Chapter 12 - SWEET CANDY

Ava knocked on her room and she entered.

Mava....What do you want?

Ava...Am not here to fight.

Mava....Then what?

Ava....Look Mava, am sorry about earlier.Your my elder sister yet i dont respect you, am sorry.

Mava....Then why do you keep disrespecting me? a girl just like you, i also have insecurities.It hurts my pride that you take every guy i like, it sucks.


Ava....The fact is that your so irritating, no offense.

Mava....None taken.

Ava....I know that Jolo likes you and he made it clear to me, so i know my place.


Ava....So, have you called to know how his doing?

Mava....What do you mean?

Ava....He left early because he was sick, didnt you know?

Mava....I...didnt, fuck! I need to go and see him.

Ava....Can i come?

Mava....Seriously Ava?

Ava....Mmm...sorry, out you go.

She went to his place, she knocked and he woke up, he went and opened for her.


Mava....Oh my goddd...look at you! You so pale, why didnt you tell me that your sick?

Jk....You didnt a chance.

Mava....Am...sorry about that.Just lie down, let me go and get some meds.

He hugged her.

Jk....I will feel better in no time now that you came.

Mava....Haha...stop it, you need serious medical attention so stay put and wait for me, okay?

Jk....Okay but come back please.

Mava...I will.

She went outside and bought for him medicine and porridge, she went back and gave him the meds then cooked for him the porridge.

Mava...Come and sit here.

Jk....Isnt that hot?

Mava....Ofcourse i wont allow you to take it hot.

Jk....Will you blow it for me?

Mava....Your such a baby! Ofcourse i will, open your mouth.

Jk....You...going to feed me?

Mava...Your a baby today so open your mouth before i change my mind.


She blew on the hot porridge and fed him with a spoon.

Mava....Feeling better?

Jk kissed her.

Jk....Now thats much better.

Mava...Oh really? You cute kiss stealer, come here.

She kissed him hard and he kissed her back, they kissed passionately.After, they went to his room.

Mava....Get some rest as i clean your house.

He pulled on the bed next to himself.

Jk....The house can wait, but my heart is impatient.


Jk....Just lie here with me for just awhile, please.

Mava...I cant say no because...i want this too.

Jk....What was that?

Mava....Hahaha...come on, am not saying it again.

Jk....Fine, as long as you dont go away.

She lied in his chest and he held tight until they fell asleep.They woke up later.

Mava....Go and shower, you cant stay here the whole day.

Jk....Are we going out on a date?

Mava....No, not that.Walking outside will give you energy.

Jk....I dont need walking when i have you here, i have all the energy i want.

Mava....Haha...shut up, just bathe already.

Jk....Okay cute nurse.

He went and showered, Mava sat in tje cpuch waiting for to dress up.

Jk....Mava, come and help me here.


She went to his room.

Mava....Whats the matter?

Jk....Can you please help me zip my jacket?

Mava....Seriously? What about your hands?

Jk....Come on, dont be a rude nurse, help out a poor patient's heart heal.

Mava....Your such a flirt.

She zipped his coat and he held her to his body.

Mava....So now your trying to take over your nurse?

Jk....I cant help it, my nurse treats my heart so well and she is cute, she is so tempting.

Mava....Hahahaha...stop with those flirty them.

Jk....Someone is shy, huh?

Mava....Me?? Am..not.

He kissed her.They went outside for a walk and held hands.

Mava....You smell so good, so classic and natural.

Jk....Thats my shower gel, wanna try it?


Jk....Okay, once we get back, lets take a shower together.

Mava....Seriously? Look at you, dirty minded hot guy.

Jk....Well...thats the only way i can share it with you.

Mava....So, we take a bath together and we...we use it the same the same time?


Mava....Hahahaa...hard pass. hurt.

Mava....No offense.

Jk....Lets go there.

They went in a mall.

Mava....Why are we here?

Jk....This is where i bought that shower gel, lets get you one.

Mava....Really? Can i get something else too?


She picked everything she liked.

Mava....Jk, come over here.

He went to her, she sprayed perfume on his neck and sniffed it.

Mava....This suits you.


Mava....What? Its not my fault that you have a clear smooth skin....

Jk....Wanna...see more of it?

Mava....Welll...maybe...maybe not.

Jk....Well, you should try to find out.

She sniffed on his neck again and kissed it.

Mava....Well then, i cant say no since i wanna try the shower gel with you...and now this perfume too.

Jk....Can t wait to go back.

Mava...Am joking, your even sick but...

Jk....Like i said, your my energy and am feeling better.

Mava...Anyway, lets get out of here.

They walked back to Jk's place and cooked dinner together, then ate.

Jk....I've never imagined this in my life, it feels so good to have you here with me Mava.

Mava....It means alot to me too, Jk.

Jk....How stay for tonight? You can go to school in the morning.

Mava....No need.

Jk....Oh...okay, fine.

Mava....Your sad, dont be.


Mava....What i meant was that, i was suspended from school for the rest of the week.


Mava....Well...i fought with my sister.

Jk....Am sorry, is she okay?

Mava....So you care about her now?

Jk....Its not like that, i mean, she is your sister after all.

Mava....Your right, i will stay here with you.