Chapter 66 - IN LAWS

Jk's bodyguards guarded them from the press as they headed out to the car with Mava still in shock for being the new owner of HT furniture which Jk inheritated from his father, he noticed how quiet she was and held her hand, she looked at him.

Jk....Its gonna be okay, just please speak whatever is on your mind.

Mava....Lets talk when we get home.

Jk....Sure, okay.

On arriving at his home, the press was outside waiting for him, they managed to get in as the bodyguards chased the press away.

Jk....So, um, can we talk now?

Mava....What was that Jk? How could you just give me something this grand?

Jk....Sorry guess i had to give you a heads up first.

Mava....How am i even the owner? I don't remember agreeing to this.

Jk....You signed the papers Palm gave you, you had no idea but now your the owner, infact, you've been since you signed them.

Mava....She lied that it was about modeling for HT's ad yet it was this? Oh Goddd....

Jk....Are you....angry?

Mava....Iam, this is not something to joke about. How can you just be second to me? Now your fans are very much concerned and the press, your gonna be in trouble.

Jk....Its okay, don't worry about me.Sorry that i scared you but am not changing my mind.I made this choice as a forgiveness gift for not being there for you when you were sick.

Mava....So this is about my disease? It wasnt your fault.

Jk....Honey pot can we please stop talking about this?

Mava....Ugh! Oh shit! Dad is calling.

She answered and talked to her dad.

Jk....What? Is everything okay?

Mava....Dad wants me to go to L.A tomorrow.

Jk....What? Everything is gonna be okay.

Mava....As if.He said that i must bring you along because he saw the news on the internet.

Jk....Me?? But...

Mava....We are engaged now, you had to meet them anyway so how about you get tickets first, am even starving.

Jk....Ok...okay, let me call my assistant to bring us some food.But we cant go tomorrow because am going to court about Chloe.

Mava....Oh that? Its okay, i will tell him.

Palm flew to Seoul that night and they went to courtthe next day, they won the case against Chloe, she was jailed for a year.After, thethree of them flew to L.A where still the press and his fans were gathered because most of them were supportive about his decisions, and some were not.

People made research about Mava and stalked her Instagram too, hating, mostly the female who also had crushes on Jk, but most of them were happy and congratulating him, the internet was all about them mostly since Jk was very popular worldwide for his great acting and his family name and his hot looks.

They arrived at the Grese mansion but Jk was nervous to meet Mava's family again since years when he left L.A.

Palm....Am finally at the Grese mansion, am so excited.

Mava....I always wanted you to come visit am so happy that your here.My sister is eager to know about my bestfriend.

Palm....Can't wait to meet everyone.

Mava....Hmm, i missed home so bad.Babe, why are you suddenly quiet? Are you nervous?

Jk....No am not, lets go inside.

She held his hand and they entered, Mava's mum, dad, Ava and Chtis were all there, Mava hugged them.

Ava....Have a seat please. 

Jk....H..hi, sir ma'am.

Dad....How are you JungKun? I love your english by the way.

Mum....Gosh! How long has it been since we last saw you? The elder you become, the hotter you get.

Dad....Oh really now? He has some explaining to do.

Jk....Well, umm, sir, ma'am, am really sorry that i didnt talk to you first about this, it was wrong of me not to first ask your permission to have your daughter's hand in marriage.Please accept my sincere apologies.

His bodyguards came inside with carrying loads of gifts, he handed them car keys each one of them including Ava, then after he knelt down.

Jk.....I will accept any punishment that comes from you, but please let me marry your daughter, please!

Mava.....Hahahahaha...get up babe, i knew you were nervous since we got on the plane.

Jk....But honey p....i mean, Mava.If you dont like the cars, we can go together and you make your own choices.

Mava knelt down together with him but everyone's jaw had dropped already in suprise for Jk's actions and words.Mava's dad went to them, he hugged Jk.

Dad....I cant believe that your a celebrity, no celebrity does what you just did.

Jk.....Am sorry sir.

Mava....Dad, cant you let my fiance have it the easy way?

Mum....Enough already! Dear, we know how much you love our daughter and about you investing in our...

Jk....Thank you!

Mava....What was that? Mum, finish what you were saying.

Mum....I think i need a word with my son, Jk.

They went to talk as the rest organized the table to eat.

Mum....Doesnt she know?

Jk....She doesnt know, i've put much pressure on her lately and i dont want to keep her worrying all the time.Hope you understand mum, so.please lets keep this between us for now and mr Gresie.

Mum....Just call me mum and him dad.You also neednt have brought all those gifts to us, you keep giving us yet we are adults.

Jk....I dont mind mum, i will do anything for the woman i love and for her people.

Mum....Oh dear! Your indeed heaven sent, come, lets eat something.

They ate together but Ava couldn't take her eyes off of Palm, Chris couldnt take his off of Mava as Jk saw him staring at her.They finished eating and Mava went to do the dishes, Chris went to her.

Chris....So, good for you.

Mava....Oh please, just speak your mind.

Chris....I really mean it, your engaged to a celebrity, his korean, his hot, young and rich, what else could you ever wish for?

Mava....Stop it Chris, all i will ever need is to be with him forever, you will also find your soulmate one day.

Chris....But my soulmate....

Mava....Please dont, lets just leave it to that.