Chapter 127 - 7. Listen To Your Heart.

Damon quietly walked to the operating room (OR), the sterile scent of disinfectant filling his nostrils. He could hear the soft hum of the machines in the background, creating a rhythmic atmosphere. As he entered, he could see the gleaming instruments neatly arranged, their cold metal surface reflecting the overhead lights. His gloved hand caressed each tool, feeling its smoothness and ensuring its sterility.

There was a sense of powerlessness that engulfed Damon as he prepared for the task at hand. He couldn't help but feel like a failure, unable to do anything more than be her doctor. His desire to breed and dominate had led to this, a result he now regretted. The thought of addicting her to his pheromones seemed pointless, a feeble attempt to remind Mimi of his control over her.

A heavy sigh escaped Damon's lips as he contemplated his next move. His once brilliant plan to make her share now seemed shattered, like a fragile house of cards. He had naively believed that his pheromones would bring pleasure and relaxation to Mimi, but now he realized it would only force her to comply. If only he had studied this situation more closely. There was no honey that he could offer to her, no sense of safety, and he knew his protector power would not be enough if he attempted to get her to tell her stories.

With a heavy heart, Damon left the room and began to scrub his hands, the familiar ritual failing to provide its usual calmness and focus. He observed his colleagues, number two and five, also washing their hands, the sound of splashing water and the rhythmic rubbing of soap echoing in the small anteroom. Their clinical efficiency created a somber atmosphere, reminding them all that they were here solely as doctors, focused on the patient.

Mimi was in a dire state, her naked form lying on the operating table. She resembled a fragile skeleton, barely covered by a thin layer of skin. Damon acknowledged that not all of her condition was his fault, but her reckless behavior had played a part in her current state. It would take time to nurse her back to health, as she lay drugged and defenseless in the medbay. She seemed so weak, a victim of her own life, constantly subjected to one trauma after another.

As Damon and his colleagues completed their preparations, they donned specialized gloves and entered the operating room where ten and nine had brought Mimi. The sight of her naked, vulnerable body made Damon's heart ache. But now, in the presence of the sterile operating room, they were just a group of doctors, focused solely on the task at hand.

Damon acted swiftly and efficiently, his hands moving with practiced precision as he made careful y-shaped incisions. The putrid stench of rot filled the air as they began rinsing off the sickly green goo that had taken over her deteriorating system. It was a waiting game now, to see if she would miraculously regenerate her own organs. She could survive without them for a while, but it would take weeks, maybe even months, for her to grow them back.

Damon tried to breathe through his mouth, desperate to escape the overpowering smell that permeated the room. Mixed emotions consumed him - frustration at her reckless behavior, knowing she should have known better, and anger at himself for his past actions. It was his fault, his twisted desire for dominance, and his manipulation with pheromones that had pushed her into the depths of addiction.

He remembered whispering to her, promising rewards for good behavior and withholding the enzymes she needed if she disobeyed. He was truly mad at times, unsure why he had stooped so low. He had a responsibility for her well-being, which he had neglected. He recalled the test results he had hidden from Mariella, revealing the grim reality of her condition. And then she had ventured into the dangerous fight clubs of India, seeking scorpion tails and spiders to boost her enzyme levels, unaware of the lurking dangers in the audience. This mess was undeniably his fault.

They cleaned her, the grueling 14-hour operation leaving her with no new organs but some healing with his blood. They filled her with as much bump as possible, sealing her up and placing her in the sterile incubator. Now, all they could do was wait, keeping her sedated and hoping for her organs to regenerate.

Mariella watched, feeling Damon's pain, knowing that time and Wulfe's intervention would be their only hope to pull her back from the darkness that threatened to consume her. Once upon a time, it had been Damon in that place, who saved her from the darkness. 

