Chapter 55 - 15. Moi...Lolita

The Damons and Mariella had been discharging the charge from Mimi for about four months now, and they were now ready for more at some point. When they got the change unloaded, it made them able to take on more, and maybe at some point, they might get Mimi to feel a little less packed. Damon wondered if now was the time to make babies, but then again, all of Mimi's traumas were not a good equation, but now he would start planning to access those session memories.

But they wouldn't tell her they were coming because Damon didn't want to give Mimi time to protect her mind. He'd kind of always been on cooldown, so he'd worked on containing the fear demons by telling all the vampires about it. He had learned to act on many different things too, so now he was not idly sitting and drinking, waiting to cool down to end, but he used that time to do some work. Mariella liked to drink the fear demons, and there were quite a few vampires at the thing itself, so population control might be in order.

Damon didn't even know at what point Freya had gotten away from Sarks, but once again, he was cleaning up after the original vampires. Damon felt like he'd been doing it his whole fucking life. Always putting out all the minor crises that Nick had usually caused.

They arrived at the Bangladeshi house. It was almost again quite a grand palace and Damon could not suppress all of his irritation, even if it was irrelevant and not in place at all. He had to admit to himself that he was in reality jealous of Mimi's houses and possessions and even though he was her guardian and all of this was now their pack; it had been Mimi's and there was this feeling of her in there still. 

It made him mark his territory even more, and he rubbed behind his ears and spread his pheromones as many places as he could. 

Mariella wrapped herself around him, kissed him, and murmured in his ear, "I know dear, I feel it too and we just need to nest in here, so many houses to us to make a nest and make it our house. Not just hers anymore. "

Damon grunted. They toured the first floor. Damon put the magic map in place that showed him who was where, and Mimi wasn't inside. Fine, Missy must be out working somewhere then. The men and the wolves greeted Mariella and the salvatores. There went a bit of manly pair work. Number two kissed Charles with very possessive intentions and got Mariella to raise her brows. They were quite a sight to see and soon they teleported somewhere and number five and Adam had had in same intention too. 

Damon said, " Fine. She is outside. I'm going to look for the lady. Do you want to come with me? I have not yet planned anything. Let's see where we are going."

Mariella nodded. This palace almost had very little furniture, and there would be work for the whole pack. They went out, and there was yard work to be done. The yard was immense, but there were pits and dredges all over the yard, then piles of dug-up bushes, and those were all over the yard. There was a digger, not overly huge but strong enough to dig, and Mimi was not the best digger. Damon frowned at the pits and Mimi's little digger.

They continued to the back of the palace, where there were large trees and berry bushes, and under several trees was a handsome pile of branches that had been sawed. Thick branches and several trees had been chopped off quite harshly. 

Mariella, being a tree lover, felt that those trees were almost mutilated. Even damon murmured to her that trees would be just fine in a few years. Suddenly, Damon smelled Mimi's blood and sighed. Those branches were thick and even though he did not hear the motor saw, it could have been possible that she would have used that too. He assumed she had injured herself somehow and would soon emerge completely innocent. They walked on, and Mariella stopped. She took a deep breath. The sight was somehow very shocking.

She took Damon by the hand and said in a trembling, soft voice, " Is that... Mimi?"

Damon looked up and was shocked. Mimi was lying on her back. She had fallen on a thick branch and impaled herself on it. There was a huge puddle of blood all over the ground. Mimi's face was white as a sheet, and Damon could hear her heart beating very slowly, softly meaning severe blood loss. Mimi seemed to be unconscious, and Damon could smell how Mimi's blood was not clotting properly. He had no idea how long she had been impaled and how in the world this had happened. There was something strange about this.

Damon rushed to Mimi's side and tried to wake her up. She was frozen and unresponsive. Her eyes closed, her lids looked almost transparent, her skin ghostly pale, and she was not breathing. Damon acted fast. He gently but quickly lifted Mimi off the branch and cursed when her blood wouldn't clot.

"Fuck, fine. " Damon said.

He put Mimi down on the grass, bit his wrist open, and drained it into the wound. The wound started to redden and blister. Mariella was next to him.

The blood just flowed, and Damon said, "What the fuck? Why is my blood not working? Allergic reaction, but why? It couldn't have been that bad that we went on holiday, could it? She understood why we had to do it."

