"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I said within the grips of despair. "You monster! Why would you do this to me? Why would you sacrifice her like she means nothing to this world? Like she's an ant."
Then from an awful laugh, my mother's killer said, " This bitch tried to stop me from killing others. She pissed me off!" He said as if he was frustrated as if he wasn't in the wrong here.
"Who?" I said while gnashing my teeth.
He said with glee, "Everyone in this damn town! They all must die for disrespecting his majesty!" He said, visibly angry, as if he was going to kill me as well.
Without hesitation, I grabbed the 12-inch long blade from my pocket and raised it to that beast's chest.
Then with my back leg, I pushed off and bolted at him without care for consequences.
I went to stab him right through his damn heart, but just as I got to his thick, fuzzy skin, I felt a sharp sensation. It was as if I dipped my head into boiling water for hours. I flew backward, through the air, and into the wall.
"Have you learned your situation yet, boy?" The entity said with a serious and deep tone.
I looked down at the arm that I had the blade in and was horrified.
"It was gone." I thought to myself as the adrenaline stopped. I was bleeding out of where my arm used to be.
"What, what the hell!" I said with a blood-curdling cry.
"When you attempted to kill me with that futile blade of yours, I cut your arm off, boy. Now, how about you just sit there and die like an ant being squashed by another human."
I got up off the floor and proceeded to run away.
It was useless.
The mysterious body caught up to me in a blink of an eye and cut me in half.
It was brutal.
I felt the pain of thousands of fatalities and just wanted it all to end.
I wanted to finally rest in peace.
"Why me!" I said with bloodshot eyes, ready to feel the icy grips of death.
"Why won't you just kill me already, monster!" I said with vigor and bloodthirst.
"Because I want you to suffer until the end of time, boy."
After he stopped speaking, it all went white.
"Am I dying?"
Then I saw it.
I don't know if it was reality or not, but I was happy.
It was my mother's smile.
These next words touched my heart, "You've done enough, my son."
As I tried to calm down, I started to cry and cry. But then she said, "So just die now. Do it for me."
As I heard my mother's last words, I was utterly shocked.
"What… Do you mean mother!"
"I said to die, boy!" Then a hideous creature appeared before me.
It was the monster that killed my mother.
"You bastard!" I said while trying not to scream.
"So gullible boy, so…" He muttered.
"Go to hell, boy." He said finally.
Then, at last, it all went dark.
After what felt like hours, my eyes opened. The walls and floors of this place were like crystals and were both seemingly identical to one another. There was a white path leading to a throne, most like that of a king.
Am I in heaven? Or am I in hell with a tyrannical king to make me obey, I pondered with uncertainty.
I'm going to have to find out. Finally, I decided to ascend this white square-shaped path glowing with a bright shade of white. There was nothing in the distance but that very royal-like throne sitting at the very top, like a show of superiority. I walked for what seemed like hours until I came to a stop and looked up cautiously.
There was an ominous figure on the building-sized throne.
He was strong.
Keep walking." The voice said.
I continued and saw that I was profusely sweating from the palms of my hands and my armpits.
I was scared of the ominous entity.
I got to the front of the throne after another few minutes of cautiously walking and trying to ease my heart rate.
The throne had to be taller than the tallest buildings and steeper than the tallest mountains, but that wasn't the scariest part. The scariest part of the matter was the giant sitting on the mountain-sized throne in front of me.
"State your name, human." He said without wavering.
"Uh… Unmei… Uragiri." I said with my heart beating faster than a track and field sprinter and feeling like it was going to pop out of me at any possible instant.
"Good," the giant said. "I am known as Nusuma."
"So, did I die," I asked sincerely without any motifs.
"Yes, you were killed by Genso, God of Illusions." "You were brutally sliced in half by him and mentally tortured with images of your deceased mother." This is ginormous being said to me as if it was just another run-of-the-mill story.
"So what is this place then, The Afterlife?"
This place is the bridge between heaven and hell; hence the term, "The Afterlife." I am the guardian of this area, and I must send fellow humans to either heaven or hell depending on how good of a person they were during their years on earth." He said bluntly and nonchalantly. "You are here because you were killed and are ready to be evaluated." He said orderly, without expression.
"So am I an innocent or guilty human, a greater being," I said, concerned about whether I would have a happy ending or not.
"Good for acknowledging your better, human." I may have a role for you to play, he stated with interest, as I had piqued his curiosity.
"What kind of role," I replied with a very puzzled look on my pale face.
"Reincarnation," He said without hesitation, without realizing the weight of that word.