Chereads / MIME CLUB / Chapter 1 - Episode 1 :The Lightning Chooses You


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Chapter 1 - Episode 1 :The Lightning Chooses You

Scene 1

"It's a long day in school…so pointless…I can't wait to go home." These thoughts echo throughout Yuno's head as every school day goes on. As he's laying his head on his desk slowly drifting to sleep there's a ringing echoing throughout the school halls. "Oh wow the fire bell" Yuno says to himself as he gets up along with his classmates. The class files out of the classroom and all now wait outside the school. There's about 20 minutes left in the school day so Yuno decides to just leave early. As he's walking home the only thing Yuno can think about is what he's going to eat once he's home. As Yuno arrives home he notices that no one else is there. He rummages through the fridge trying to find something to eat. Nothing fits his craving. He calls his mom but no answer. "Ugh guess I'll just take this time to sleep since no one will bug me for a while" Yuno says to himself as he walks to his room. He opens his door and just falls onto his bed. A couple hours pass. "YUNO YUNO DINNERS READY" Yuno's mom screams. Yuno wakes up and stretches. As he gets out of bed he trips over a long metal object. He gets confused cause he doesn't remember having anything by his bedside. "Huh, what's this….. WAIT WHATTTT '' Yuno starts screaming as he sees the object he trips over turns out to be A FREAKIN SWORD. Yuno's father rushes up the stairs and barges into his room and asks "Son!!! What's the matter." "DAD DONT YOU SEE THE SWORD" Yuno says to his father. Yuno's dad then laughs and says to Yuno "Son, give yourself time to wake up or else you're going to start imagining things." His father walks out the room and Yuno continues to sit on the floor confused. Yuno outstretches his arm to grab the sword but then Yuno's mom starts to yell again. "YUNO GET YOUR LAZY BUTT DOWN HERE AND STOP DREAMING." Yuno rushes downstairs and he sees his family laughing. He asks them "What're you guys laughing about?" His sister says "Didn't know you wanted to be a samurai." Yuno says "Whatever…what's for dinner?" His mom answers "I made steak and potatoes…chose to get fancy because of your fathers raise." Yuno looks at his dad confused and so does his sister. His mom says "Oh honey did you not tell them. Yuno's father then laughs and says "My my I forgot to tell you kids…I got a raise at my job…your fathers now a lead detective." Yuno and his sister jump out of their chairs to go congratulate their father. "Wait, doesn't being a detective now mean you're taking the more dangerous cases…" Before her father could continue she says "Oh no I hope you don't get hurt, maybe you could buy a Kevlar vest or maybe you can find a different job daddy." Her father laughs and says "Honey I'm with a good force and good people I'll be ok…and as for equipment the department has top of the line stuff." Yuno then joins in and says "Yeah father is strong and plus who knows one day I could be on the force as well." "Son, you could barely stay awake during class. How are you going to stay awake during police training" his father says to Yuno. They all laugh and proceed to eat their dinner. After dinner finishes Yuno heads upstairs and he again trips over the sword. "Crap…wait am I still dreaming" Yuno smacks himself and then says "Ow…I'm not dreaming …but why can only I seem to see you." Yuno reaches his hand towards the sword and to his surprise it's real. Yuno sits there holding the sword up but then his sister walks in. Yuno's sister then freezes and Yuno looks back at her. "Mom, I think Yuno is dreaming again." As she walks out he hears laughing from his parents bedroom echo. Yuno rushes out of the room and asks his sister "Wait wait, you can't see what I'm holding?" "No you weirdo now go back to bed and dream about being a ninja again." She says to him as she shuts the door in his face. Yuno rushes back into his room and shuts his door. "Why can't anyone see you?" Yuno says to the sword as he lifts it to his face. "The sword has chosen you Yuno, thus only you can see me." Yuno doesn't know where the voice is coming from. Yuno looks at the sword and asks "Was that you?" "Well of course who else is in the room" says the sword. Yuno slides down the