Chapter 111 - 31. Kisses and Tears.

I was trying to relax and surrender to the drugs when Damon came up next to me and started shaking and slapping me. I could feel the force of his hands against my skin, jolting me awake.

"Baby, wake up, come on, no more sleeping, come on, get up, Mimi, open your eyes, wake up."

I opened my eyes and looked at Damon through blurry vision. The room around me seemed hazy and distorted. Worry was etched on his face, his brows furrowed. His pale complexion made him look fragile, and his normally controlled expressions were now unsteady. I didn't want to speak because my mouth throbbed with incredible soreness.

It felt as if my throat and stomach had been ravaged by burning gaseous metals and poisons. Even my teeth ached, and my fangs pulsed with discomfort. Despite my exhaustion, I tried my best to stay awake, blinking repeatedly.

Damon encouraged me, his voice a constant presence. "That's it, girl, get up, but be careful; you have stitches. How sore are you? You must feel pretty awful?"

I nodded weakly and sat up with his help.

He continued talking to me, his words a lifeline in my disoriented state. "Come on, baby, I'll get you some coffee in a minute; it'll help."

I shook my head, emitting a guttural groan, and Adam approached me. He studied me, his brows furrowing as if he could sense my discomfort. Soon, pain etched his face, as if he could somehow feel my sensations.

He remarked, "I think you have a sore mouth. I can almost sense it. Don't you want something soothing in there?"

I nodded firmly. I was beyond exhausted, every inch of my body aching, my head spinning. But I summoned my strength, determined to appear as resilient as possible, knowing that these two were deeply concerned for me.

Damon's frown deepened, and he addressed me. "Let me take a look. I want to see if there's anything we can do to help. I have a small lamp with me."

Summoning all my energy, I fought against the impending faintness as Damon positioned himself before me, squatting down.

He held a penlight, attempting to maintain a clinical approach. "Well, try to open it if you can."

I opened my mouth, feeling the searing pain rip through my face and mouth. The intensity of the pain was overwhelming, causing me to wince. As they peered into my mouth, both Damon and Adam were visibly taken aback, unable to hide their shock.

Damon grimaced and advised, "That looks absolutely brutal. Close your mouth; I can only imagine how much it hurts."

I nodded in agreement, desperately trying to fight off the dizziness that threatened to consume me.

Damon paused for a moment, exchanging a glance with Adam before they moved away to discuss in hushed tones. Meanwhile, I sat on the edge of the bed, attempting to shake off the disorientation. A sudden realization struck me - there might still be one last adrenaline implant in my body unless Damon had removed it at some point. The thought of harnessing that surge of energy to fuel my anger gave me a renewed sense of alertness. I could feel myself becoming more awake, my rage on the verge of boiling over. 

Damon and Adam distanced themselves to have a private conversation. Damon cast a simple spell to ensure Mimi wouldn't overhear them. His magical abilities were limited, but he needed to find a power source.

"With the extent of the tissue damage in her mouth, she won't be able to eat. No wonder they refuse to feed her. I suspect those gaseous metals are the culprit, as I could detect their scent in her breath. What about her lungs? We'll have to find a way to improvise a feeding method for her. Here are some supplies. Hopefully, we can get her digestion functioning again. I can't determine if her stomach is intact enough for food to be digested; it's complicated. Now, the issue is whether I should attempt to create dental materials. I could make something to soothe her mouth, but will it last? And how long can I continue making dental materials if we're being monitored?" Damon pondered aloud.

Adam nodded thoughtfully and responded, "Let's both try creating some solutions and test them on Mimi. If they prove effective, that's great. We can also explore using bumps as an additional aid. There are no cameras around anymore; I've checked. We'll prepare some supplies and hide them away. There's a secure stash in that cupboard. If necessary, we can apply it to the feeding method if we can't heal her mouth. Or if her stomach has suffered severe damage. Now, can you absorb her rage? She's channeling it out, and if you can consume it, we could use it to power a transparency spell, allowing us to see her stomach and digestive system. It could provide valuable insight."

Damon nodded, and they went over to Mimi, who was still sitting very pale and unsteady on the edge of the bed. Her rage was almost fully out and her hands gripped almost like talons on the edge of the bed.

"Baby, why don't you lie down and close your eyes, try to fall asleep for a while, and we'll see if we can make you some dental stuff to help your mouth because you need to eat. You've lost so much fitness and weight. You will not last, and soon you won't be able to function. You really need to stop to try to fight them. I will help you by eating this rage, as you can feel, oh this is tasty. You need to relax for a while and we try to help you eat in somehow."

I could feel Damon putting my rage back to its well and eating it for quite a chunk. It made me feel less perky.

I gathered my strength, and I knew it was going to hurt, so I said, "Your teeth are good to go, they are not understanding them. Mine are gassed with those metals as I have poisoned so many. Did you take all the adrenaline implants out of me, including my back right thigh, the muscle inside?"

It hurt to talk, but I had to get this out first. They probably were thinking of using or not using their teeth, so I needed to tell them what I had heard.

