Finally, the deal was made and my participationg promise great benefits if everything is done well. For now all I had to deal with was the negotiation with Jabba and procuring Watto's part, as well as making sure that Anakin follow the same route as in canon. For all of this, first visit Watto's store with my two precious new friends (golden eggs), find that stupid piece and introduce Anakin to Qui-Gonn and purchase the liberty of his mother to make sure that they future Jedi Knight don't lose his shit over her death. After having arrived at the city, we left the vehicles guard while we were scort toward the shop.
"Follow me, the only shop that could possibly have parts for a nubian is on the other side of the city, his owner is not the most honest and certainly not the best to work with but he's resourceful when need. And while where going towards the shops, can you briefly tell exactly againts what type of enemies we will fight"
Hearing the question Qui-Gonn took a moment to respond. "You will mostly face of againts OOM-Series Battle droids, but they also have Droidekas and AAT. In space I'm not to sure but it will surely be Vulture droids. Of course you will have to take measures againts the Lucrehulks in space"
"It certainly sound interesting but as the contract stipulate, we will only face the Lucrehulks that aren't the main command ship, or in other words where your barricade againts an even larger force" I, of course knew againts what we will be fighting but I prefer to make sure so that all my plans don't go to waste. "Ah, here we are Watto's store, He is always in a bad mood so don't take it in a personal way"
Entering the shop after my guards, we are welcome to the sight of pure junk in every corner of the shop. Watto turned his small, leathery head toward the entrance as the chime of the door sounded. His wings buzzed as he floated lazily from behind the counter, his perpetual scowl etched into his face.
"Ah, customers and his excellency the Leader of the Grim Covenant" he grumbled, though his tone was more wary than welcoming. His beady eyes scanned the group with suspicion before settling on me. "What do you want?"
"We're here for a hyperdrive generator," I stated plainly, my voice steady. I stepped forward, brushing past a rack of mismatched starship components. "A T-14 model, specifically."
Watto rubbed his chin, his long snout curling in an amused sneer. "T-14, huh? You've got expensive taste. You got the credits to back it up right,I've heard that you're group has become quiet lucrative lately?"
I gestured to one of my guards, who presented a case filled with polished credits. The sight of them made Watto's wings flutter more energetically.
"That'll do," he muttered, nodding appreciatively. But then his gaze shifted to assess the rest of the group. "But what's the rush? Seems like you're desperate, eh? You know, desperation makes people generous… I might just raise the price."
"Let's not play games, Watto," I replied coolly. "You're getting a good deal here, better than anyone else in Mos Espa would offer, but if you're interested we can always do it the hard way"
Watto leaned back, clearly enjoying the upper hand—or at least thinking he had it. "Fine, fine," he said, waving a clawed hand. "It's yours for… that amount"
Satisfied, I nodded, and the guard handed over the credits. Watto greedily snatched the case and began counting, his eyes gleaming.
"Now, if we're done here," I began, turning toward the exit, "we'll take the part and be on our way"
As we moved to leave, Watto's voice stopped us. "Hey, before you go" He floated closer, a sly grin spreading across his face. "You sure you don't wanna take a look at some of my other property? I've got a boy out back, strong and fast. Good with machines, too. And his mother-she's useful, quiet. They could make a fine addition to whatever it is you're planning"
I paused, considering for a moment, then shook my head. "You know what I think about slaves, I have no interest in them and in my territory it is prohibited to own them, Watto. But I can't say the same about my companions, I'm sure that the boy's force will surprise them. As for her mother, we will see"
Padmé stepped forward, her expression sharp. "Slavery is a barbaric practice," she said, her voice cutting through the stale air of the shop. "No one should have to live under such conditions. If anyone is to leave this place, it should be with their freedom, not under a new master."