wall not knowing what's going on and before Yuno can say anything the sword says "Quit freaking out kid I can't have you die on me right away… my past wielder just croaked last week." "What the hell is going on?" Says Yuno. "Well let me explain it to you, a long since passed race created me along with many others to settle their differences and after they died and our planet burned up we then fell throughout the galaxy." Says the sword. "So I randomly got you? Asks Yuno. "Kid you're going to need to listen to me here, you didn't find me randomly I chose you. The soul power within me is attracted to the soul that inhabits your body. Since I'm attracted to your soul only you and other wielders can see it." "Other wielders?" Asks Yuno. "Yeah I'm not the only one there's others like me both good and evil." Says the sword. "Wait, so are you good or bad?" "I'm a good guy… my soul power is forged from good energy and that same soul power is attracted to a good soul… and that's where you come in." Says the sword. Yuno holds the sword close, not believing what has happened to him. Yuno gets up and gets ready for bed and he asks the sword "Wait so where do I put you to sleep…do you want the floor or bed?" Asks Yuno. "Just store me anywhere what comfort do you think I could get from being a sword" says the sword. Just before Yuno goes to sleep Yuno asks the sword "How do I carry you along, do I just bring you places?" The sword responds with "Listen kid I'm not going to appear and reappear and whatever excuse you use is up to you I'm just here to ensure balance within the word." "Wait,balance?" Yuno asks "Listen kid I may not be a human but I do need sleep so I'll explain it short to you, the same way I'm a good weapon attracted to you is the same way other evil weapons are attracted to those just as evil so it's up to us to stop them." Yuno jumps out of bed. "Oh no" the sword says. "SO I'M GOING TO FIGHT EVIL… LIKE A SUPERHERO" says Yuno as he runs and jumps back into his bed. "Long long journey ahead of me" the sword says to himself.

Scene 2

Yuno wakes up forgetting what truly happened last night. As Yuno gets up out of bed he hears a "Good Morning Master Yuno" coming from the direction of the sword. "Master Yuno ? … drop the master, just call me Yuno." Said Yuno. "Very well what's the plan for today?" Asked the sword. Yuno stops in his tracks and just freezes, drops to the floor and says "Today's school…what superhero…GOES TO SCHOOL." "You're not a superhero… well not yet so until then I am." Says the sword. "I HATE WAITING." Yuno responds. Yuno went to shower and get ready for school. He heads downstairs to get breakfast and he then gets on the bus ride for school. Many of the passengers' eyes dart towards Yuno as to them it looks as if he's carrying an imaginary stick. "So what exactly do you do at school?" The sword asks Yuno. "You've never been to school? Asks Yuno. "Well every wielder before you had been a grown man so this is a new experience." Says the sword. Yuno then explains the whole idea of school to the sword. As Yuno pulls the cord to get off the bus more eyes dart to Yuno as he walks out of the bus. Yuno approaches his school and just like in the bus Yuno gets the same odd looks from several of his classmates. "Yeah kid you might have to get used to these looks so better think of an excuse soon or else get used to being a weiro" says the sword. "Eh being a weirdo ain't so bad" says Yuno. "Well yeah you'll be considered a weirdo if your talking to yourself and walking like a mime holding a box," Yuuchi said as she appeared from the corner of the hallway. "Oh hey Yuuchi, erm I'm just practicing for a play" says Yuno to Yuuchi. "Nice cover up kid" says the sword. "It's the best I can come up" says Yuno. "Yuno are you ok?" Asked Yuuchi. "Uhm yea why?" Asked Yuno. "Well you've been talking to yourself since you came in" says Yuuchi. "Remember kid only you and other wielders can hear me and right now it seems you're the only one." Says the sword. "Ohhhhhhhh" says Yuno. "She can still hear you, you idiot" says the sword. Yuno then says quickly "well uhm my character in this play is kind of an oddball so I think I've been getting into character way too much sometimes. I'm sorry for worrying you Yuuchi". Yuuchi says "Oh it's ok I understand…maybe I can come watch this play