Damon thought and said, "I've never taken it out of there, only the front of your thigh. Why do you have an implant there? How strong? How does it work?"

I tensed my legs, reached with my hand, and tried it. I felt the implant, and I took Damon's hand and let him feel the implant.

Then I looked at him and said, "I'm about to let the meds put me back to sleep or drug me, whatever. You're going to take that implant out. It's not activated, so it's full. 100 doses of fucking strong synthetic adrenaline meant to blast my rage out. There's some blocker blocking my full access to my rage now. It won't last, but I am soon too weak to get my rage out. I have tried to fight them, kill as many as I can, but I can't get us free. My rage is a hell of a strong. I can function with it as you notice, but I am too weak and in pain to want to be awake. Use that adrenaline to counteract the meds in the future then, because I am not sure how long I can function with my rage. Then, when I wake up, I'll show you how it works."

Damon looked fiercely into my eyes and said lowly, "My telepathy works up close and personal, so just think how it works, and I'll use it. You need to rest and eat and stop trying to kill them. It is not working and you get just too banged up. Think that implant, That's good, baby, that's fantastic."

I thought then and felt Damon in my mind. He seemed weaker, and I could see how pale and thin he was. He was still eating my rage and what he could find in my mind. I hoped it would give him a little more oomph because it was painfully obvious that these two would be the ones to get us out.

I did not tell him I had seen him being tortured by shed session machines. We would all have a recovery ahead of us when we got out of here sometime. Damon went to the sink to wash his hands as he prepared to get that implant out.

I lay down and closed my eyes. I let the drugs, the whole damn cocktail of them come over me, take me to sleep. Dizziness washed over me. Slowly the pain started to recede and now and then, I felt Damon touching me, stroking me, and talking, but I couldn't hear what he was saying anymore. I felt a cut on my side as he had seen in my mind how I had hidden one scalpel and partially embedded it in my hip bone. He dug it out, drained his blood, and I guess he got the wound healed. I was almost asleep. The pain in my mouth was not too bad anymore, and I felt so weak and drained. 

I felt them roll me over onto my stomach; I let the drugs work and fell into a deeper sleep despite the sharp cut on my rear thigh. It wasn't even hard. I was pretty fucking weak, and I was trying to be stronger in front of those two, but now I still didn't know how to even escape from here or in what condition. I had a plan; it was like the ultimate emergency plan, and I did not know if it would work or if I could get the men on board.

Damon felt how weak Mimi was and how easily the drugs could put her back in a trance and even asleep. He had eaten lots of her rage; it had been superstrong and almost inflamed in some way but it gave him a hell of a boost. Mimi was out cold again, but he would get Mimi awake with an adrenal implant. He would dig it out, using the scalpel he had taken from Mimi's side. She had been swinging when she had apparently been handled. He got the implant out and put it on the table. Then they turned Mimi over on her back. She seemed so damn frail, cold even.

First, Damon did a transparency spell so they could get an idea about how bad it was. There was damage and quite many spleens, but nothing was dead, only injured, so they might get her organs to heal. They covered her up warmly and proceeded with their plan.

Damon lifted the headboard slightly and said to Adam. "I'm gonna kiss her, try to taste the inside of her mouth, quickest way to get my teeth to respond." 

Adam nodded, and Damon kissed Mimi gently and for a long time. Then it was Adam's turn, and he kissed too, tried to taste, he could taste the metals, blood in her mouth and he did not know if his teeth would do anything. But when a dull ache was felt between his eyes, he knew his teeth were reacting, doing something, but he had no idea what was coming.

Damon was already rubbing between his eyes, and Adam went over to one of the cupboards, took out some plastic cups, put some fresh clingfilm on it, and gave it to Damon. They made several more of these collection bins.

Then they waited; half an hour later, they were pouring one container after another full. There was velvet, modified velvet with the anti-hibernation in it, and Damon was swearing because he couldn't remember the last time Mimi had had anti-hibernation. Both of them were doing velvet and one thing that Adam had done was a very potent painkiller and he made a lot. Different healing boosters were also made and few other helping substances.

But well, they now had dental materials in Mimi's mouth, and some were ingestible, but Mimi would have to swish them around in her mouth first, and then she could swallow them. Damon prepared the solutions, diluted them with plain water, and used cotton buds to squirt them into Mimi's mouth while she was still asleep. He also used bumps then after he had used dental substances.

The stuff worked, and he could see the bright red sores and blisters disappearing. Bump would soothe more and bind those metals as well. Now Mimi could eat, but first, she would always get some different dental stuff. Damon had made a drinkable version of the velvet with the anti-hibernation drug and painkiller as well. Now, the job was to wake Mimi up, help her eat, wash, and then sleep with the velvet so the anti-hibernation drug would work.

He activated the implant and got the thin needle to come out. They were ready, and Adam was already making Mimi some food and coffee. They had a bump in the fridge's coldest part a few hours ago, so she would have a cold bump to soothe her mouth even more. Damon would wake her up and help Mimi's mouth first, and then the lady would wash as assisted, eat properly, and then go back to sleep.

