Chapter 89 - 9. Dancing Queen.

Damon was pleased as he watched his sleeping wife. The fight had been a close one. He had had to pretend that it had been easy for him to beat Mimi. But Mimi was quick, unpredictable, and powerful. Her substance affected him still, and he was nauseous as he smelled her strawberry. He was also so freaking lustful as he gazed at Mariella that he was almost ready to pounce on her. It had been so damn tight to fight and that substance of hers. She had gotten almost to him. He had then been given enough of the substance to make her weaken. Slow down.

And that's where it started. He got more of it in her. And she had gotten hers to him. Until he made a couple of good hits that broke a couple of bones that didn't bone up, and he got some more stuff in her. Her healing had taken a hit, and he still had to be so damn careful because every hit that she had gotten into him, had made him almost teleport to Mariella.

Only by helping with his rage, he had held on. Then, it was good to take Mimi to the medbay after he had gotten her down and kicked her ribs in so she was almost out cold, so it was easy to put her in chains. Cannulate it. And give her a cocktail. Now that Mimi was unconscious.

Damon went to Mariella and kissed her, and he was very wild. Mariella sighed and bit her fangs in his throat. Finding Mimi's substance still affecting Damon she chopped it up, so it did not make Damon want to fuck her senseless and forget about Mimi. That substance had been strong and if she had not chopped it off, they would have ended up in bed and there would have again gone their plan, but this time she was on it and not let Mimi ruin their plans. It was time for a young lady to be under control and properly so.

Damon felt pleased that Two had already positioned Mimi on her stomach and began flushing out her flank organ. He already had a new substance for the flank organ, a strong one. It would fill the organ. Then, we'd have to find some kind of protective mechanism to stop Mimi from doing that again. Mimi had some kind of a surgical robot that had done this, and it was on the secret island. That island would have to be found. But Damon had a little plan of his own for that island. 

First of all, Mimi would be interrogated and a lot, too. Damon had some drugs available that he thought he would try. Suppose he could get Mimi relaxed enough. Tell him about the island and maybe take him to the island. Just the two of them. He'd try to seduce her. Try to get her into the idea that it could be their Azores. Their own paradise. But it would take a while.

He wanted them to have a place of their own, and he knew it was possible. He did not even think of Mariella or her feelings when he had gotten this idea. Something about how Mimi had described those couples had struck a chord in his soul, igniting the need to have a decent relationship with her. Including their paradise, hidden from the rest of the pack.

But this was for the future. Then, when the flank organ was ready, they'd take blood tests. He looked when several Salvatores were working on Mimi. They worked as doctors, making sure that everything was done as they had planned. No deviation of any kind. Mimi was now a subject, and object of their procedures. Now it was not time to think about what she wanted, but what he had ordered. Soon it was time to take a lot of blood tests.

Mimi might wake up to it by then. The cocktail hadn't been strong. Damon didn't want Mimi to sleep for days on end. Mimi would start a new era again, a time to learn to be disciplined. It's time to eat like the others, under control, too. It's time to be his. His alpha wife. She had information that he sought. He knew deep down that he was entitled to that information too and it was just Mimi's stubbornness and her belief that they could never be, what kept her from sharing that information.

Damon could see into the future but not so long and there were always so many chances but he still believed that one day, he would show her they could and they would have that relationship, where a mere touch would be enough for him to know when she would need him. The future would be beautiful, but soon it was time to focus on this moment.

He had seen hints, in far, far future and it had been him and then it had not been him, but they were together, and still same time he was with Mariella. It was like he was in two bodies. Vision was hazy, he saw glimpses of wedding, of birth, just him and Mimi. He tried to look more, Mimi in cage, angry, bitter, and he felt this ghost sensation that he had found something he had been looking for so long. 

Sharp headache was setting in as he tried to see more. He saw desolate land, almost world after some kind of world ending event, Mariella had brown hair, she was thinner, harder looking. Suddenly, Mariella's voice pulled him out, "Damon, don't push, it is just random, let it be, do need to worry." 

He focus here and now. What would happen next?

And then, in a little while, when Mimi would be properly in control. Then we could watch it unravel. But Damon wanted to be sure he was in the right frame of mind for it because it was so enjoyable. So perfect. To express himself with knives. Then, to get that reward, that magnificent power. He would take it all to himself, not share it with anyone. 