Mariella could vividly recall the events from decades ago, the memories etched in her mind. The room was dimly lit, the air heavy with nostalgia. Mimi had discovered a way, her determination clear in her eyes. It was Wulfe who had revealed the method to rid themselves of Damien once and for all. The plan involved severing the link between Damien's life force and the magical book bestowed upon him by their parents. But it came at a cost. Only through the intense hatred of their mortal enemy could this link be destroyed. That enemy could not be a blood relative. Not even a distant one.

Mimi willingly took on this burden, shouldering the weight of her actions. The love she once had for Damon had transformed into a deep-rooted hate. She had allowed Damien's manipulations and taunts to extinguish their love, unleashing her own darkness. Constantine had provided her with a potent potion, which she willingly consumed, transforming her body into a vessel of power. With determination in her heart, Mimi approached Damien, in his bunker where the book resided. In a moment of sacrifice, she detonated herself, drenching the book in her blood and guts, the potion coursing through her veins.

Having imprisoned Damien, Mimi reveled in her victory, subjecting him to her twisted pleasures. Only Mimosa, with her unique visions, caught a glimpse of the horrors that unfolded. It was meant to be Damon who would ultimately end Damien's existence, but Mimi had already exacted her own vengeance upon him. Her darkness had consumed her entirely. Damon eventually took Damien's life, destroying his heart with his own blood, and erasing any remnants of his brother's existence with his powerful magic.

Mariella could still see Mimi in her mind's eye. Her darkness, that expression, her voice. It had taken the combined efforts of the ten Salvatores, drugs, spells, both wolves and herself to suppress that overwhelming darkness. It had been a month-long battle, the intensity unparalleled. Afterward, they had taken a much-needed holiday, returning almost a year later, only to find that Mimi's experience had taken its toll. The love between her and Damon had withered, leaving little to hold on to. But it had been time to start a new chapter in their lives, to do more. Have children. Damon had taken Mariella to the Azores while she was pregnant, surrounded by the care of the men and boys, while Mimi was left alone, carrying their seventeen strong children. Utterly alone, her isolation was palpable. 

As always, it had taken them a long time to connect on an emotional level. The emptiness and lack of love they felt brought Damon to Mariella. They grew close, spending time together. Mariella formed a bond with all the Salvatores, but everything changed when the original wizard and his son caused harm to Mimi. Bridgette had helped Mimi, and the past had been changed as Mimi was protecting them. And as the truth had come out a decade or so later, it had been yet another blow between Mimi and Damon. The past was full of shit. 

In an attempt to move on from the past, Mariella took Damon to bed, hoping to help him let go of his regrets. She felt that he was on the verge of releasing his feelings for Mimi. However, Mariella knew she was powerless to truly help him, except by distracting him intimately. She wanted him to focus on her, forgetting about Mimi and what she had endured. Mariella believed that once Damon found solace with her, they could regroup and determine their future.

Meanwhile, it took three weeks for Mimi to show any signs of recovery. Her sepsis was severe, and she remained in critical condition for most of the time. Mariella dedicated her attention to Damon, trying to keep him occupied and aid him in any way possible. Several weeks later, after being cared for over the course of seven weeks, Mimi's organs were finally strong enough to begin feeding with intestinal puree. Although she still battled sepsis, the Salvatores administered antibiotics to combat further infections. They had no fear that Mimi would be contagious.

Mariella made sure Damon never laid eyes on Mimi, keeping him focused on her instead. She became his source of need, keeping him confined to their bed. She provided him with dental substances that heightened his libido, ensuring his thoughts were solely on her.

And so, it took 11 weeks for them to transition from sepsis to a regular infection, which brought on a fever. Mimi remained deeply unconscious, while the fever burned calories at an alarming rate, surpassing their efforts to replenish her energy. Number two sat by her side, holding her hand, attempting to transfer his own energy to her. He had been producing an abundance of bumps throughout this time, consuming a substantial amount of food and donating his strong, nutrition-filled bump, which was then centrifuged and used to provide Mimi with additional calories.

He was making it almost a tank per day. As he reviewed the latest set of blood test results, number two was surprised to find that he could potentially make a difference. Mariella and number one were left feeling helpless, unable to contribute much in this regard. 

