Chapter 117 - 37. Panic At The Disco.

Damon sighed as they went to the kitchen. It had been a few days since they had come in and Charles had been silent. Not telling anything to anyone, and Damon knew he was protecting Mimi. He wished he could have done the same to her, but then again, he needed to be a clinician here. He needed to be the protector and that meant that some hard choices were to be made and those choices would not give him any points in Mimi's eyes.

He had gone through the fridge and seen how little and how wrongly Mimi ate. No wonder she had gained no weight. She ate whatever she had wanted and in her body, being as unwell as it had been, it would have needed pretty darn careful feeding and still it would not be enough.

He knew Charles had put Mimi to sleep. He could see it on his radar and wondered how to move on from this. It was good that she slept. It was, but then again, she would need little more than mere sleep and she would need intravenous nutrition, blood tests, and monitoring, meaning all the things that scared her and what she did not want. First, this was about Mimi's well-being and health; Damon had a say in that and complete authority.

But given Mimi's traumas and experiences, she might not have been in such a good mood when she discovered the forced treatment. But when it would be almost forced. There was no other choice here, and she was in danger of getting an infection or hibernating despite how much they had given her anti-hibernation drugs. Damon did not know about her medical records, so he did not know just how bad she had been and in what state she had left the hospital.

He was more than stressed about the entire ordeal. Mariella took Damon to one bedroom for a week, got him unloaded even a bit, and got a grip, being ready to do what was necessary. It had been hard to get Damon in the mood, but once he had gotten; he had been a hurricane. Mariella knew she was pretty much responsible for the whole damn ordeal and she was not sure how to continue. 

They lay in bed, tired, smelling sex, and then Damon said, "I guess there's no choice, darling, but to stun the lady and get her fixed up, but what will come of it, I don't know. It won't make us any better and she might really hate me for this, but I have no choice here. Not really, no."

Mariella said, " You're the pack leader. One of the pack is sick. It's not a difficult solution. You're also a doctor and a husband, so you do what you must, but Charles won't let you interfere with Mimi. if he gets to decide, he will sleep her in his arms next six months just because she wants it. Not because she needs something else. You must get Cornick to sleep first, then Mimi. And that's where, Damon, you'll have to be brutal because the lady has a rage on, so you'll probably have to use electricity if you can't stop it otherwise. Her flank organs are filled with nothing again, so we have work to do on the lady. And you can be sure she's fighting the drugs."

Damon nodded. He had come to the same conclusion, and now he just had to act, not give in, because Mimi wouldn't recover anytime soon. Damon had a plan for what would happen when Mimi was in better shape. Maybe it would help. That lady needed boundaries, discipline, and care.

He would put Mimi in heat, the whole pack, but he and Mimi would be a breeding pair only ones who make cubs, after heat. He would breed Mimi every week in front of the pack so that Mimi would have a weekly litter. The pack would take care of them, and he would keep her under control, bred, as an alpha female.

Damon looked at Mariella. She was one thing that could bring this plan of his down and for good.

So he had to remember that, " Darling, how about if we had a heat period, then when Mimi was well, for Mimi too, but it would only lead to breeding an alpha couple so that Mimi would make weekly litters? I would breed her every week, in front of the pack, for as long as our breeding season lasted, keep her under control, in the pack, and cared for. "

Mariella said, " Not a bad idea and, again, something new we've never experienced before."

She was wondering if it was good or bad. Damon is with Mimi every week, only they have cubs and kittens. She felt so unsure, but she tried not to think about it yet. It was not yet time, and making sure Mimi was physically fine would take time. 

Damon went with Mariella to get the medbay in place and ready for the victim. Damon was now in doctor mode. He had reserved a short-acting anesthetic for Cornick and a sedative for Mimi so that he could first get Mimi's rage under control and then put her to sleep when he saw what the situation was. She was way too frail condition to be knocked out cold straight away.

He sighed. There was a view from the medbay to that backyard and that pool. He still remembered that afternoon. How he had been worn out, after a long day of dog shows, and then she had been sitting in that pool in those itsy bitsy bikinis, sipping champagne, all innocent, and how they had fucked through that pool.