Mimi was still asleep when they started taking the blood tests, but of course, she would wake up after a while, fully drugged still. There were quite a lot of sedatives in that cocktail that would keep her drugged for a while. The results would show how much IV should be done, but that would be the worry of the time. Well, she would be in bed for quite a while, drugged out of her mind, under control for quite a long time, and he could already put a little idea of the island in Mimi's mind.

But it would have to be done so discreetly and secretly that she wouldn't even realize it was a suggestion. Damon already knew some shortcomings but wanted to see how much he had to keep putting on IV and giving, but it would all help the pack life. 

Then, when the drips were done, he would set off with the lady to walk around the island for a flank walk. By then, there were several of them in Mimi's mind looking for information in the books, and they had already found something. Oh, they would then join with Mimi to combine the alpha power again, but this time so that it wouldn't go into the power grid. But Damon would capture most of it. Then he'd be pretty fucking strong. It was Mimi's duty to provide power to him, to be his power battery and he, as leader of the pack, decided how much power to give to everyone.

I woke up to someone taking blood from me. I didn't announce in any way that I was awake. The old way of first checking where the fuck I was and what had been done to me. I was pretty sure my flank was full, and I was pretty freaking drugged. But fine, let it go then. I kept my breathing even not moving anything and tried to get rid of this drug. I knew that there had been taken quite a lot of blood and more was taken all the time.

At least I was getting a lot of tests done. My body was still sore, and I was not in a perfect position, so I swore to in my mind to myself quite colorfully.

I slowly opened my eyes when Damon said dryly, " Baby, this room is full of telepaths. We'll know when you're awake."

I tried to concentrate on clearing the fog from my head and getting my head a little clearer. One version of Damon was already carrying a collection of bags, hanging them somewhere I couldn't see and making them come inside me. It was Number two, while number one was still taking blood samples from me. I sighed and realized I was in chains, but now I didn't panic yet and just started cursing very talentedly in my head, all the words I could think of. I used to also Finnish phrases and came up with quite many of new ones.

Then Damon said dryly at one point, " Baby, don't repeat yourself; that phrase was already in the earlier one."

Oh really? Never mind, then. No need to keep counting what I had used and what had not. I got a few new ones done.

He finally got those samples taken and said, " Well, now you're going to take all the IVs, and your bones are fixed. My little substance has now stopped working, so you will heal just fine. Yes, I guess I'll have to coach you a bit in that sport, at least if I want to get a good match out of you. You are way too hasty with your attack and you don't block as much as you could. As you think, you can take it all. Well, let this is to be a lesson for you."

I looked at him for a moment and said, " You have nine salvatores to fight. You'll have to fight them. They can fight against you, so you are not so bored next time. "

My voice was quite damn bored. I was not too happy about this. 

He smirked at me and said, " Well, what is it, baby? You won't take the challenge, dare to be my pupil."

I thought of another couple of pretty damn snappy sentences about his teaching role, and then my mind went fuzzy as he pressed the remote, looked at me for a moment, and said, " Works well, doesn't it? We'll see when those IVs are down if we go for a little walk around the island."

My mind was blank, no sentences were formed as I was too drugged for that.

I lay in bed for hours in a daze because something intoxicating or sedating was in a bag somewhere. And I couldn't shake it. I was feeling pretty damn helpless and not like this feeling at all, but I kept it deeply hidden. Then, when the IVs were over, I wasn't lucid yet. I couldn't think of anything rational or coherent, and when Damon then came to help me up, used the shower, didn't fuck while he washed. I was more or less a zombie as I had no mind of my own and deep down in my hiding place I was fucked up as I could; I felt so damn helpless and I had to use a lot of my powers to keep my memories under control.

He picked out my clothes, and then we went for a walk. Out, and although I had an organ full of the stuff, so no when I was injected in my lungs and my liver and then rubbed, my abdomen became jellied and properly so. That's what number two was for. We always went to number two, who had a big bag of jelly ready, while number one held me down and let number two pour a couple of liters of jelly into me so that there was a good rubbing.

I was so damn confused I couldn't control myself every time Damon asked me about books and what I'd read. I could not speak, but he was in my mind to look up things. When he was interrogating what the Alpha women had told me so much that he would look into the past and watch the entire conversation from there, rubbing my liver or my stomach. I did not tell him everything and some things that he found out were something he did not like. Well, it was his thing if he wanted to know too much, then he should bear them too. 

