Chereads / Tethered (Unfinished, rough draft) / Chapter 1 - Tethered Ch.1-5

Tethered (Unfinished, rough draft)

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Chapter 1 - Tethered Ch.1-5


 My alarm went off. 6:15 am already? I've never been a morning person, and no amount of coffee could make me one. I shut off the alarm and walked over my 150lb Bernese Mountain dog Remus. The poor guy was no more a fan of getting up in the morning than I was. My first class didn't start until 8:00, but I had to take the bus to the campus across town. My college was split in to four campuses all over Portland. Lucky me, all the classes I wanted to take happened to take 45 minutes to get to. It was early mornings like this that almost made me regret leaving high school early. Almost.

 I'm seventeen years old. I graduated from high school with a special program through the community college. The High School dropout rate in this city was so bad they implemented a bunch of these different programs to get kids to graduate. I just wanted to skip the whole high school experience all together. I got my diploma at age 15 and continued to college as soon as I could.

 Honestly, the idea of wasting four years for a lesser education seemed crazy to me. My high school counselor was more concerned with me missing out on valuable social experiences. It took a lot of strength not to roll my eyes at him. I'm not exactly a social outcast, it is just that none of my friends actually went to my school. My best friend, Carter, was homeschooled. His mom had some crazy back surgery and needed him at home to care for her and his younger sister Paisley. Plus, his parents were like crazy hippies who didn't believe he was living up to his potential in public school. My other friends go to high school on the other side of town. I see them on the weekends and go to their school events sometimes, so I didn't feel like I was missing out on any experiences I was interested in.

 I finished pulling my Carhart beanie over my long, dark hair. There was no point in putting any effort at all in styling it when I lived in the pacific northwest. No amount of hairspray was any match for nine months of rain and wind. My hair is long and wavy. It didn't agree with the constant humidity. My eyes are large and round, they are green and surrounded with long black eyelashes that are so thick I've never needed to wear eyeliner. I am short and slender. I have full lips and never felt interested to wear makeup. I've never thought of myself as pretty, but I don't completely hate the way I look either.

 I pulled my jacket on and Remus jumped up ready to go outside. I rubbed his head wishing him a good morning and walked him up the stairs outside. The city was coated in grey clouds and misty rain as always.

 I walked Remus to the kennel that was bigger than my apartment and left him with some food and fresh water. I rented a basement apartment from an older couple who ran a dog kennel. They let Remus stay in one of the kennels while I was working or at school. They were a very sweet couple. All their children were grown and moved away. They knew my foster parents before I aged out of the system and agreed to let me rent from them for $200 a month. Which in a city like Portland is a steal. The cheap rent allowed me to cut back my hours as a receptionist at a nursing home to part time and take more classes. I tried my best to do some extra things around the house for them since they were so nice, but they rarely let me help them.

 I gave Remus another head rub before walking out the back gate. The bus stop was two blocks away. I took my iPod out of my jacket pocket and pressed shuffle. Walking down the wet street matching my stride to the rhythm of Mayday Parade's emotional ballad. I got to the bus stop and was thankful that this one had a rain cover. I've always hated the rain, which wasn't very convenient living where I do. Just as Mayday's emotional harmonies fade to an end and All Time Low's catchy melodies start, the bus pulls up. One of the benefits of living in Portland is the public transportation system. A bus stop on every corner and a bus every fifteen minutes. I climbed aboard and flashed the driver my bus pass.

The bus was pretty full today, so I took a seat in the back next to a boy about my age. He had jet black hair and tan skin. He wore faded black jeans, a Mariana's Trench tee shirt, and an army green jacket. He was staring intently out the window and didn't budge when I took the seat next to him. I pulled my book bag onto my lap and dug out my favorite book. The Outsiders. I got it as a gift on my eighth birthday from my grandfather. I read it once a week, especially when I was feeling down. It was like a security blanket, the familiar story and characters. In my unpredictable world it was something I could count on. No matter how many times I read it, the story stayed the same. I cracked open the worn hardcover, fragile from years of rereading.