sometime." Yuno responds " Yeah yeah totally I'll text you the details sometime." The school bell rings and that means it's time for the first period. Yuno and Yuuchi go their separate ways. As Yuno walks to his first class the only thing he could think to himself is how he has yet another long boring school day ahead of him. As he's about to get into his classroom he hears from down the hall "HEYYYY YUNOOOOO WAIT UPPP." Yuno looks back and he sees two of his closest friends Alistair and Taya. Alistair is the first one to reach Yuno and he puts his arm around him and asks "Another long day huh Yuno." Before Yuno could respond Taya says "Oh you two, if your guys applied at least 10% of your dedication from manga, cards, and food to school you guys would be top of the class." Yuno and Alistair stick their tongues out and responds in unison saying "Blehhh." "Who are these people?" asks the sword. "Guys I'm gonna head to the bathroom, hold a space for me" says Yuno. As Yuno walks to the bathroom he explains to the sword who these people are. "So here we have Yuuchi, I met here my freshman year which was last year and she's grown very close to Taya, Alistair, and I. Then you have Taya and Alistair. Taya and I have been friends since she moved here when we were 5. Finally Alistair was a kid I met in grade 5. He got into a fight with someone that was picking on me without even knowing me. Then after that he was getting picked on so then I fought that kid. We both then got put into detention. During that detention spell Alistair and I had grown quite close." The sword responds with "Hmm close friends to you it seems." Yuno responded with "Don't worry, we're going to be friends as well… no superhero can be complete without his sidekick." "Kid as of right now I have the power you're the sidekick" says the sword. Yuno looks to the floor saddened by the fact that his sword thinks of him as a sidekick. "Well off to class" Yuno thinks to himself.

Scene 3

Yuno's school day goes on like any other. The final bell hits and Yuno, Yuuchi, Taya, and Alistair all file out of school. As they go through the doors Yuuchi and Alistair say goodbye as they need to take the train to their houses. Taya and Yuno then proceed to walk home. As they are walking to the bus stop to head home Taya gets a call from her mom. Taya apologizes and walks away to take the call. As she walks back towards Yuno she tells him that she has to go to the pharmacy two blocks away from the school to pick up a prescription so he might as well catch the bus by himself. Yuno offers to wait with her but Taya says the wait could be a while and to head off without her. They both go their separate ways. Yuno begins to walk to the bus stop but he sees something strange. He sees several men in construction gear working around the bus stop. He approaches the men and asks them what's going on. One of the men responded with "the bus stop here got damaged today so this stop is out of the route until morning." Yuno sighs and decides that he'll just walk to the other bus stop. As Yuno walks away he can sense several of the construction men staring at him. "Sorry for the looks kid" the sword says. "I'll take being called a weirdo if it means being a superhero." Yuno laughs. Yuno approaches the next bus stop but then he realizes that he doesn't have any change for the bus. "UGH" Yuno says to himself. Yuno calls his mom and tells him he'll be late cause he has to walk home. Yuno's almost close to home but as he's walking he hears a scream. Mystery gets the best of Yuno as he goes in the direction of the scream. As he begins to walk closer he sees a man threatening a woman. As Yuno walks closer down the alley he accidentally steps in a puddle and the man's eyes dart towards him. Before Yuno could run away the man pulls a gun and points it at him. Yuno only knows to run but he also wants this woman to run away. Yuno walks towards the man thinking he'll give the woman a chance to run away. However to Yuno's shock the man also came closer to him while grabbing the woman. Before Yuno could do anything, a gunshot went off. Yuno closed his eyes thinking the worst had happened. "Open your eyes kid" the sword said to Yuno. Yuno opens his eyes and he sees that everything around him has seemingly paused. Yuno looks confused so the sword says "My