Penny scratched her head in confusion. Because she was born on the outer districts of Putrix, she was labelled as a criminal despite having never done anything wrong. That wasn't necessarily still true, but the young girl had never had the chance to live an honest life. Job's were labour intensive and often very dangerous, so since she could walk Penny spent her time stealing.
She wasn't proud of it, but no one would judge her for it if they understood her circumstances. Unfortunately, it also meant that she lacked an education, and so the conversation about enchantments and relics went right over her head. It was obvious that the old man Gryphon, as he called himself, was trying to explain it too everyone at the table in simpler terms but... Well it was all rather technical.
After a moment, Colwyn summarized, "In other words, the Waystone is gone now. But Penny is still able to use it's abilities independently?"