They had been out all day. What Mimi had been awake for was about 12 hours. The island had been pretty well covered, as had Mimi's information. Damon was a good interrogator, and he always had a Salvatore to help if there was a situation. He was holding Mimi down when they gave her jelly or another drug.

They keep walking. He interrogated a little bit more. He talked a lot of things and Mimi was unable to talk, but her mind was responding to his talk and he plucked a lot of information from there. Not all of it was something that he liked, but information nevertheless. Damon shared information with Mariella and others, everything he could get out.

He sensed her distress over this sedation, but he pressed on. The benefits were much too great to stop right now. He tried to ease Mimi's mind by trying to seduce her into safety. He was already hinting a little to Mimi about their peace. How good it would be for the two of them to have a place all to themselves that no one else in the pack would know about or have access to, not even Charles or Mariella. A place that would be just a secret hideaway for the two of them. Completely hidden.

Would Mimi know of such a place? Would Mimi have such a place for them? Mimi was still so drugged that she couldn't say anything about it directly, but Damon had noticed with his telepathy that the suggestion was getting through. Mimi thought about it now and then. Parts of the island had flashed in her mind. How wonderful it was there, and Damon had to control himself very hard not to be upset about it. His rage was almost bubbling up, but soon he would unload some and then it would be good for them.

It was already evening, and Damon decided that now he'd had enough of the flank walk. And they went inside. Mimi was made to eat at the same table where everyone else was already eating. Mimi's food and eating were observed to make sure it went as it should. Then Mimi could rest for a while. Now Damon thought he should go to Mariela's to unload a bit.

Relax, reel these things off in his head, and talk to the pack. Where do we go from here? Mimi had gotten a lot of information that was probably not good for her. It would be good to remove it from Mimi, but since she had already used it, it was difficult to remove in itself. But they'd have to figure out a way to prevent certain things that Mimi could do and how they could use that information better than Mimi could. He was not thinking about Mimi's point of view, but he let his need to win her cloud his judgment. He saw her as the enemy and someone who should not have access to so much information.

All the information that could be deleted was deleted from Mimi's mind. The information would be more useful to the pack. And then, at some point, when he combines his alpha powers with Mimi. Then, it becomes their alpha power, his alpha power. Then, he can show how a male dominates his female, whether they're a so-called official couple or not. He did not think things through, not at all. And then he failed to see what could happen.

I ended up having the food to myself, hoping the drugs would finally disappear from me somewhere. I didn't like being drugged for long periods. When I didn't enjoy being drugged at all. I got back to be alone, and I watched movies and cleared my head slowly, with my rage now that I could get at it, then I went for a cool shower, which helped even more, but when I was fed up with having to be a good girl again and eat at the same time as everyone else.

But I got over it, and then the other thing that pissed me off was the whole bullshit interrogation of my alpha power. And I felt that information was being removed from my head and quite a fucking lot of it. And, of course, I'd already given the books away, but that's about it. I had my backups, but they weren't so easy to access and I knew that they just powered me down and it is no good thing, but maybe they will learn someday. 

So I got busy. It took me about 24 hours to clear my mind. I watched TV, ate when I was told, and started decorating every other day. I decorated, I put up rooms, and then there was a Hamster storage room every other day. Now, I have acted, not just watching TV or watching movies. Let the others fuck or do what they want. I did what I wanted; the rooms became gorgeous.

I was not too happy to be with anyone and I wanted to be alone, to get my mind in order and more so get these damn memories back to hiding where they had burst out of. These were old, old memories from Damien's time, and my history being what it was, there was so much shit to be dealt with. But with time and focus, I suppressed those memories back into hiding, not letting anyone see them or feel them. 

This whole "be a good girl and you get reward," had never worked on me, too many bad memories and one damn nasty shed session where Damien in Damon's body more or less programmed me not to resist in order for me to get always 15 minutes pain free time, of course every poison, metal and substance worked during that time but I have no idea how he blocked the pain. It was one memory that threaten to burst out and properly and since it was done in Damon's body, no need for him to see it or know about it.

This castle was full of different little hidden rooms or rooms you couldn't get into easily. And oh, how I enjoyed making little hiding places for myself in there—my peace and quiet. After two weeks of doing that, I felt like I could unpack. I was ready for that thing. It would be a good time for me, maybe once in a while. I was not too happy with Damon and did not want him near me. Not with those memories.