They would try to save Mimi's strength. Damon had made the other substances that she would drink to help her metabolism, tissue damage, and healing ability. Adam had also made a few substances, and Damon was deciding what to give at what point. He'd made Adam a few, too, to keep his strength up. They hid all their dental stuff carefully. If those sadists were not aware potential of their teeth, all the better. No need to tell them.

I woke up to my heart pounding and Damon shaking me awake. I opened my eyes and realized I'd had a dose of adrenaline. They had done something to me as the pain was less and I could taste passionfruit in my mouth, like a bump. It was amazing that I could taste anything at all. Whatever they had done, it had helped with something because my mouth wasn't so sore.

Damon said, "Morning, baby, sit up. Oh, let me help you up. We've done some dental stuff. And as you can tell, hopefully, your mouth will feel better, but first, you'll swish this stuff around in your mouth for a couple of minutes and then swallow it. It will heal, also going down. There's quite a lot of this, so it'll take a while, but then you should be able to eat well. Once I get your mouth right, then I'll help you wash up a bit, and then you'll eat. We have been storing bump so there is that too for you. Then you'll get some velvet and go to bed. Now, we'll try to get some more strength for you. Do you understand?"

I nodded. I was still pretty dazed, but I obeyed. He handed me a plastic cup into which he had poured a substance. I had to swish it around in my mouth until he nodded, and then I had to swallow it. He poured some more, a dose. I must have taken about three cups, but it helped a lot. My throat and stomach didn't hurt so much, and when Damon took me to the shower, I saw that most of my wounds had healed, and I didn't have stitches anymore. 

He helped me into the shower. He had gotten a chair in there, so I did not have to stand. When he washed my hair, and just cut it to my shoulders so it was easier to manage. He washed me with about some of his bump, as apparently, the stuff here didn't suit me, but I felt clean and pretty damn refreshed. now I did not mind as I smelled passionfruit. 

Then I had to go and eat first. Damon dressed me up a lot. I was obviously cold. He had gotten scrubs and some other stuff for me to wear. He talked to me, telling me what to do, and he was calm. I was not even trying to find my rage, as he somehow kept me calm as well. Yes, I ate what these two stuffed me with. I drank coffee and lots of it. And they made me drink bump quite a lot too. Now, I had two guards, and neither of them was in the mood to listen to my objections, but I had an idea.

I told Damon, "Damon, can you get your rage out? Can you find it?"

Damon frowned and said, "I can, but it's no use as such because my rage is not your rage, my rage, it is somehow calm. And you've been given a blocker, haven't you?"

I nodded and said, " But if you could get my rage, would that help? This Polish sadist knows about salvatore rage. You two have been drugged for a while now, so your rage is out of whack. Mine is not, as you sensed it, you ate it. "

He thought momentarily and said, "It is not good that we have been drugged, but it is something we can't help right now. Your rage, it might help; why do you ask?"

I said, "I know I have a lot of rage, and it's strong, but could you access it if we put our symbols against each other? Could you also take other powers from me and strengthen yourself so we could one day get out of here? I have tried to get us out of here, but no use. I feel like I am bursting out of my seams, but I am freaking too weak to use them."

Damon thought momentarily and said, "I don't want to weaken you, but we could try."

I nodded and said, "I have a lot of power, and power I can't access right now. You take all you can get. I have tried to keep my siphoning as open as possible so there are tanks full of stuff too, not sure if the energies that you siphon when tortured are any good but choose what you want. You understand. You're the one that's going to get us out of here. And Adam too. I am too far gone and I am too good a target for them to destroy. Keep your fertility as low as possible. He tries to create more of me, wants your sperms."

Damon looked at me momentarily and said, " Fine, let's see if that helps. "

I'd eaten, and Damon had reserved a velvet bedside table for me. He went to bed first, took off his shirt, checked that his magic symbol was active, and then I came in, upper body bare, and he helped me lie down so that our symbols touched and locked, and I felt him find my rage, take it. I needed to give him more. 

I knew I had an alpha power that was goddamn strong, and I wasn't doing anything with it now, but if I surrendered, let that power combine with Damon's power. That would help too. I relaxed, called my alpha power to the surface, and allowed it to go to Damon to join.

A tense breath as Damon realized what I was doing, how I was giving him my power so that it became ours. He accepted, held me tighter to him, and almost shuddered, and I felt his sensation tidal wave through our bond.

Our power merged about 70% of it, and it was a beautiful, intense power that bound us tightly together, and we had a connection; I felt us just by the power of touch. We now had the connection that I had seen in others. I felt him taking tank after tank, too. Then he finally broke away and gave me the velvet to drink, not saying a word as he held me in his arms for so long the velvet took me into a deep sleep. I was safe, even for a moment, in his embrace, feeling our connection, our bond and it was the most beautiful thing, the most wonderful feeling that I had ever felt.