In the suburban outskirts of Bangkok, nestled amidst verdant fields and bustling streets, lived the Chaiyawat family – a tight-knit unit bound by love, tradition, and a deep sense of connection to the land. At the helm of the family was Nirut, a former rice farmer turned small grocery store owner, whose weathered hands bore witness to years of hard work and dedication. Alongside him stood Petpailin, his devoted wife and partner in both business and life, whose gentle demeanor belied a fierce determination to provide for her family.
Their humble abode, a modest yet welcoming haven, was filled with the warmth of familial bonds and the comforting aroma of home-cooked meals lovingly prepared by Nara, Nirut's mother and the matriarch of the household. At 63 years old, Nara was a beacon of wisdom and kindness, her gentle words of guidance and encouragement serving as a guiding light for her family in times of joy and adversity.
It was within the confines of this loving environment that Naree, their only daughter, had spent her formative years. Growing up amidst the bustling metropolis, she had been sheltered from the harsh realities of the outside world by her overbearing parents, who had showered her with love and protection at every turn.
Though Naree's upbringing had been filled with love and warmth, she couldn't help but feel stifled by the confines of her parents' overprotectiveness. Their constant worry and insistence on adhering to tradition left her yearning for freedom and independence – a desire that only grew stronger as she matured into a young woman with dreams of her own. Naree wanted to go on an exchange program like her friends when she was in high school but her parents said that it was too dangerous and expensive for her to go.
Naree has never given up her dream of having her own adventure outside Thailand and finally, her praying has been answered. Naree secretly applied for an after high school gap year program in March, and the organization will get back to her with the result around mid-May. Naree had secured a 10 month internship opportunity in Ecuador, a country halfway across the globe where people speak the language she does not speak... yet. Naree initially chose to go to Brazil where she would have likely gotten to be in a beachy scenery which would be so contrast to the always busy Bangkok. However, that opportunity did not go to Naree but the organization offered a position in Ecuador instead. Naree was as happy since Ecuador would be something completely different than what she was used to.
Naree was both happy and quite scared to tell her parents and grandma. She's afraid that they might not want her to go. Well, she was not wrong Nirut and Petpailin are very against the idea of their only child moving across the world for 10 months. They feared for her safety, her well-being, and the unknown dangers that lay ahead.
Despite their protests, Naree remained resolute. She pleaded with her parents, arguing passionately for the opportunity to spread her wings and carve out her own path in the world. But it was her grandmother, Nara, a wise and gentle soul, who ultimately intervened.
With her unwavering support and boundless love, Naree's grandmother became her greatest ally. She spoke to Naree's parents, assuaging their fears and emphasizing the importance of allowing their daughter to pursue her dreams. And slowly, but surely, their resistance began to crumble.
In the end, it was Naree's unwavering determination and the persuasive words of her grandmother that convinced her parents to relent. With their reluctant blessing, Naree started working on getting her visa and prepared herself as best as possible including learning about the country Ecuador and even trying to learn Spanish by herself.
August finally came and Naree had received her visa and all other needed documents and it was time for her to pack and get ready for the biggest adventure of her life yet. Despite trying to learn Spanish by herself but without a chance to use it in real life Naree only manged to memorize how to say hi and bye but Naree hopes that her Spanish will improve once she gets there. One of the hardest thing now is saying goodbye to her beloved family. Despite the occasional clashes with her parents over her desire to explore the world beyond the borders of Thailand, Naree remained grateful for the love and support they had always provided. And as she embarked on her journey to Ecuador, she carried with her the lessons and values instilled in her by her family – a deep sense of resilience, an unwavering commitment to hard work, and above all, a profound appreciation for the bonds of family that had shaped her into the person she was today.