Chereads / Ecliptican / Chapter 1 - Prologue


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Chapter 1 - Prologue

The world watched in awe as aliens called Eclipticans arrived. They had been isolated from the world for the past decade and were now being released to live on Earth, not as aliens, but as people of the Earth and the first Eclipticans. Hello and welcome to the Abc News. My name is Linda. Our story today is about The Eclipticans. We are now seeing the Eclipticans, Here they are arriving "Follow me let's get closer". Today the world will be seeing the Eclipticans for the first time. As the bus carrying the Eclipticans arrived, the world saw them for the first time. They looked just like humans with no visible differences, except for the handcuffs on their hands. Police officers with guns were waiting for them as they stepped out, and the people around started protesting, calling them aliens and throwing things at them. However, an old man called Solanor who was the Sethrali-Leader of the Eclipticans spoke in his language Zephyria, "Solanor e scivonca ethral-I am Solanor and I come from Eclipticis and I understand. Te non cupis nos hic-You do not want us here. intellocompremo sed non cupis illud-And I understand that, but I don't want that. upio vos omnes et populus meus ad habitare in pace venimus ab alio loco quam vos omnes-I want you all and my people to live in peace together. Pleraque de populus meus extinctus sunt-Most of my people have been extinct. et hoc omnis reliqua est de nobis-And this is all that's left of us. Populus meus fecit nullum mala-My people have done no wrongs. nos modo cupio ut tractentur iusto-We just want to be treated fair. Volo ut populus meus ad habitare in vita non habui- All I want is my people to live a life I didn't have. et volo ut crescere ut firmiter-And I want them to grow to be strong. Legi volumen de hoc homo appellatus Martin Luther King Junior-I read book's about this man called Martin Luther King Junior. et populus eius semel tractatis sicut istud-And his people were once treated like this. Et omnis transmutati est propter eum-And all changed because of him. et intellocompremo quod ego et is alius species neque sunt ipsi-And I understand that me and him are different species. Et volo mutare et sua verba erant-but I don't want to be treated differently than any of you. and his words were. ego habeo somnium ut meus quattuor parvus filii aliquando habitabit in natione ubi non erunt iudicati per color eorum pelle sed per sua virtus-I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by their character. Et volo idem pro populo meo-And I want the same for my people to walk free without being targeted because of what they are. Eventually, the Eclipticans were taken to the Sphere, where they would live. The world held its breath as they watched the arrival of the Eclipticans, wondering what the future would hold for them and the Earth.