Now it was just one more memory. It would not become reality anytime soon, but he wanted her in his life and it was just that she would not want him. She wanted Adam and Charles and Damon bitterly knew that it had been him who had originally pushed Mimi in the arms of those two. He, not Damien. And here he was. Holding syringes, full of drugs, ready to electrocute his wife, scaring her and traumatizing her even more. He looked at the syringes in his hands, steeled his soul, and prepared for action. He headed for the bedroom, sneaking in.

Mimi's frail form was nestled in the safety of Charles's bigger body, he comforting her, giving her energy, keeping her warm and safe, Mimi looked so worn out what little he could see her face and he regretted being too weak for her. This would have been his place once it had been, and he remembered so many good memories from the past and felt like a monster. But he had to act. 

He was now in a clinical mood and didn't let the sight distract him. He crept closer and put the numbing energy on Charles's back, inserted the needle without hesitation into his heart, and pressed the plunger. He felt with his telepathy that Cornick was falling into a deep enough sleep and Damon unhooked him from Mimi, teleporting Charles into another room.

Mimi stirred as Damon moved closer, ready for action. Charles would not sleep too long, but enough time for him to get Mimi in care. Skeleton moved restlessly in bed, and Damon knew he needed to act fast.

Someone or something woke me up, and I was still half asleep when I smelled passionfruit. Fine, Mister is up to something. I had no idea why he came to disturb me. I let my rage surface but didn't have time to react when he had me trapped on my back in bed with energy and was looking at me. His eyes were cold as ice, his expression purely clinical, and there was no emotion in his eyes. I knew Mariella had put him up to this as she was jealous as ever and could not stand me to have anyone. 

"Sorry, baby, but this is for your own good. I'm the pack leader now, caring for the pack members. You need little more caring than slumbering in Charles's arms or otherwise you will be in hibernation in no time. "

He took blankets off my body, straightened my arm, and kept me prisoner. He took out the syringe, pulled the needle cover out of his teeth, found the vein, and stuck the needle into my vein, but hadn't pressed the plunger yet. I could feel him in my rage, but I was stronger. I fought back; I was in full panicked, and cornered, not really thinking but desperately trying to escape, to get away, hating to feeling that damn needle in my arm. 

I could feel my rage starting to win, pushing him away. He frowned and grunted. He looked at me and said, " You're so fucking resilient and damn strong, but I'm sorry."

After saying this, he hit me with an electric current, and I felt my grip on the rage slip. The current continued tearing through my body, and my rage slipped. It finally left my grip. Damon watched for a moment and pressed the plunger. My head clouded over, and my resistance broke. I could feel him in my mind, slamming my rage back to well and putting the lid on. He now controlled my rage, and I couldn't get the drug out, no matter how hard I tried.

Damon got out of bed, took the energy from around me, lifted me wrapped in a blanket into his arms, and teleported to the medbay. I shook like a leaf, being extremely panicked, and afraid, and if a powerful drug would not have kept my body from moving, I had no idea where I would end up. 

He laid me down on the bed, and Mariella was already there. Damon put the shackles on and said, " Just for your safety, I had to put you down before I put you to sleep. I know how hard this is for you, and you just need to get better now. There is no choice, or I won't give you a choice, and I can promise you won't be in the care of strangers."

His voice was clinical, uncaring despite his words. I knew he would not be here caring for me; he had just gotten to show me his strength once again and force this on me. He went to get the cannula, then came and cannulated me. it was not so easy. I panted. I was shaking at that point because I was so fucking helpless, drugged and in chains.

I certainly didn't show my rage for the fun of it. I was almost at the point of starting to hallucinate as my mind was gripped by panic and fear. This place was not certainly safe, not a good place for me to be, not at all. Damon then went to make a cocktail after taking a tube of my blood, sniffing and tasting it.

I saw that my dental cupboard had been found, and its contents examined. There were numbers two and five looking through my jars and also what Charles had pushed out. 

Damon then came up to me and said, " Seriously, I can feel and see how bloody panicked you are, but baby, you need to be taken care of now. Sleepy time."

He inserted the syringe into my cannula after number three had come, kept me in place, and pressed the plunger mercilessly to the bottom. I felt the drug kick in, and I finally fell into a deep sleep, no matter how hard I fought.