mistake I never explained what power you hold. I'm a lightning blade Yuno. I can slow and speed up time, move really fast and of course use lightning based attacks." "So right now we're slowed down?" Yuno asks. "Well everyone but us… but listen kid you'll have to follow my lead on this. I get you want to be a superhero but that day will have to wait." The sword says. "Got it" Yuno responds. "I'm about to reset time to its regular pace so get ready" the sword says. As time resumes Yuno unsheathes the sword and he follows what the swords command. "Slash in front of you." The sword says to Yuno. He does as the sword commands. The man looks confused as Yuno isn't dead. Time slows once again. "Now you're going to have to dash in front of you to grab that woman." The sword commands. "Got it" Yuno says. "Now as you dash you'll be in super speed but seeing as your learning I'll make sure to slow you down before you kill yourself along with the woman" says the sword. Time resumes. Yuno dashes towards the woman. With one step Yuno speeds to the woman and with another Yuno is able to get the woman safely to the exit path of the alleyway. "How did you do that" the woman asks as she's fearing for her life. "I'm just really fast…now run" Yuno says to the woman. The woman runs away. And Yuno looks back towards the man. Time slows. Just as time slows Yuno sees a bullet heading straight toward his eyes. "Slice the bullet and take a wide step to your left. We'll do it at super speed to get him caught off guard." The sword commands. Yuno nods as he slices the bullet. He steps to the left. While the man is turning his head, time slows. "Get in a position as if you're about to tackle someone" says the sword. Yuno does as told. "Uhm shouldn't time resume?" Asks Yuno. "Well now that you're in position this last attack is completely up to you whether it will work out or not." Says the sword. "Now I'm nervous." Says Yuno. The sword says "Don't be nervous. Breathe. If you're nervous you could end up being a murderer… when dashing towards him dash your arm to the left in a slashing motion." Yuno nods, time resumes. He takes a deep breath as time is setting back to normal. As the remnants of the bullets he slashed earlier fell, Yuno dashed towards the man and slashed through the man's arm. To Yuno this felt so long but to the man it was only a matter of seconds. The man turns and tries to lift his hand up to shoot Yuno. As he's going too his gun falls to the floor and his right arm completely splits in half. The man falls to the floor and starts screaming in pain. Yuno smiles knowing he saved someone but then his heart starts beating faster and faster as time goes on. "Yuno, you need to calm down," the sword says. Yuno is starting to fade from all the adrenaline he had felt. Yuno passes out.

Scene 4

Yuno begins to wake up and he hears a familiar voice. "Yuno Yuno… please wake up…cmon Yuno wake up…guys I found him he's over here." Yuno opens his eyes and he sees Taya. He hears footsteps coming from the alleyway and it's Alistair and Yuuchi. He looks to his right all he can see is the man he just battled. "YUNO…WHAT HAPPENED" says Alistair. Yuno tries to speak but he can't say anything. Yuno's eyes widened even more. All he sees above him is Taya Alistair and Yuuchi. Flashing red and blue lights light up the area. A familiar voice comes rushing down the alleyway. "SON SON…Yuno oh my god what's happened." Yuno picks his head up a little bit more and he sees his father. "I just found him here and the first people I called were Alistair and Yuuchi." says Taya. "Alistair come, let's try to get him up." says Yuno's dad. Yuno's dad and Alistair pick him up. "Wh- where…where am I?" asks Yuno. Alistair picks up Yuno and says "Don't worry buddy we got you." Yuno's dad had an ambulance called to the scene. Yuno is put into the ambulance along with Alistair, Yuuchi, and Taya. "You can go home Mr Shigen, we'll look after Yuno." Says Yuuchi. "Are you guys sure ?" asks Yuno's father. "Of course, Yuno is important to us, we'll always be there for him." Says Taya. "Yeah and who knows it might give me an excuse to ditch school" Alistair adds. Yuno's father laughs and says "Thank you kids. I'll go let the family know and also call your parents so no one's worried." A couple hours pass and Yuno's eyes open up. The only