving both alone.

Luna looked to Raymond, and noticed he was on alert and with his hand on his sword the whole time.

"Don't worry, he was just a civilian." the princess said.

"I guess- Your Highness, your brooch!"

The princess looked to her clothes and noticed her brooch was gone.

"What? How?"

"That man stole it!" Raymond turned and started to chase the pedestrian immediately, since he knew how important that brooch was to Luna.

However, the thief was already running, he noticed quickly his theft was perceived.


Luna also started to chase the man with despair taking over her heart. She ran the fastest she could, but she was lagging since she wasn't trained like her bodyguard.

Raymond was trying to reach the man which, in normal cases, should've happened already. However, that man was very fast, which showed he was used to this and had to run numerous times in the past.


The thief knew well the area and tried to mislead Raymond inside the labyrinth of narrow streets. The bodyguard was distancing more and more from him, and soon he would lose that man.

The thief was close to reach a crowded street, which would make impossible to find him.

However, suddenly, the ground he was stepping on suddenly froze, leading him to slip and fall.

He tried to stand up, but that only made him slip more and fall over and over.

Raymond and Luna eventually arrived and watched the almost comical scene of him falling multiple times.

"What do we do now?" the princess asked.

"Wait here, Your Highness." Raymond prepared to step on the ice.

His plan was to cover his feet with Thunder Magic and break the thin layer of ice as he walked. That was a technique between the beginner and intermediate level, so it required some training at the Magic Arts to be able to replicate that technique.

However, before he did anything, a man appeared from the other side, walking calmly over the frozen ground. He approached slowly the thief who still was trying to stand up.

This man was dressing a long brown mantle that covered his body, except for his face that was extremely beautiful and with gentle features. His eyes were blue like ice, almost like a reflection of the sky. His hair was dark, with medium length, and covered partially the ears. He had no beard, which added to his delicate beauty. He had light skin, and his height was similar to Raymond's.

The man approached calmly the thief who, at that point, had already given up on running. While he walked, he carried a serene and neutral expression.

Despite his clothing, his stance, and the way he behaved, told he was not a simple person.

When he reached the thief, he grabbed him by the collar with only one hand and lifted him in the air.

"Give the brooch back, please." His voice, like his appearance, was elegant and soothing, but, at the same time, profound.


"Thank you. You can go now." In the moment he said that, the ice melted and he released the thief.

"However... if I meet you again and discover you've been stealing innocent people, I won't let you go without a punishment, understood?"

"Ye-Yes sir!" the thief stuttered, stood up and ran away even faster.

After the thief left the place, the man walked into the direction of Luna and Raymond.