Chapter 106 - 26. Sleeping in My Car.

Damon was eating, and something was bothering him. He knew something was not quite right in the pack and couldn't grasp it. He didn't know who it was or what it was about. He was a powerful telepath, and he had been scanning everyone's thoughts, looking for a clue or understanding of what was wrong with this pack. But no. Mimi was looking at the TV. Mariella was fine, and the wolves were fine. 

As pack leader, he wanted to know if there was a problem and if he could help with it, or deal with something. salvatores were fine, no rage there or Adam and Charles. He was eating, and thinking same time, this feeling of unease that he did not seem to shake off. His meal was tasty, a lot of fatty beef as he should eat and he had one anaconda stake, as per Mariella's order, when his enzymes were too sluggish. So he was having his meal and thought about returning to Mariella who was taking a bath, and she was a responsible one, not sleeping in a bath and cooling herself. 

Then Lepard came to the kitchen, he had been out hunting, and Damon could smell in him, the wilderness of forest, the blood of the animals that he had caught, and Damon could see at first glance that this one had a rage out and properly. Why was his son furious? Could it have something to do with this feeling, this job? Had he been hunting or unloading as he did not always unload his rage into sex but into hunting and mauling, so had he been venting into the forest, and if so, why on earth?

" Lepard, why on earth are you so angry? "

Damon asked his son in a firm tone of voice, his pack leader's tone. He knew that this was not the time to be nice and friendly, trying to appease as he knew Lepard would remain silent. The only thing here was him getting answers was being the strict, pack leader. He had to demand that he answer Damon.

Lepard had gotten his food and was eating, pork cutlets and pork belly, a little wagyu as well. He was fuming, more or less. He had his coffee and drinks, but he was furious. So it was obvious that he had been venting, not eating as he ate voraciously and fast, his rage simmering still right under the surface. Damon was a little unsure how to get him to cool down. 

Lepard lifted his head and said, "I'm fine; I'll get my anger under control. Just leave it alone. I will go back to the forest and get myself to cool down. No need for you to get involved. "

He focused on his food and stabbed pieces of meat with his fork furiously. Lepards' sky-blue eyes were almost as dark as Mimi's right now, as he was so consumed by his rage. His nostrils flared a bit, his breathing was uneven, and it seemed that he was almost bursting at his seams. 

Damon looked at this son of his sternly, keeping himself composed, not letting any sign show outside that he was disturbed. It had been a few hours when Mariella had returned from talking to Mimi and she had just shaken her head, and they had fucked for two hours until this uneasiness had gotten him moving.

Well-filled, Mariella was not hungry, but she had opted to go in the bath while Damon went to eat. And now he knew that this feeling had something to do with Lepard or whatever had gotten him riled up.

So he spoke to him, still keeping in the same tone, even a little sterner, "Not good enough. I will not leave this until you give me a proper explanation, Lepard. Right now."

Damon's son raised his eyes and looked his father straight in the eyes. Lepard's sky-blue eyes were filled with anger, but he controlled himself because he wasn't angry with his father. He didn't even know who he was angry with, but the thought of what Mimi said was so intolerable and unbearable that it brought his unique rage to the surface.

How much Mimi had suffered, and he had sensed it. Over two months and in sheds, it must have been awful, and that rot he could sense. Yet, as timid as she was, traumatized and Lepard had sensed her vulnerability, he could not help her yet. It was her decision when to accept to help and get that rot out of her mind.

He just wanted to protect her, keep her safe and near him, and make her happy and smiling. Lepard knew nothing more beautiful than a genuine smile on Mimi's face. It had been just perfect. He wanted her to smile. That she was not burdened by her past, but it was out of his hands, as he was not a bully like his father. He did not believe that if your intentions were good, you could do whatever to get them done.

Lepard said, "I'm furious as I discovered things I can't help; they're in the past and can be in the past. Is that clear? I'm just facing my powerlessness and get over with it."

Damon grunted, it was his normal, low grunt, barely audible, noncommittal sound, and Damon could feel his annoyance to starting rise. His fingers grabbed the fork harder, and he took a bite to eat before talking.

He was determined to get a decent answer out of his stubborn son and said, "You're a tough son of a bitch, but you must be more specific. You are bursting with your seams and it seems your little exercise in the forest is not enough. We'll talk over some food in the bedroom, and I can guarantee Mariella will make your tongue sing. You need to unload by other means and Mariella will get you riled up properly so we can get your rage down a little better and you, my boy, you will talk."

That little extortion that his father was doing Lepard felt like saying what Mimi had done to Mariella, but he restrained himself and said, " It's just Mimi's past; I found out some things she went through, nothing more. We're quite close to Mimi, you see, and the experiences she went through, nobody should have to go through them, least of all Mimi. I just want her to be happy and smiling but this thing, shook her up, and she is now feeling not so happy. She is trying once again to push the past back to where it belongs. "

Damon sighed and said, " Fine, you're coming to Mariella's therapy, and we'll get it out of you. If Mimi has a rotten memory somewhere, we'll have to get it out. I am in no mood to listen to any objections. It will best way to help her even if it means knocking her out and digging into her mind. She is just so strong that we won't it other means out."