Watto snorted, crossing his arms. "Freedom doesn't pay my bills" he sneered. "You want them free, you'd better have a lot more credits to make up for the difference. And even then, I might not agree"
Qui-Gon raised a hand, his calm demeanor diffusing some of the tension. "We're not here to argue philosophy, Watto," he said evenly. "We're here for the hyperdrive. But if you're offering additional terms, I'm willing to discuss them. The boy has potential, as you say. Perhaps we can find a solution that benefits all of us"
Watto floated closer, his eyes narrowing as he studied Qui-Gon. "A Jedi, eh?" he muttered, his tone suddenly more cautious. "You people don't usually go throwing credits around. Makes me think you're up to something. But if you're serious" He rubbed his hands together greedily. "Let's talk business"
"Only the boy," Qui-Gon said, his tone steady. "The mother remains here."
Padmé's eyes flashed with anger, but she remained silent, clearly biting back her protest. Watto grinned, sensing the tension. "Only the boy? Hmm, Fine. But he won't come cheap. He's good with machines, one of the best I've seen. I'll need to be well-compensated"
Qui-Gon nodded, reaching into his tunic and retrieving a pouch of credits. "These should suffice," he said, placing them on the counter. Watto's eyes lit up, and he quickly scooped up the pouch, weighing it in his hand but after seeing the insides they lost their ligth. "Republic credits, those don't serve here, come back when you have something to exchange him for or other more useful credits"
After hearing their conversation I decide to intervene. "Why not bet for the boy then, if the jedi won then the boy is his, but if he lose then I'll pay their full price while you still keep them. Deal?"
"Deal, you have lost a lot of money in this. Hahaha"
He didn't know that je fuck himself up without needing to do anything. The deal he'd accepted was a win-win for me, regardless of the outcome of the Jedi's wager. But before we could move further, a small figure darted out of the shadows and stood in our path.
It was Anakin Skywalker. His dusty clothes hung loose on his small frame, but his wide blue eyes were alight with determination. He glanced nervously at Qui-Gon and Padmé before focusing on me, his gaze unwavering.
"Wait!" he said, his voice clear despite his evident nerves. "Why did you do that? Why did you make that deal with Watto?"
I crossed my arms, intrigued by his boldness. "Because it was the most practical solution," I replied evenly. "The Jedi gets a chance to win you, and I cover the risk. Simple as that"
Anakin's brow furrowed, and he seemed to chew over my words. "But… you don't even know me. Why would you take that kind of risk for someone you've never met?"
I leaned down slightly, meeting his gaze. "Sometimes, a good deal isn't about knowing the outcome. It's about recognizing opportunity when it knocks. I see potential in you, boy, potential that might change a lot more than your circumstances. Or maybe I'm just a gambler at heart. Either way, your fate isn't entirely in my hands now. It's up to the Jedi"
Anakin glanced at Qui-Gon, who offered him a reassuring nod, then back at me. "I don't want to leave my mom" he said quietly, his voice tinged with sadness.
Padmé stepped forward, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Your mother wants what's best for you, Anakin" she said softly. "And if this is your chance to be free, to do something more with your life, she'd want you to take it"
He hesitated, clearly torn. Before he could respond, I straightened up, my tone shifting back to a businesslike cadence. "The terms have been set. If the Jedi wins the bet, your future changes. If he loses, I'll ensure your mother and you remain safe. How about that"
Anakin frowned, not entirely comforted by the offer. But he nodded, knowing he didn't have much of a choice.
"Then I'll make sure the Jedi wins," he said with newfound resolve. "I'm the only human who can podrace. I'll win that race, and I'll earn my freedom"
I smiled faintly at his determination. "Good. Confidence is a powerful tool just don't let it blind you"
With that we part ways. After arriving at our vehicles we loaded the hyperdrive and prepared to leave. As the vehicles roared to life, Qui-Gon and Padmé exchanged a brief glance, the weight of the situation evident in their expressions.
"We thank you for your assistance, but we'll remain here with the boy and hs mother till the day of the pod race"
"Very well , I'll see you once more in a couple of days while making sure that your ship is repaired"
The pieces were set, and the game was in motion. All that was left now was to see how it played out, with luck it will be the same as in the movie.