Mariella looked into the past and cursed, and then she said, " No, it's the fucking shed memories. The lady has had episodes, more than one. See for yourself when she cuts her hand or pierces herself on a curtain rod. Something in those memories has triggered this reaction. Remember when I told you I, too, had trouble getting it through my head that it was Damien, not you? Mimi has had several long episodes, and her body is what it is, so here's the result. It was probably Damien's idea to get her body to react like this. Those memories are somehow rigged and I haven't really yet found out how. What kind of magic is embedded in them? If I could find it, we might suck it out, but not now. "

Damon cursed and lifted Mimi into his arms, careful not to touch her skin lest there be blisters. He cursed under his breath, not really talking to anyone else than himself as he tried to come up fast solution to this problem. They teleported inside and searched for medbay. Two, five, and seven, came to meet them and had been aware of the situation when Mariella told them.

Mimi was put to bed, and Damon went to the cupboard to get some dressings while two and five undressed Mimi. They used gloves, so there was no direct contact between Mimi's skin and theirs. 

Damon dressed the wound as best he could. He could feel her cold skin, almost stopped pulse, and her very light breathing. He looked at his unconscious wife, and said, " Now, I don't know if the lady has an infection or if this is a reaction to the memory, but we need to get her out of the memory, and right now. I can't get a hold of the memory. But we have to wake her up, and we have to wake her up now. Call Adam and Charles. We'll go away for a while, let them wake Mimi up, and we'll be ready to see if we can get a hold of the memory. But since Miss is unsure of us for a while, let's not traumatize her any further."

Everyone nodded. Number one looked at Mimi for a moment and said, "Oh, I hope that's just a reaction to that memory. We don't need her to crawl on the floor right now."

Then they walked away. She was not in restraints, not because she would be or might be unsure when she would wake up, and being in restraints in that situation was not good at all. Adam had told number one how much terrible bacteria was in Mimi's gut, and Damon was hoping, really hoping, that it wasn't real sepsis but a reaction. He wanted to address that thing, too. Get those results of those bacteria so he would have an idea of what was lurking in her gut and if he could make something from his teeth to kill off those bugs.

Adam and Charles went to the medbay. Their passionate sessions had been cut short and now they were very worried. Charles sensed Mimi's anxiety and terror. It flooded into him like a tidal wave, triggering his need to care for her. He wanted to help, but he knew he had to be firm to get Mimi awake and those memories would be hard enough for her so she wouldn't get over them easily at first.

Charles said, " Fine, I'll slap her in the face with an open palm, and when we wake her up, she needs to be safe. Get ready. I do not know what she's dreaming about, so I will not trap her in my arms until she's awake."

Adam nodded and moved to the other side of the bed. Charles went over to Mimi, laid down on the side, and stroked his wife for a moment, trying to get her to wake up first with a gentle shake, but no. They were standing, ready to act.

Then he struck her once with his open palm, and Mimi's writhing and moaning stopped. But she did not wake up yet. Charles struck again and felt as if he had just beaten his wife. It was a crazy thought as she was immortal; she wouldn't go to pieces from a couple of strokes. But knowing what Mimi was going through, had gone through, he felt he didn't want to inflict any more pain on her. He struck again. Her eyes popped wide open, and she sat up, panting from fear and terror.

I woke up and sat up. Ghostly sounds of Damon talking about those cultures slowly fade away in my mind and I notice I am in medbay. I sighed and saw that Charles was there. My face was stinging, and I knew he had hit me with an open palm. He came to sit next to me. I clung to him and shivered, feeling Adam wrap himself around my back, and they both hugged and held me safe before my shaking stopped.

Adam murmured to me, "It was a memory, not real, not anymore, it was Damien, you are safe, everything is gonna be alright." 

Charles purred, and it was just a soothing purr. Charles was stroking me, and so was Adam, and after a while, I started to get myself completely under control, and I knew where I was. I knew it was Damien. I still hold on to Charles for my dear life.

I said, " Why am I in medbay and how are you here? Last time I was cutting branches and then..."

Damon walked into the medbay, and the men broke away from me. Obviously, Mr Salvatore had said something to them in his mind. 