Mariella reluctantly allowed Damon to leave the bed, and they headed towards the shower. Mariella, exhausted yet possessive, had kept Damon all to herself for a long time, and now he belonged to her. He was no longer tormented by thoughts of Mimi; he had, more or less, let her go. As they made their way to the kitchen, they found Number Two enjoying a hearty meal. He ate with gusto, satisfying his hunger.

Something about this scene bothered Mariella, and she stared at him, remarking, "You seem hungry. It's good that you're eating."

Number Two replied, "Gotta eat. I'm building up a bump for the baby. I've been doing it for the past 13 weeks. It's almost time."

Mariella couldn't help feeling jealous. She wanted Number Two to be the one providing that bump for her, not Mimi. And what did he mean by "almost time"?

Number Two looked at her coldly and said, "Soon, I'll be able to give Mimi honey. Pheromones. My guess is that Number One won't be as biologically compatible for the baby as I am. I had a hunch, or maybe I read it in a book, and it turned out to be right. I've been taking care of her, smelling her pheromones, her scent, giving her the bump, energy shots, and in return, she's given me a few pheromones that have guided my body to be a better match."

Mariella fell into silence. This was not good news. Jealousy coursed through her veins.

Number Two continued, delivering more bad news, "You know, princess, a female can only be addicted to one set of pheromones. Mimi was originally a werewolf; they can have several sets, but not shifters. So, since my pheromones are almost a perfect match, they will bring her euphoria, while they do nothing for you. Mimi will belong to me. My baby. Remember, Mariella, I told you a long time ago that there's very little I wouldn't do for my baby. It took me a while to rid myself of your potions, but now I'm immune to them. I'm ready to be with my baby."

Number One remained silent. Despite Mariella's collar and manipulation of his body, forcing him to be in bed with her, he whispered to her as he infused electricity into her pain and agony chakras, "Darlin', it's time for a few lessons. Lessons about not manipulating, not turning me into a fucking machine."

Number Two lightly tapped Mariella's cheek and said, "Atta girl, have fun. These lessons will be enlightening. Excuse me, I must go see my wife. She needs me soon. Perhaps my pheromones can help push back that darkness."

Mariella found herself utterly powerless, her body weakened by the drugs administered by Flank Organ. Damon, using his teleportation abilities, had transported her to a dim, foul-smelling cellar reeking of blood and suffering. Uncertain of her location, she could sense the lingering presence of past tortures inflicted upon unfortunate souls. The only sounds that echoed in the darkness were her own agonized screams, filling the air with a terrifying blend of fear and despair. Damon wielded his dental substances, ensuring her helplessness and instilling an overwhelming sense of dread.

It didn't take long for Mariella to break completely, reduced to begging for mercy and struggling to retain her sanity.

Damon spoke to her in a sinister tone. "Now, my dear, we have some tasks to attend to. First, you will seduce number two, becoming ensnared by his pheromones and erasing any memory of mine. Meanwhile, I will focus on Mimi, allowing her to succumb to my pheromones instead. She will be the one addicted to me, not you. However, remember, I control your addiction."

Mariella nodded, her fear compelling her to obey Damon's every command. She knew that if Damon desired to bring Mimi into his nest now, she wouldn't dare to interfere. Damon had unleashed unimaginable torment upon her mind and body, leaving her utterly shattered. Now the mere thought of Damon spending time with Mimi in the nest felt like an enormous relief for her.

Damon shared his plan with number two, who, though initially reluctant, couldn't resist the allure of dominating the helpless princess and having power over her through addiction. Number two possessed remarkable control over his pheromones, even surpassing that of number one, allowing him to manipulate Mariella more effectively. Number one handed him the remote for Mariella's sedative organ, granting him further control over her. Naturally, he kept one for himself as well, denying him any remotes for Mimi. Mimi belonged to him, not number two, regardless of the feelings the number two harbored for her.