Chapter 119 - 39. Jolene.

Mariella let Damon unload. She didn't demand that he speak or tell. Yet she let him go with his instincts, unload what he needed, and do what he wanted. Then, when Damon bred her efficiently and for a long time, Mariella was quite surprised. But then, when Damon demanded the wolves in the bed and bred them, Mariella just went with the flow.

Everything would go into storage, and there was no problem, but this one now needed to breed. After a while, Mariella thought it was probably some reaction to the experience in the pharmaceutical company when Damon wasn't in control. He was powerless to stop Mimi's torture. Damon had told her how Adam had heard Mimi screaming every day, how Adam was conscious during the experiments, and Mariella knew that at some point, she would have to treat Adam, too.

But this was now on Mimi's care team, and it had already been a couple of weeks. Damon's breeding frenzy subsided a little, and Mariella felt herself breeding more and more. Damon had put the wolves down a couple of days earlier and was now lying on top of Mariella, cock deep in her womb and breeding relentlessly.

Damon had also stuffed them with many other substances, and they could not stop the alpha male. If the alpha male wanted to reproduce, they could do nothing. Mimi had now gained 36 kilos in two weeks and had not been in the incubator for a couple of days. Charles and Adam planned to take her into close care in bed when all the deficiencies were finally corrected.

Finally, Damon finished his breeding, and they went to the shower. Damon was in a very tight mood, and Mariella felt herself getting bred constantly.

When Damon growled in her ear, " Don't think darling, I won't make them grow for a while, then go on break, so you'll be pregnant all the time, anyway."

Mariella behaved. Not that being pregnant was in any way inconvenient, but when you had to be perfect. Damon had every right to give her flanks, and Mariella didn't like flanks at all. Damon wanted them to have a meal and then go and see how the lady was doing. He had already done some thinking and would have Mariella study the magic symbol book for the prescribed symbols again.

He wanted more efficiently for all the extra power to come to him, but now it had to be taken all the time, which took concentration, too. But if that power gets a little better at being released, Damon remembered how it had come good initially, but the seven years had changed everything so much that Mimi had somehow blocked that magic. But if he could develop additional symbols for it, it would help a lot. And then she'd be a bit more under control, she'd find that he really was the stronger one, and maybe he'd be able to spot her tricks a lot better, and then he'd take his share of Mimi's pretender ability because he felt that part of it belonged to him.

He was Mimi's partner, spouse, and biological half. Then she'd get a reasonable heat period, followed by a breeding period where the alpha male would breed, and the entire pack would see how the alpha female was disciplined correctly and ordered.

They went to the medbay, and Damon noticed things right away. Right at first, Miss was wide awake and pretty much in control of her whole treatment. The men had seen nothing as the lady had cunningly compelled them with pack ties and partly with pheromones. Mimi had no feeding button, no visceral feed. She was pretty lightly covered, not restrained. There was one cannula; the others had been removed. The bed was a luxury, almost water, and Miss was entirely in charge of things.

Damon sighed and said in his head to Mariella, and she said, " What are you going to do?"

Damon said, "You go study those symbols now, find the ones I need, then find a way for me to get my share of the lady's finder's radar and pretender skills. I'm going to show them how sly little creatures she is, but oh, that girl is going to breed and breed well. "

Mariella was pleased. Damon was so ready, and she had noticed how Damon's power of chaos and its use had been getting stronger all the time. One more thing occurred to her.

"Damon, have you looked into the lady's head? I mean, take in all her experience using her powers; what tricks does she have? I know we all do things our way, but knowledge is power, and it's good to know how the lady uses her powers and what her secret is. "

Damon was quiet and laughed.

He hissed, " You can be sure that now I know what I'm looking for as we study with the lady, that there is nothing wrong with the procedures. Even though her organ has been stuffed, I have an enormous pile of new flank in stock. The lady is getting local care here on medbay from me. And there's more she can get. "

Mariella laughed too and said, "Yeah, I'll go to study, and you get things together around here. "

Damon was thinking way ahead about the upcoming breeding season, but he had not thought things from Mimi's perspective and he saw just Mimi manipulating everyone and making sure that she was comfortable. He did not even remember how panicked she had been when he had brought her in; he had not asked for test results, nothing. He just assumed, like always, that he was still in the throes of a breeding frenzy. He still needed to breed, and he had thought of making women pregnant. His plan of breeding only with Mimi seemed a little dull as Mariella's pussy, her willingness, her way of igniting his passion, took over his mind. 

I had woken myself up; I didn't want the feeding button now; it reminded me too much of one test. I had fought myself awake. I had known the whole time that I had been anaesthetized and I had fought against it as hard as I could. My panic was just too great. I gave the men the idea of close care. I could take some fucking therapy, and then I felt my feeding gland in my mouth. That's an idea. And these were now energy beings, so it wouldn't be too hard for them.

