Everything was coming together. All the steps, all the people, all the equipment and back-up plans. All of it. Kazi, Samantha, and the other main deliberators were back at Lord Mosuke's Castle.
"Check and handed," Booker replied.
"That was fast."
"I made them work fast."
Seemed like ever since their talk, Booker was more invested in the battle. That was good. Kazi could not see his level or name or his class. Apparently, the microscopic symbols stitched on his suit granted unique protection. Who he received the suit from, Kazi could only guess. He had three guesses based on what he knew of the important figures of the White Abyss, all of which seemed…strange.
"The anti-magic bullet?"
"Shells are made of dragon scales. Under that is a shell layer that causes anti-magic. Hardness and effect have been tested. Should be enough to penetrate the bone of the whale. I have five of them."
"Five? Ha, I'm sure you'll get it in one."