Lost in the misfit adventures of Johnny Cade and Ponyboy Curtis, I began to lose track of time. I looked up and realized we were in stand still traffic and had barely made it out of my neighborhood. I groaned realizing I was going to be late to class. I reached to pull my phone out of my pocket. The boy next to me was no longer looking out the window, he was staring straight ahead very intensely. Almost like there was something in front of the bus making him very mad. I grabbed my phone and started to text my classmate Kate to let her know I would be late. In the middle of typing out my message I got a phone call from Carter.

"Hello?" I answered, as quietly as I could. I hated when people took calls on the bus, and I really didn't want to disturb the angry boy next to me.

"Mia?! Where are you?" Carter exclaimed frantically.

"I'm on the bus, going to school." I stated. He knew I had school today. Why was he asking? "Why what's up?"

"Listen to me carefully. Something is going to happen, and it isn't good." What was he talking about? This was weird even for Carter.

"What are you tal-"

"Just listen! We don't have time to argue, okay? Someone is going to come to you and ask you to leave with them. Do it. Don't argue. Don't ask questions. Just go with them and quickly. Do you understand?"

"Carter what the Hell – "He cut me off again.

"Do you understand?!" He repeated more urgently.

"Yes." What else could I say?

"I'll see you soon." The line end dead and my stomach sank. What the hell was he talking about? What was going to happen?

Suddenly there was an impossibly bright light. It blinded everyone on the bus and then the bus jolted like it hit something in front of us. My bag, book, iPod, and phone went flying in front of me. I fell into the boy next to me. He grabbed my arm to steady me. His hand was warm and softer than I expected. I looked into his eyes. They were a warm brown with gold flakes that seemed to sparkle. The bright light outside started to fade, and I straightened myself up. The boy's hand still on my arm.

"Um, thanks I think I'm good." I said to reassure him I was okay for him to let me go, even though for some reason I really didn't want him to. He let go slowly leaving this tingling feeling where his hand was. I mourned the loss of his warmth and went to pick up my stuff that was thrown all over the bus. As I stood to grab my bag the boy grabbed my arm again. I looked at him questioningly but once again he was looking dead ahead.

"Um, really dude. I think I'm good." He didn't break his focus on whatever was straight ahead.

"We need to go." His voice was soft so that only I could hear.

"Uh, yeah. I wonder what the holdup is. What was that light?" I stood up leaving my things scattered all over the floor.

"No. You and me. We need to get off this bus now." He looked at me. His faces softened a bit so I could see his concern.

"What's going on? Who are you?" I wanted to ask more questions, but I remembered Carter's warning. This must be what he was talking about. I reached back down for my bag and threw it over my shoulder.

"Let's go." 




He took my hand and led me to the back door of the bus. We were in the middle of the highway. There was no way the driver was going to let us out here, especially not after just getting into an accident. Without letting go of my hand, he broke the glass marked "In case of Emergency" and pulled the lever inside, opening the door. He jumped out and dragged me behind him.

Outside, the world looked different suddenly. The normal grey of Portland was now a purple hue that was as thick as fog. The sun was somewhere, but it wasn't visible through whatever was going on. We were standing in the middle of the highway, cars in every direction, but none of them moving. The strange boy attached to my arm pulled me behind him protectively. In front of the bus stood a man, at least I thought it was a man. He was at least seven feet tall. His eyes milky white and staring right at me. My insides went cold. The man had a smile that stretched too far on either side of his face. He had no nose that I could see. His arms stretched almost to the ground and had no hands but what looked like white blades attached to his arms. It looked as though he was wearing a black suit, but it was like it was a part of his skin. The monster stared intensely at me but made no move towards me instead he evaporated into thin air.

I felt myself shaking uncontrollably. What the hell did I just see? Why was the world purple? The boy grabbed me by the shoulders and looked me dead in the eye.