But then, when I smelled the passionfruit, I knew I had to play sleep for a while longer. I was awake in my headspace and sort of let part of my mind still be asleep. I was pretty damn sneaky. I was trying to find a way to get my sense of safety, someone to keep me safe, not restrained in the hospital bed, being a just object that was treated. 

Damon came to my bedside and said to Charles, " This specimen is awake then. She is manipulating you with her pack bonds and her vampire powers. But I'm here now. She is probably trying to get as comfortable as possible."

Lepard came and said, "She's still asleep. You can feel it yourself; look."

Damon laughed, saying, " My boy, you are still a novice and easily fooled. The lady has a mind shield and is awake; I can't hear her thoughts, but I know she is not asleep. She's dozing, you might say."

Adam smiled and said, "You're just jealous because we're taking her to a local care; I'll show you in a minute when I kiss her awake."

Damon stiffened and said, " Why do you want to kiss Mimi? "

Adam looked and said, " Isn't that an excellent wake-up call? "

Damon picked up the penlight and said, " Let's just ensure we haven't activated the feeding gland."

Charles furrowed his brow and said, " Didn't you get it off then, permanently?"

Damon looked at Charles and said, " Look, as far as that creature is concerned, I'll never say never. This one is capable of miracles when it comes to her own body. "

I hadn't taken my anger out yet, and when Damon gave me the flank, I felt my head fog up. He opened my mouth and said, " Look at that, three glands and a gland full of it."

He gave me a couple more flanks, and I was asleep.

Damon carried his lightly sedated wife to the examination table, and with Adam and Charles, they went to remove Mimi's feeding glands. Once Mimi's palate was burned and scarred and her tongue lining cleaned up, Damon injected a substance into Mimi's brain, right where the cluster of cells that regulated the feeding gland was located. The substance had Damon's will and prevented the cluster from growing back anymore.

Damon felt a sense of empowerment when he realized that his will was in Mimi's head, literally. Then he put Mimi in a strong hormone cocktail, and again, it had the alpha male's will in it, and it worked; Damon could smell the change when the whole strong hormone cocktail was inside Mimi. He knew that procreation would also improve Mimi's health because it's part of normal physiology and part of their biology.

Damon said when the procedure was over, " Now, Mimi and I are going to have some quality time while I etch those new symbol parts, then when I say, we'll put the lady on a feeding tube, and I'll help her put up with it, then we'll have quite a few salvatores here ready to snatch away the memories so that this crisis can be hidden a bit. See, I got it. Mimi can't get over this by herself, no way, so we help and don't ask questions when we help. I'm the pack leader, the husband, the lady's doctor, and I'm now in charge of this thing."

The men understood, and Charles said, " We are too lenient, too patient, and I realize it won't work with that method. But you might get things done."

Damon laughed and watched as Mariella came back with the book. They went into one room to study the symbols, and the study went on for a week. It seemed that there had been a few little innocent pheromones in the air, ones that Damon could still tolerate from me.

The four had already let Mimi go, and she seemed to eat reasonably well under the Salvatore's supervision.

Damon sighed and said, " There goes another plan. Oh, that sucks."

Mariella said, "It will. It will be hard to knock the lady out to get the symbols engraved now, and then it's rutting time. I don't know; I feel like we can't keep our hands off each other."

Damon looked at his wife and said, " Do you know what, sweetheart? Eternity is a long time, and if we need each other, then we need each other. So let's go with the flow and see where it takes us. Besides, this was a real 1-0 for me. She let on a few pheromones. Those that the Alpha female uses when she needs her mate. So it is so engraved on me to come to you if she lets me know she needs me. I am not strong enough for her. "

Mariella sighed, but she felt a new life forming inside her the whole time. Damon needed to breed and somehow she suspected he might pop her and the wolves pregnant. 

I had been awake since I woke up with my mouth pretty fucking sore. The foursome told me everything, and I was so fucking happy that the couple ended up mating. They let me get up as Salvatores could see from my blood tests that my cortisol level had not dropped, and it had started to affect my enzymes. so it was partially a pure medical decision to let me go. Charles did not ask but picked me up, my mouth still sore, carried me to one bedroom, and came next to me, wrapping himself around me, I could feel Adam behind me, purring too softly, letting me rest, this time properly. 

Number two looked at Adam and Charles wrapped around Mimi, letting her sleep. They had gotten her biggest medical problems fixed, but this was the only way to make that cortisol level dropping and then save those precious enzymes. Number two knew why Mimi had done it. Number one had smelled of breeder. He had been breeding females earlier and the same fashion went on. Number two was not surprised if this ended up as a holiday, followed by breeding season between number one and Mariella. 

He wished he could be in that bed being the one purring to Mimi, keeping her safe, but he knew how damn jealous Mariella had gotten and Number one, being soft still, he would not rein her in. Better not to raise a war. He had always loved Mimi more than Mariella, even during those awful seven years.