Chereads / My New Life In Skyrim / Chapter 15 - Chapter XV

Chapter 15 - Chapter XV

I walk out of the farm still feeling rather mopey seeing the ghost family, this quest was always a sad one, but with everything that's happened in my previous life, family related stuff has always felt more bitter to me.

I take notice of the fields and take a deep breath. There was no need to wallow in this self-made pit! It was time to do what I came here for! Quickly I grab hold of a handful of Deathbells, then quickly began planting them in up to nine plots of soil. 

Wiping the sweat off my brow, I began to take a quick swig of water from my leather pouch before looking with a feeling of accomplishment, I've never been one for gardening but this felt nice to do.

I decide to walk back to the road towards Rorikstead, seeing the town in the distance, there I'm met with Sven and Redcap conversing with Rorik, the elder and namesake of the land, before noticing me walking by, they soon run towards me.

Alexander: Woah boys, where's the fire?

Sven: Bad news boss. We talked with the elder about taking Golden hills plantation, but the owners died, and no one's been able to find the deed or key to rightfully own the place! We'll have to rethink your plan.

Alexander: What for? I already own the building.

I show Sven the key and slip of paper nonchalantly without even batting an eye, to which he responds with an exasperated reaction.

Sven: Where in Oblivion did you get that?

Alexander: I found it.

Sven: Found? Where??

Alexander: Where else? At the plantation. Honestly Sven you shouldn't be asking such obvious questions.

Sven's dumbfounded look continues until I walk past him with Redcap following as we're met with a happy young farmer, one that I couldn't possibly forget, Erik.

Erik: Wow! Are you guys adventurers?

Alexander: That's right, why'd you ask?

Erik: Oh I've always wanted to be an adventurer myself! Being a farmer isn't all bad, but I want nothing more then to travel out through Skyrim and fill my life with stories to tell!

Alexander: So? Why don't you? You look to be old enough to start the adventurer life.

Erik: I could never. My father wouldn't let me, and besides, I don't even have any armor or a weapon to use.

Alexander: Then let me talk to your father for you. But in return, you have to work for me.

Erik: If you could somehow convince my father then I would be glad to work with you!

Alexander: I'll need only a few minutes.

I leave to the Inn and walk inside, met with a nice smell of meat pies and ale in the air. And just as I would've expected from a small town, the Inn appeared almost empty, though it was still noon so that might have something to do with it.

I sat down in front of Mralki, who turns around in excitement to see a new face and potential customer, but properly maintains his composure so as not to appear unprofessional.

Mralki: What'll it be stranger? We've got ale, meat pies, fruits…

Alexander: I'll take all the salt you have on you, and one of your finest mercenaries.

Mralki looks at me funny before taking a deep breath and sighs. He turns to a nearby wench and talks with her before she heads to the back, then Mralki walks back to me.

Mralki: We've got about 30 bowls of salt you can take. But this village is fresh out of mercenaries for hire.

Alexander: Really? I met with a rather young and spry man outside who seemed eager to join in my adventures though.

Mralki tightens his fist but remains composed.

Mralki: That would be my son…he's no soldier. The boy may have tussled with some wolves and the occasional Sabre Cat, but he is no adventurer. So whatever he told you, you're wasting your time.

Alexander: Come now, I understand that you'd want to keep him safe but-

Mralki: -Don't tell me you understand!

A silence cuts into the inn like a sword, as the mildly annoyed Nord looks at me with disdain. Despite it taking me by surprise at his more stubborn-then-normal demeanor, I remain composed and calm. I wasn't going to go anywhere if I raise my voice as well, in these types of arguments the wise remains quiet.

Alexander: Then allow me to understand Mralki. You can't expect me to just follow along your reasoning without providing it. From Erik's side, it seems you are just too scared of your son exploring the world. It's understandable of a parent to want nothing more then to keep their children safe. But a Nord? Especially when your son is at the age to fight and adventure to his hearts content.

Mralki walks off to a nearby wall to avoid me seeing his face, taking a deep breath and exhaling he walks back with the same serious look on his face before he lost his temper, and sits back on a stool next to him.

Mralki: It's not really your business, but fine, no harm in telling you if it'll get you to stop trying to persuade me.

I grab a couple of mugs nearby and pull out a bottle of honningbrew ale from my inventory into both, offering a mug to Mralki, he chuckles when he receives the drink.

Mralki: I believe it's my job to be offering the drinks.

Alexander: True, but something tells me this won't be an easy tale to tell, and I've learned while being in Skyrim that alcohol makes telling a story or two easier.

Mralki: Heh, that's the truth.

I sit back down on a stool across from Mralki, who lifts his mug and takes a sip before leaning his back towards the wall.

Mralki: Just like his mother that boy, always seeking thrills in almost anything. Any time she had the chance, a shine can be seen glistening in her eyes. The first I noticed this was when she once grabbed a haycart and used it to race a giant. Pissed the damn thing off almost as much as she pissed Reldith. Not that I blame her since that wagon belonged to her.

Alexander: Hah! She sounded like quite the woman! I suppose even in a quiet little village like this,

Mralki: She was…I'll level with you stranger, when I saw my dear Hellia all those years ago on that wagon that's when I knew I found the woman for me. We traveled a lot together she and I, left this village to make our mark in Skyrim, fought so many enemies, and seen so many sights! And not long we admitted our love for one another, and soon, Erik was born. By that time we had decided to return home, but made the decision to train Erik when he came of age. That is, until the war.