Lepard laughed a little. His expression did not faze much, but he was slightly amused, like he would know something that Damon did not. His low chuckle was a husky, and sarcastic sound and Damon furrowed his brows.

He said, " What's so funny now? "

He was getting a little annoyed when he felt he did not know everything and now this stubborn son of his refused to tell him what he wanted to know. The telepathic blocker that Mimi had used had given him a headache, and it had made him try to go and listen, but that damn door was soundproof, and there was something else also blocking the sound.

Lepard said, " Let's just say Mimi used her powers a little with Mariella earlier."

He smirked, actually, like it would be a funny story. 

Damon sighed, the sound echoing in the empty kitchen, and said, " So, she compelled this? Again?"

Lepard nodded. It was better that Damon concentrated on breaking the compulsion and caring for his wife. He could put his rage down and maybe help Mimi if she let him. Mimi might not appreciate him telling her about Mariella's compulsions, but his skin is always worth saving.

He did not want to end up in bed therapy right now. He did not want to have sex right now; he had gone into the forest a little bit earlier to vent and he still wanted to continue to do so. Despite his being a wizard and, a member of the lust pack, he used his lust for so many other things than sex too. 

Lepard went out and took his form. He went into the woods searching for prey, though there wasn't much of it in the Fuengirola. Rabbits, birds; yes, he always found the game when he wanted it. He had eaten, but now it was time to hunt some more and if he would find a little bigger prey, he might just maul it to death.

Damon ate his meal, watched as Lepard ate his fast, and left, out hunting again. He sighed in his mind and knew that whatever secret Mimi must have; she had told it to Mariella and then compelled her to forget. So it was a wonderful challenge for him to undo it. It would not be easy, but he would enjoy this. He stood up after he had eaten, put his dishes away, and walked into the bedroom. He was ready to face this challenge and see how strong Mimi had become. 

Mariella was lying on the bed. Bath had been wonderful, and she was wearing only a light nightie. She was tired and not sure what to do. The warm bath had left her somewhat so relaxed and limp that she was not even sure if she wanted to fuck straight away. Of course, if Damon would start to seduce her, it wouldn't take much, but Damon was eating, and she heard his footsteps coming closer. Soon the door opened and Damon approached Mariella, coming next to her in bed and looking her hard in the eye.

He said, "Let's just start going through what you did with Mimi, minute by minute. "

Mariella was silent and said, " Fine. What will you do and why?"

She could feel him in her mind, scanning and probing. She did not understand why Damon looked at her like she was a challenge to him. She tried to behave, not make him show his might to her. She was not sure what this one wanted of her. She did not feel any jealousy, so it was not vampire heat, but what?

Damon came beside his wife in bed and said, "Mimi compelled you, and cunning, now this time, she is letting your mind fill in the blanks, what you talked about and everything, but this may take time, and I will unravel it."

Mariella said, "Are you sure? I can vividly remember the entire conversation and the very descriptive language that she used on you. Maybe you are just overreacting on this thing."

He pushed the needle into his wife's lungs, giving her a flank and making her relax. Mariella lay limp on the bed, but awake, barely. Now, it would be good for him to start slowly getting the compulsion out. It would take time, as he would have to find where the compulsion started and what had happened. He was excellent at this. He had been decades one of the best interrogators for the governments. Several of them, so he knew his job. This was such a challenge for him to do.

It would take repetition. He would have to make Mariella tell things repeatedly to try to find the boundary and then unravel the compulsion, to overcome the power of Mimi in Mariella's mind, to absorb that power into himself, and only then would he find out the truth. And what boost he would get from that compulsion. 

He didn't yet know how he was going to react to this. So the fact that Mariella was being compelled was not good, and he always saw it partly as an attack on Mariella, and then he felt the need to retaliate and defend her himself. Put Mimi in her place and properly.

But he needed to remember that Mariella was just too weak, and he had been lazy not to protect her mind from the compulsion of the others. Of course, it would be done very specific way so Mimi would not be able to compel her but other salvatores could and he would get notice if they would compel her.

But if he wanted to keep some relationship with Mimi, he couldn't rush in and react immediately. He needed to get an answer to the most important question: WHY? It could be that this was Mimi's reaction to shelter something pretty darn nasty, and he knew that he might have gotten the truth out of Lepard sooner, but he needed to undo this compulsion in Mariella'smind first. Only then he would have all the facts. 

He had to be patient and watch and listen to the entire story. To look at things from Mimi's point of view and then see what Mariella wanted to do. Still, he was very inclined to do what Mariella wanted unless there was some apparent contradiction because most of the time, Mariella was intelligent and saw things differently. Most of the time, they balanced each other out. He knew he had been stricter with her when Mimi had not been in the pack and he had gotten into his old bad habits, but now he was going to have fun first.