Have you ever wondered if you feel like someone is watching you? Well, today I will expose your true stalker. Their name is Theabandonedpanda. Not much is known about them, but what is known is that they lure unsuspecting jammers in their den, or they go to the jammer's den, and slowly one by one, one login by one login on the Theabandonedpanda account, they reveal how the jammers will DIE.
Victim 1: Chickpes
Let's start with a young unsuspecting jammer. They are Chickpes, Chickpes wandered into Abandon's unsuspecting territory. Chickpes got a bit scared and went to their den, but Abandon followed them into Chickpes's den. Abandon changed their look to look like Chickpes, one period symbol, two period symbols, one login into the Theabandonedpanda account, after the other, three period symbols, Abandon revealed Chickpes was going to die by a shark attack, and until that fateful day happened, Chickpes died, died from a shark attack, the shark bit down on Chickpes so hard their eyes started to bulge out, and Chickpes's ghost was now living trapped, forever on their account they had when they were still alive.Â
Victim 2: Guest Jammer
It's no surprise that a guest jammer would be in this type of predicament. Abandon's second victim is a guest jammer. This guest jammer's death was graphic, only to a smidge, the guest jammer explored Abandon's domain, Abandon wasn't able to go to the guest jammer's den, so instead, they revealed the death of the guest jammer on their main domain. one period symbol, two period symbols, one login into the Theabandonedpanda account, after the other, three period symbols, the death of the guest jammer was revealed, they were going to be eaten and swarmed alive by poisonous and deadly BUTTERFLIES. The same thing that happened to Chickpes, also happened to the guest jammer, the ghostly spirit was trapped inside the account they once had when they were alive.
The End