Alexander: You wanted to fight in the war.

Mralki shakes his head, and looks at me dejectedly.

Mralki: Yes, but the decision wasn't mine. But of my wife's. She wanted nothing more but to have us out there to fight, says that if the Dominion were to win, we'd be raising our boy in a terrible world…I was against it at first, after all, sure he had my father to look after him for the time being, but we were still going to leave our son alone. But I already made my decision, and by the eight what a decision I regretted to make.

Mralki gets up from his stool and chugs his whole mug without hesitation. Then places it down before walking towards the fireplace, staring deeply at the dancing flames.

Mralki: I never once looked back in all the times I fought and killed, for Nord, fighting comes second nature. But…that day, during the Great War, I could never forget it.


It was a large field, I remember passing by the area once during my travels, what use to be a lush and beautiful forest, was now just a graveyard of wilted and dried up plants, ravaged by the battle. Soldiers, dying with each passing second, good men and women that I've come to know.

At the time we were told to scout ahead with a small squadron of only 20 men, trying to get a lay of the land to fight the Dominion.

But we could never have foreseen what happened next.

Explosions of magicka gathered around, blocking any hopes of escape we could find. Flames devouring the dead, and filling the air with the stench of burning corpses.

I remembered a young lad, Bill was his name, excited to join the cause, the look on his face, the scared expression he had when the explosions started, and the innocence drained from his expression the moment I saw his feet plant themselves on top of a rune, pretty soon that boy burned to ashes, gone within the next second, but not before the blood curdling screams.

With the terrible sights I witnessed, the loss of friends and comrades I've come to know, all I wanted was to escape as fast as I could. But my legs couldn't stop shaking, I was paralyzed, not from magic but from fear, the unshakable fear that my life would end, not at home with my son and family, but in an empty desolate field devastated by violence.

Thankfully, a light shined upon my path in the form of Hellia, appearing before me, jolting me back to my senses as she placed her hands on my shoulders.

When our eyes met I expected to see fear, but instead I was met with that familiar shine in her eyes. The passionate smile on her face.

Hellia: Follow me Mralki! We won't die here yet!

That's what she told me as she grabbed hold of my wrist and dragged me out of the ring of fire that surrounded us. She paid no heed to the Altmer or Khajit that waited outside the ring to attack. When they swung their weapons we simply avoided the hit and continued to run.

Finally we reached a safe trench to regroup and collect our thoughts, Hellia turns to me still smiling as if this battle didn't bother her at all.

Hellia: We still have allies out there that need to be rescued! We'll keep our shields up covering each other's weak spots as we charge forward and ambush any foes we come across before reuniting with our allies! Are you ready love?

Mralki: I-I've got your back!

That's what I said, but the truth was, I wanted nothing more then to hide. I was too scared to even try getting out of the trench, much less charge back over to where we tried so hard to escape from, but I loved Hellia more then I cared for my safety, I wanted to be at her side. I ignored my fear and charged along with Hellia, running through and blocking any spell targeted toward us, for a moment I felt joy fighting by her side, as if we were adventuring like we use to together. We charged through the enemy in perfect camaraderie, until we finally reunited with our remaining squad mates. Then continued to dwindle the numbers of our enemies.

We all fought our hardest, ignoring the possibility of death, and not long after our enemies were completely decimated, while we only suffered few in casualties. In unison we shouted our hurrahs and celebrated, I turn to Hellia and embrace her with a smile, but when I looked at her face I was met with a weak smile, as she cradles my face in her palm, when I grabbed her hand I saw a beautiful jeweled necklace in her grasp, then looked back at her confused.

Hellia: I'll always be with you and Erik, I love you both so much.

She pulls me in for a kiss, what I expected to be a moment of fiery passion, I was instead met with a weakly peck of our lips before she falls back, limp in my arms.


Pinching the bridge of his nose, Mralki appears to be remaining calm. But I know the purpose of that gesture all too well. He was trying his best to not burst to tears.

I walk up to him, placing my hand on his shoulder.

Alexander: Say no more Mralki. I understand, truly I do. Despite my youth even I have lost some who were truly precious to me. And that loss, it doesn't make you stronger, it just lingers on you.

Mralki: Aye, no matter how hard you try to forget. It always comes back into your line of thought.

I nod, and as we talked the wench from before comes up to me with the stacks of salt. After placing it in my inventory I walk to the exit, I know Erik would make for a great ally, but hearing Mralki's story, it seems wrong.

Alexander: I would've wished to recruit that boy. I have plans for my group in the future. But, I know the lines that shouldn't be crossed.

I reach my hand out to the handle but before I could open the door Mralki grabs my wrist tightly, I look to him with a stern look in his eyes.

Mralki: If I let you recruit my son, you promise he will be safe?

I widen my eyes in response to the question, but I remain calm.

Alexander: I keep all my friends safe. No matter what.

Mralki smirks, and turns away to the counter, pulling out a strange sword with runes etched on the blade, and something wrapped in cloth.

Mralki: Come, let's talk to my son.