Fay stood still, until her racing pulse settled.

Her eyes went to the spot Ace had stood a few minutes ago. His scent still filled the room, her nostrils, even almost slipping into her senses.

He was unlike any other man had ever seen or encountered. So big, domineering, with an aura that made her whimper like a frightened little girl.

"Please God." She looked into the ceiling. She didn't know why she was pleading, but something told her she needed his mercies.

Her retreating gaze fell on the closet, and she was compelled to move out of the spot her legs were rooted on.

"What do we have here?" She muttered, opening the closet which was twice the size of her own room, back home.

"Wow!" Her eyes skimmed through its contents. There were not many clothes in it, but just enough to make her dizzy with excitement.

"How did he shop for clothes for me so quickly?" She questioned aloud, as her face turned crimson. "Maybe he's not that bad." She deluded herself into thinking.

Giggling, she grabbed an oversized t-shirt, and flung it on the bed. She closed the closet, and walked over to the door he had pointed earlier.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed it a little. It slid open, revealing the most breathtaking bathroom. "Lord!" She held her chest, as she walked in.

Everything sparkled. It was so big, they could fit her entire family and neighbors in there, and there'll still be enough space.

Unlike the tiny cubicle that served as her bathroom, the walls and ceiling in this one were not closing in on her. She could breathe freely.

Just standing there alone, she felt dirty; like she was about to stain this really clean room. But when her gaze slid to the shower, and the unbelievably huge bathtub, she snapped out of the inferiority complex.

"Now how does this work?" She stood, trying to figure out the mechanics. Deciding to wing it, she pressed a button she saw, and a gush of water shot through the perforated holes of the shower. She squealed in delight, as the warmth engulfed her.

Quickly ridding herself off her clothes, and hanging them on the railing she found in the bathroom, she jumped into the water, twirling as it sprayed all over her.

When she returned to the room, she felt refreshed. With a big smile on her face, she toweled her body, and put on the dress. It was after she put it on she realized there were no underwear to wear.

"Did he do that on purpose?" A treacherous voice in her head asked.

"Don't say that!" Her eyes widened in alarm, as she pushed the thought out of her head.

"But how do I tell him I need underwear?" She bit her lip nervously, whilst scratching the back of her head.

She was still contemplating when a knock sounded on the door. She swirled, her eyes squinting forward.

"Do I ask who it is? Or maybe just open the door?" She battled internally.

"Good evening, it's the chef," a feminine voice announced.

She sighed in relief, as she walked over to the door, and opened it.

A woman who looked in her forties appeared before her, wielding a tray in her hands.

"Good evening Ma'am." Fay bowed.

"Oh no Miss." The chef said, looking around in hopes her boss was not lurking in the corners.

"Sorry," Fay said, as she raised her up, looking even more confused now. She didn't understand why everyone made her showing respect to people older than her a big deal.

"I'll serve your food now. Please lead the way in."

"Okay." She nodded, and walked into the room.

"Please take a seat miss, whilst I serve you."

Fay felt uncomfortable with the title words, especially coming from someone visibly older than her. Also because she was used to doing the serving. This whole thing was unfamiliar territory.

However, she obliged, and went to bed. She plopped on it, and crossed her legs.

A small bedside table was placed before her, and the tray dropped on it.

The aroma coming from the food hit her nose, and she felt herself inhaling into the air. "Smells absolutely delightful!" She clasped her fingers, and wiggled her legs, as her mouth watered in readiness to taste the food.

"I hope you like it. I'm sorry this was all I could come up with. Hopefully, I get to prepare you a more befitting breakfast," The chef sincerely said, before stepping back to allow her to eat.

Fay didn't hear half of her apology, as she had already dug into the food. The first taste had her euphoric. "This is delicious!" She exclaimed between chews. "Even more than what the chefs at the restaurant I work at serve. You're amazing!" She gave her a thumbs up.

The chef reddened. None of the bosses' guests had ever complimented her skills this openly. Then again, none of them had been like this girl. Unbelievably pretty, with those green eyes, and red hair of hers. Radiating the most positive aura she had ever encountered. Henceforth, when they say someone is a breath of fresh air, she would come to her mind.

"You know I get constipated when I eat really late, but I'll make sure I finish everything, because this is just that good." She continues with the praises halfway into the meal.

"Don't force yourself please. It's okay if you're full."

"Oh no Ma'am. In my house, we don't waste food," she said, and continued eating.

A part of the chef was touched at her words, as she watched her eat. She was definitely different from any other person the boss had around him, and that was simply because she didn't have the kind of life they did.

It was highly unlikely, but she wished this one would stay. She was certainly better for the master, than that rude ex girlfriend of his.

"See? I'm done!" She said as she swallowed the last bite of the food. Opening the bottle of water, she chugged its entire content down her throat. "How'd I do?" She asked enthusiastically, after she had consumed both food and water.

"I'm honored to have you eat my food. You're the best one yet to do it," she said in a sincere voice that had Fay's eyes water.

Standing on her feet, she went to her, and hugged her. The chef was taken aback, but still hugged her back. "Thank you," she whispered.

"You're welcome darling."

She came to her senses seconds later, and pulled out of the hug. "I'm so sorry Ma'am, I shouldn't have done that," she apologized.

"It's okay. You needed it, and to be honest, I did too," she walked past her, and picked up the tray. "Have a good night Miss." She bowed, and walked away.

"I made a friend!" She jumped excitedly on the bed, when the door closed. "She's an amazing cook too!" She celebrated, with her feet dancing in the air.

It was in that celebratory mood she was, when sleep consumed her.


Fay felt rays of sunshine on her eyes, making them flicker open. The first thing she saw was the ceiling, and the gold coated chandelier. "It wasn't a dream," She whispered.

Her first night in a stranger's house, and she had slept better than she had ever done before. She felt like a traitor. Even though she knew it was just wishful thinking, she worried her aunt was worried about her whereabouts.

With a yawn, she rolled out of bed. Her eyes went to the blinds, and she saw why the rays from the sun had bypassed. It was slightly open. For some reason, it made her smile.

She walked into the bathroom to ease herself, but once in there, she couldn't help but try out the bathtub. Lathering the water with the bath wash she found, she plunged herself in.

A sigh escaped her mouth, and she flung her head back to relax.

A lot of minutes later, she was done. She wrapped her body with a bathing robe, and stepped out of the bathroom.

"Oh my God!" Her heart leaped to her mouth when she saw someone standing in the center of her room, with their back turned to her.

On hearing her voice, the intruder turned around. The intruder who turned out to be Ace.

Shame instantly washed over her, as she wrapped a protective arm around her body, to shield it from his roaming gaze.

However, it did nothing to deter him. He looked, and his pulse instantly quickened at the image she presented.

Flaming hair dripping with water, bathing robe clinging to her wet body, showing off the outline of her curves, and most alluring, those pretty green eyes.

He knew he should say something, but he couldn't even remember why he was here in the first place. All he knew was despite the fact she had just showered using a different fragrance, the one so peculiar to her, lingered. Filling his nostrils, consuming his senses, drawing him to her.

The desire was so sudden, and so profound, it shook the foundations of the self control he had managed to hone.

"Do you need something?" She filled the tense silence first.

'If only she knew what she was asking,' he thought, swallowing hard.