thing he sees is light peering in from the light post outside. He looks around wondering where he is. "Finally up kid?" Says the sword. "Hey there, thought I died for a second there…wouldn't be very superhero of me." Yuno responds. "How did I get here?" Yuno asks again. "Well after we defeated that guy I think it was the surge of adrenaline or something that made you pass out…" "However as you were falling I dashed you into the wall hoping someone would hear you. And thankfully that friend of yours happened to be walking by." Says the sword. "So wait…you injured me." Says Yuno. "Well technically." Says the sword. Yuno laughs and says "Guess I have to get used to this…hey wait, where's everyone else?" Asks Yuno. "Well they sat here with you but then visiting hours were over. But the nurse was nice enough to let them stay in the cafeteria until either you woke up or until the next morning." Says the sword. "Hmm, if I got like this just from fighting someone normal what would I do against someone else who had a weapon like you." Yuno says as a tear goes down his face. "How will I save anyone ? I could barely save that woman tonight. What kind of superhero would I be?" Before Yuno can say anything else Alistair rushes into the room. He sees Yuno is awake and he runs to his friend. "YUNO YOUR AWAKE" says Alistair. "DUDE WHAT HAPPENED" says Alistair again. "Alistair, you're going to wake the other patient's" Says Yuuchi as she approaches Yuno. "How are you? We were so worried. Says Yuuchi. Before Yuno can respond Yuuchi notices the tear that ran down Yuno's face earlier. "Yuno, were you crying ?" Asks Yuuchi. "Are you still hurting Yuno ?" Asks Alistair. "I'm just glad I have you guys by my side, but seriously don't worry it's ok guys I'm ok." Says yuno. "Oh Yuno you're awake…" Yuno's nurse says as she walks into the room. "You should be going home in the next half an hour. You have very amazing friends." She says as she leaves the room. "What even happened?" Alistair asks suddenly. "Yeah how did you even end up there…you usually take the bus home." Yuuchi adds. "Well here's what happened. The bus stop I usually wait at was being skipped. So then I went to the next one but by the time I reached the stop I realized that I didn't have any change. From there I just decided to walk home. But on the way there I heard a woman screaming. I followed it because it sounded like she was in pain. By the time I had reached all I could see was a man with a gun and he was trying to harm this woman. Long story short I tried stopping the man and before I knew it I was on the floor and I saw Taya." Yuno explained. "Well buddy I can safely say that you did indeed stop him because by the time we came he was on the floor." Says Alistair. "You're a very good soul, Yuno" says Yuuchi. Before Yuuchi can continue Alistair adds and says "YEAH and not only are you a good soul your a good fighter you sure laid him out his hand was all sorts of messed up." "How did you pass out though Yuno ?" Asks Yuuchi. "Guess I didn't eat enough throughout the day" says Yuno. "Well tomorrow me and you buddy were hitting the new sushi buffet" says Alistair. Yuno's eyes widen and start grinning. Him and Alistair look at each other and say in unison "SKIP SCHOOL SUSHI DAYYY." Yuuchi then slaps both of them in the back of the head. "You Alistair are going to school because with those grades your mother is about to put you out. And as for you YUNO…." Yuno's eyes widen as Yuuchi stares into his eyes. "….You are not skipping school because you need to get your grades up as well and after today we can't let you go on your own again." "Well before I get hit again we're gonna bounce home Yuno. I'll see you in school tomorrow my friend." Says Alistair. Yuno and Alistair do their secret handshake. "I'm so glad you feel better, Yuno. I was so worried." Yuuchi says as she hugs Yuno. Yuuchi tears up a little and Yuno says "Oh Yuuchi you've always been emotional. I promise I'm ok and even if I got hurt, how lucky am I to have you guys here with me." Yuno says. Yuuchi kisses Yuno on the cheek. Yuuchi and Alistair leave the hospital. "So kid are you ever gonna tell them the truth." Ask the sword. "Well judging from this situation where I got hurt from a mild mugging man, how would I explain the other injuries I'd end up getting." Says Yuno. "Other injuries ?" The sword asks. "Well I'm nowhere near strong enough to take on someone else with a weapon and who knows what powers they'll have. Super speed and lightning abilities are good but there's no point if I can't use them properly." Says Yuno. "Wait kid what're you getting at?" Ask the sword. "Well what I'm saying sword…wait I think I'll give you a name…" says Yuno. "A name?