Damon came to my bedside, touched me carefully first, looking for a reaction, sat on my bed, and said, " We found you. A god-forsaken branch had gone through your stomach. Apparently, you had fallen out of a tree and pierced yourself on the branch. "

He looked at me in my eyes, a slight crease between his eyes, told me he was watching his protector radar all the time.

He murmured soothingly, " Why don't you lie on your back for a moment? I'll check that you're getting better. You're warming up so well. It was just a reaction to the memory. You're not sepsis, and you're tolerating my touch now. We'll have to get my lady to do some proper work and get those memories out of you because now you've gone beyond the limit of what I'll allow."

He looked at me for a moment, stroked my still sweaty hair off my forehead, and said, "I'm so sorry you have to go through that shit, but now I have to examine you, and we'll scan you too. I won't put you to sleep; you'll be in the scanner for fifteen minutes, and then we'll see what it says."

Damon stood up. He went to the computer and took his time typing there. The printer woke up too, starting to spew out papers. Mariella was in medbay too, with a few other Salvatores as well.

"Also, the blood tests, Mimi, they'll come back too after the scan." His voice was now calm, clinical, doctor's voice.

He pointed out what must have been a three-page referral, went to turn on the scanner, and then went to change scrubs. When he came back, I had stood up, ready to go in the scanner. I saw my implant gun on the table, trying to remember that I needed it too. I stood there for a moment and then walked in my patient gown to the scanner. I lay down on it and felt my head go foggy as something from the flank organs came out.

I lay still and didn't think anything, as the telepath in my head blocked it. I don't know if some memory had surfaced again or not, but he let nothing come. I felt his will was definitely in my head, protecting me from every terrible memory and, at the same time, searching carefully everywhere. He kept giving a few puffs from the flank organ, so I was pretty much legless after the scan.

Then he carried me away from the scanner and back to bed. He took off my patient scrubs and examined me from all sides. He took the bandages off. I was healed, and the examination continued. He was very throughout in his examination. He had looked into the past and seen my minor accidents. Then he tucked me in, and Mariella had brought tubes and blood culture bottles.

Blood sampling started, and this was going to take at least an hour because there were so many tubes. Nobody has even looked at the scan results yet. He took first blood cultures, and then tubes. I was not in restraints and I could feel his will in my mind, and flank organ puffs kept me quite limp.

Mariella was taking the tubes to the machines and the blood culture bottles to the cupboard. I hoped nothing would grow in them and that germs would be destroyed by my spleen if any got loose.

Then, all the tests were taken. Damon cleaned up his junk as usual and went to the machine to look at the results—blood test results and scan results. He furrowed his brow at the machine in a very irritated way, and I recognized that look well enough to know that he didn't like what he saw—he didn't like it at all.

Damon sighed irritably and stood up. He came over to me and said, " Then you haven't remembered the implant, baby. You are full of organs and spleens, you need surgery, there is no other choice. But fine, let's get down to business then and look at one problem at a time."

I said, "My implant gun is on the table. I was supposed to take one when I would have done those trees, but damn memory. Colin was sure that they would last longer than three months and it was not too much longer yet gone."

 Damon sighed, "Yeah, but with those accidents of yours, they use up that implant faster, so fret not, we will get those organs out and see what we can do with those implants, maybe something permanent system."

He went to the cabinet to make a cocktail when the two came to cannulate me. first, he put me in magnetic shackles. Somehow, those memories didn't help my case for tolerating the cannulation. I did not struggle against those shackles. I let him cannulate me even if I did not like it, not one bit.

I watched as number one had quite a fucking lot of jars and bottles he was pulling substances from. Some of them had a powder that he diluted and then pulled it all out. I had no idea how many different things he pulled into that mega syringe, but then again. I had quite a collection of drugs that worked on me and my AI knew what drugs did to me. It became a big syringe of stuff, and Damon came to me.

He said, " Here's all of them, and let's see if this combination works. I have used that AI quite a lot, and it is useful, but it is in a very secure place as it would be very bad if your enemies could get hold of it. You might not fall asleep right away when I put this on slowly."

He put a hose into the cannula, connected the other end to the syringe, and pushed the plunger. He stood next to me, watching my face and shielding my thoughts same time. The fatigue crept in slowly, deepening until the darkness took me over completely.