Chereads / The Birth of Dragons / Chapter 43 - Chapter 43: Heart's Desire

Chapter 43 - Chapter 43: Heart's Desire

Lord Robb Stark

The war was progressing, they had struck hard at Oxcross, taking the Lannister army amassing under Stafford Lannister by surprise and by storm, then they had gone burning and pillaging through the west. Robb suspected that much like their father would have, that Jon did not approve of that, and frankly Robb was slightly sick of that. This was war, there was no time or place for trivial things such as that, they had to take resources for their army, and so they did. If the people of the West had a problem with it, then they should fight alongside them and not against them. Frankly, Robb had more pressing concerns. The Greatjon had died of wounds taken during one of their earlier battles, his wounds taking on an infection, his son Smalljon was now Lord of Last Hearth and demanded a place as a commander, despite having less acumen than his father had had, and so Robb had had to give him something. Rickard Karstark was grieving over the loss of his heir Harrion, and had taken to reckless charges during battles, Roose Bolton remained there, calm and efficient, but Robb did not trust him. Still, they had to deal with new developments and so the war council had convened.

"We are currently plummeting through the Westerlands resources my lord." Maege Mormont states something akin to glee on her face. "Soon enough we shall have more than enough gold and food sources to feed our armies and those of the Riverlands many times over."

"Good." Robb states, happy with that, and more. "And what of the opposing forces massing? Who commands them, and how many men do they have?"

It is Roose Bolton who speaks in answer to his query, his voice soft, barely above a whisper. "A Lannister cousin, I believe his name is Damon, is preparing the forces who are massing in opposition to you my lord. As of last estimates, they have roughly six thousand men gathering under the lion banner."

"Only six thousand men? That is nothing, we have four times their numbers." Smalljon says laughing.

Robb shoots the Lord of Last Hearth a cold glance. "We might have more men than them, but they know this land better than we do. If anything, our continued presence here will only inspire more to join them."

"SO what do you suggest then my lord?" Jon asks, speaking for the first time, and Robb fears he might bring up his issues with their policy of burning and pillaging so far. Instead, he asks. "Do you suggest we leave for the Riverlands, and try and encourage another battle between ourselves and Tywin Lannister?"

Robb thinks over his brother's question, remembering what had happened before they had ventured into the West. They'd fought an army commanded by Ser Jaime Lannister, it was a fraction of theirs, but had inflicted great damage, it was not supposed to be a victory battle for the Lannisters, merely a point proving one. Robb had nearly died during that battle, clashing blades with Lannister, only to be saved by reinforcements that had forced Lannister to retreat. Blinking to drive the memories away, he says. "No, we cannot afford to allow there to be two armies coming near us. We shall continue as we had planned, to move toward the Rock and to force Tywin Lannister's hand once more." Here he pauses, grimacing at the news that had come from Riverrun written in his uncle's triumphant hand. "Ser Edmure might have defeated Tywin Lannister's army once, but I think a second time, he will come toward us with his and his son's army."

"Do you think so?" Jon asks. "With King's Landing having fallen to Stannis Baratheon, do you not think he would focus on King's Landing instead of here, and us?"

"A man who cannot hold his own home, does not deserve the support of his lords. Tywin Lannister knows this as well as anyone else. He will come here as Lord Robb says." Galbert Glover says pointedly, looking at Robb with some meaning.

Robb blushes slightly, the ironborn invasion of the north had come as a surprise to him, he had thought Theon might be able to convince his father of the good reason for their alliance. It seemed he had not, there had been no word from Theon and Deepwood Motte, Moat Cailin and Torrhen's Square had all fallen. He was getting worried, but he could not leave the war in the west half finished, and he was determined to make that point clear. "Lord Galbert speaks true. Tywin Lannister will come charging back west to ensure that his home is secure. And when he does we shall be waiting for him."

Again, it is Jon who asks him the difficult question. "And how do you plan on doing that my lord? Tywin Lannister and his son will know the Westerlands far better than we ever could. Should we choose to engage in a pitched battle, there is every chance we could lose."

"And there is ever chance we could win." Robb responds frustrated with his brother's constant questioning.

It seems his brother will not let up, though, for next he asks. "And now Stannis is crowned and anointed as King, will you bend the knee to him?"

This draws murmurs of disquiet from some of his lords, with Smalljon saying. "A man who would allow a foreign witch to burn the godswood is no King of mine."

Maege Mormont concurs. "It is said the man has been drawing more advice from the witch than his own lords. How can we trust him, if he does that?"

"He is the crowned and anointed King. The Faith has recognised him, as have the people of King's Landing and the Stormlords. We cannot face them on our own." Jon points out.

Robb slams his fist down on the table, his anger getting the better of him. "We are not facing a King with the entirety of the kingdoms behind him. The West is under its own danger, the Riverlands are with us, and the Vale shall be soon. Dorne and the Reach remain neutral. Stannis Baratheon can remain in King's Landing." He knows eventually he will have to decide what King he is fighting for, and that thought terrifies him.