Chapter 46 - SUCCESSOR

Mava.... Your phone died but your body works really well... your busy making out yet i was waiting for you in the rain like a pathetic loser!

Jk.... Am sorry.... but i thought that your also with Alvin... 

Mava.... What? Are you trying to make me feel guilty? This is not you Jk, you were not like this before... what happened to the innocent guy i fell in love with?

Chloe.... Guys, stop it please. Am sure their is some misunderstanding. 

Mava.... Their sure is, Chloe, this boyfriend of yours was also dating me... but not anymore, am sorry because your my friend and i really dont want this to come between us.

She walked away and Jk followed her, he held her hand, she pulled it away from him. 

Jk.... Mava, please hear me out, me and Chloe are not a couple. Its you i want, i really love you Mava, believe me. 

Mava.... Do you really expect me to believe you after getting drenched in the rain waiting for you... you used to be considerate... but not anymore.

Jk.... Mava... am really sorry. 

Mava.... Maybe this is better... this is how we will make it out alive this time round.... hope am right. 

She left crying, so was Jk. On her way to her room, she fell down and passed out, shaking in coldness, the doctors rushed to attend on her. 

Jk didnt know, he went outside and got a taxi, it took him straight to his apartment,but he couldnt stop crying. As for Mava, she was fighting for her life in the ICU. 

Her family was called, but all they could do was to pray for her. 

Doc... Am sorry but she needs a heart donor ASAP. 

Mum.... Fine, lets get one but we cant lose her. 

Dad.... I have money, so get us a good racing heart. 

Doc.... Its really gonna cost you millions, its like buying life. 

Ava.... It doesnt matter. 

Dad.... We can starve to death, but we cant lose our precious daughter. 

They got a heart but it costed the Gresie family half its fortune, the surgery was done and it was successful but Mava never opened her eyes. 

As for Jk, not a day passed without him missing Mava not knowing that she was in a crisis. Chloe went to his place, he opened the door. 

Chloe.... Hi. 

Jk.... What do you want?

Chloe... . Can i come in?

Jk.... No, lets talk from here. 

Chloe.... Well... am sorry Jk, i didnt know that Mava would show up. 

Jk.... Well atleast you knew that we were dating, but you went on and kissed me. 

Chloe.... Am sorry Jk, i kissed you to show you how serious i was about you. 

Jk.... Well, thanks to you that now Mava broke up with me which is painful now. 

Chloe.... Jk, am really deeply sorry, i wish i could turn back time... 

Jk.... Enough Chloe, go home, i wanna be alone. 

Chloe.... But Jk... 

He slammed the door on her and locked it. HongTae, his father called him, he answered and they talked, later, the call ended.

Jk.... Why does he want me to go home so sudden? Is something wrong? I should go to the Gresie's first and say goodbye, hope dad lets me come back because my heart is still with Mava.

He went to their mansion but no one was home, he tried calling Ava but her phone was off, they were all in the hospital waiting for Mava to wake up which he didnt know. 

Jk.... Am sure they are all busy right now, i wish i could see Mava before i leave and tell her how much i miss her... how much i wanna be with her and how much i love her and how sorry iam. But am sure that i will be back in a week. 

He went to the airport and it took him to Seoul where his dad, HaeJoo and HongYae were waiting for him. 

HongTae.... Son, come here my American boy.

Jk.... Hahaha... oh dad. 

They hugged and went home, but HaeJoo and HongYae weren't happy, they had sad angry faces on. Maids prepared for them dinner and sat down together to eat. 

HongTae.... I would like to make a toast to our new chairman, JungKun. 

Jk.... What?

HongTae.... I called you back home so that you take over my company, i already signed the papers.

Jk.... But dad... what about him? His the eldest. 

HongTae.... His not my son....

HaeJoo.... Youve already embarrassed us enough already, stop please.

Jk.... Whats going on?

HongTae.... She had an affair with a korean teacher and she framed me this boy, his not mine so i had to make right choices before my death. 

HongYae.... Am outta here. 

HaeJoo.... Son!

HongTae.... Tomorrow, your making your first press conference, everyone will be wowed for an eighteen year old to head such a huge global company. Son, i know that your capable, so please, dont disappoint me, make me proud.

Jk.... But dad, i was fine in L. A. 

HongTae.... Thats not your home, you belong right here in Seoul. I will give the Gresie's a call for taking good care of my successor. I wish i could give them something, but they are also loaded. 

Jk.... Okay dad, but just please dont chase HongYae like that, he loved you like his own dad. Its not his fault that his mum is a bad woman. 

HongTae.... The rest is about you to decide, but i already signed the divorce papers. Dear son, in your life, never stand people like that, liars, they will only bring you down to the bottom where you wont even be able to stand and climb up back to the top.

Jk.... Thanks dad for saying that, its good advice. But after everything settles, i would like to go back to L. A because i have unfinished business there.

HongTae.... We shall see because you gonna be busy to even drink water.