…no one's ever given me a name before kid." Says the sword. "From now on I'll name you Bolta." Says Yuno. "Hmm Bolta." Not a bad name, says Bolta. "But back to your previous question, what I mean is we can solve these petty crimes with our powers and not only would I prevent injury but I'd also grow stronger." Says Yuno. "Our powers…you know what kid this adventure might not be that bad actually." Says Bolta. Twenty minutes pass and the nurse comes into the room to tell Yuno he's free to leave. As yuno walks out he bumps into Taya. "Oh hey Taya I was wondering where you were." Says Yuno. Taya looks to the floor and says "Oh…Hey Yuno…sorry I was filling out your paperwork because I knew the most about you…" Yuno looks at Taya and says "Are you ok Taya?" Taya looks up and her eyes are filled with tears. "Taya what's wrong" asks Yuno. "I was coming up here when Alistair and Yuuchi were in here and I heard you tell them what happened." Taya says. "Oh Taya there's no need to cry, I'm better now. I think I just need to eat better" Yuno says and laughs. Taya cry's more and says "No Yuno it's not just that Yuno…Seeing you there in that alley thinking the worst had happened…I was so scared and part of me feels so guilty because if I had just told you it's ok to come with me to the pharmacy none of this would've happened." "What do you mean?" Says Yuno. "If I just told you to come to the pharmacy with me you wouldn't have had to walk home in the first place…I had enough money for both of us to take the bus…I'm so sorry Yuno." Says Taya. "Taya I promise you didn't do anything this was just a freak coincidence. Plus regardless I would've had to walk that route anyways since the bus route ends there. And on the bright side I got to save a life today." Before Taya can say anything else Yuno hugs her and tells her "It's ok Taya. You did nothing wrong. Thank you for always looking out for me." Yuno and Taya leave the hospital. Yuno drops Taya home and then enters his own house. As he opens the door he's greeted by his sister and mother. Questions like "Are you ok?" "Are you hurt?" "Why did you get into a fight" rained down from both his mother and his sister. Before Yuno could answer his father comes out from the kitchen and says "Quit pestering the boy. He was a hero today." Yuno smiles as his dad hugs him. "I'm so sorry we couldn't have responded faster son…it won't trouble me if you need me to pick you up from school you know." Yuno's father says. "Guys it's ok it's ok I'm fine I just didn't eat much today. But tomorrow Alistair and I plan to eat all day at the sushi buffet." Yuno's mom and sister smack him as his dad laughs. "Yuno you find any excuse to either skip school or eat food." Says Yuno's sister. Yuno rolls his eyes and says "Well what's to eat." Yuno's mom says "Well honey we made one of your favorites." Yuno's eyes light up as he sees what's on the table. "DADS SPECIAL SMOKED SALMON." Everyone laughs as Yuno rushes to the table to eat. Dinner concludes and Yuno heads to his room. "You know Bolta, my duffel bag acts as a great excuse to shield you in but I still don't know what to say if I had to be places without my duffel…maybe I can say I have a condition where my hand cramps up." Yuno says. "Just when I thought you were getting smarter you prove me wrong…listen kid I already told you I'm not here for the excuses I'm here cause you were chosen." Says Bolta. "You ever wonder why I was chosen." Asks Yuno. "Well kid I've only known you for about two - three days so only time will tell." Says Bolta. Yuno jumps into bed and says "Well whatever it was I'm glad cause now you're in my life and I can protect the people around me." Yuno makes a space for Bolta on his desk and even covers him up with a small blanket he has. Yuno gets into bed and says "Well Bolta tomorrow starts my training. It's time for us to become…say it with me…THE BEST SUPERHEROS EVER." Bolta sights and says "Oh brother."