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The cabin door burst open as I stumbled inside, lungs searing. My gaze snapped to Ruby - deathly still, tubes and wires binding her to this plane like gnarled leeches.
Where can I take her? Get help?
The thought crashed against reality. We were in the middle of fucking nowhere. No hospital, no...nothing.
Julian's words about this place being "safe" rang bitterly in my mind. I dropped beside the cot, watching Ruby's chest stutter with shallow breaths.
The Moonvalley pack...Julian...too far. Miles too far. She'd never make it.
A panicked laugh scratched my raw throat. After Cassius, those mutts were the last things resembling "help" right now anyway.
Which left me disgustingly, appallingly alone again.
I squeezed my eyes shut, choking back the spiral of dread closing in. Just breathe, Talia. You know the drill by now.