Chapter 2 - system

In a place where nothing existe and at the same time everything existe ,

Where time and space is not just a imaginary finaminan but

they existe as direction's with many other phenomenance existing in this place.

A being opened his eyes

You could not not feel anything from him if you wanted to feel him.

You could not see him if you wanted to see him.

You could not think of him as young or old as if he was the youngest and the oldest at the same time

as if he was just like time and space and other phenomenance existing in the place

you can only know he existe and that's it.

He looked at some place and observed something and then sighed and spoke so this is how It begins .

He then though for a moment and then put both of his hands together and pour some energy into his quenched hands and spoke some ancient language that was like the universe law it's salf into his quenched hands.

He than separated his hands and a ball of lite was there.

if someone as powerful as this man could see this ball of lite. they would know that the ball was almost like a soul but it was not a soul .

he then looked at the ball and it vanished into a small holl in this place.

The man than smiled said as long as santiant soul doesn't do anything

they can't put any charges at me so I'm fine for now.

I hope this time it's defrant and he makes the right choice.

And he closed his eyes and everything goes back to normal as normal as they can be in this place.

Ryan opend his eyes. he could feel pain a lot of pain

he thought daam I never thought big sis Arias cocking well be so bad. not only did it taste bad but, also made my hole body hurt . Is she trying to make some nuclear food or something

he opened his eyes, he could see a dimely lit

Corridor Ha .

what the hell where did my bedroom go

why am I in the floor and wtf is that smeal.

He properly Looked around and he saw a man laying some distance from him

in an unatural angeil and thought WTF what

what's wrong with him why is he sleeping that way wait forget about his sleeping poscher who is he

where am I

he looked around hoping to find a clue .

but what he saw almost gave him a heart attack

wtf where am I and what's going on.

He could see 4 other people but the other 4 did not just have bad sleeping poscher Thay wore cut behead mutilated.

Looking at this site Ryan thought wait is this a prank. it has to be a prank someone is someone is definitely filming me right.

right he looked around but couldn't find any hidden Camara or someone hiding filming him.

He then called out big sis aria and raj this is your doing right.

I know you're looking at me right now right.

Um is this revenge for calling your cooking awful. actually I was just kidding you know you're cooking was good actually it was the best cooking I have ever had please please don't scare me like this ha ha ha it's funny but please I feel uncomfortable .

Ryan was scared he could smeal the Scent

Of blood.

He could see corpse's better now and he was almost sure that toes wour real human body's. He thought is this a drime?

No this is not a drime.

What,?: what was that did I hear someone talk ?

No host you felt me talk.

Wtf where is this voice coming from.

From inside your soul realm.

What the,,is this hallucination. Is it because I am so alone so creatid a personality for myself, or is it that big sis aria s cooking's folt.

is her bad cooking Level so heigh

it can make me hallucinat in a drime.

No host you are not hallucinating and this is not a dream.

Okay now I understand why every one told me I am crazy because

I am crazy.

No host your not mad I'm real.

Yep I am mad.

Stop dening reality host your not mad.

And STOP Calling me a host.

Than what should I call you.

I have a name wait forget about my name what's your name

no forget name what are you and where are you

Host I am your system.