"Mia, I need to you stay with me. Do not let go of my hand until I tell you to. Do you hear me?" The gold in his eyes were shimmering like glitter. How did he know my name? I wanted to ask a million questions, but I just stared into his eyes and nodded.

He grabbed my hand again and pulled me behind him. We ran dodging cars and people who were all running in different directions. We ran up the exit and into a residential neighborhood. I was struggling to breathe. We stopped and ducked behind a parked car. The boy wasn't sweating or remotely out of breath. I plopped down in the grassy spot next to the car and tried to catch my breath. The boy let go of my hand and I looked up at him, panicked. He stood next to the car fiddling with the door until it opened.

"Get in." He demanded, but not unkindly.

I crawled into the car I was almost certain we were stealing it, but with everything I just saw and all the other questions I had running through my head- I decided to let it go. For now. After a few seconds, the boy opened the other door and climbed behind the wheel. How will we get anywhere with the highway in a state of panic? I thought. I decided I should be allowed at least one question.

"Who are you?" I asked trying to sound as confident as I could, but it still came out sounding mousy and scared.

"Tristan." Was all he replied with. Tristan. Well, at least I had a name. We sat in silence for a while as he drove. I did not look out the window. I was afraid of what I would see. After about fifteen minutes the car stopped moving. I looked up and saw we were outside of my apartment.

"Go inside and get only the things that are essential to your survival. Pack clothes for all conditions. If you have any camping gear grab that, too."

I didn't say a word. I walked around the house and into the back yard. Remus saw me and started to wag his tail erratically. I didn't even think about if it would be okay to bring him. In my mind it was non-negotiable. Remus was my baby, and he was coming. I let him out and he followed me into the apartment. I grabbed a couple of bags and started to stuff clothes in one and books in another. I grabbed an old tent from the back of my closet from when I would camp at the beach and a couple of old sleeping bags. I didn't have much anyway and even less that I didn't feel I couldn't live without. It took all of fifteen minutes before I was walking out of my home for who knows how long.

 I got back to the car with my arms overloading with everything. Tristan met me at the trunk and helped me to load all the stuff I brought out. He looked at Remus and grimaced.

 "I said only things needed to survive." I put my hand on my hips and glared at him.

 "Look." I snapped, "I was told not to argue or ask any questions. Obviously, if you know my name you know who I am and how difficult it is for me not to argue." I ignored the smirk he was trying to hide as a response to that last comment. "I don't know where we are going or how long we will be there or what the hell is going to happen. Remus is coming. End of story." I didn't wait for him to respond. I opened the back door and let Remus jump in. Then I slid back into the passenger seat.

 I heard Tristan closed the trunk with a THUD. I heard him talking to himself, or maybe he was talking on the phone. I couldn't make out exactly what he was saying but I didn't care to know. I needed a minute to myself to think. Why was I just blindly listening to this weirdo I just met? What was wrong with that man on the freeway? Was he even a man? He had the figure of a person, but his features were distorted. And where did he go? Why was the world purple suddenly? Where was Tristan taking me and why was Carter encouraging me to go? I wanted to call Carter and demand some answers, but I left my phone on the bus, along with my iPod, and my book. Oh, no. My favorite book!

 By the time Tristan got back behind the wheel of the car, I was in a full-blown panic attack and hyperventilating. My mind could not comprehend what the hell I just witnessed. I couldn't come up with any logical explanation to what was happening or why I was in this car with a stranger. I could bolt, right? Then what? What would happen if I saw that thing again? Could I just ignore everything and go back to working and going to school like today never happened?

 I felt Tristan's hands on either side of my face. His thumbs sweeping the tears away. I didn't even realize I was crying. He lifted my head up to meet his gaze and my breathing hitched looking at the sparkling gold flakes surrounded by the sea of warm brown.

 "S-s-sorry." I sniffed. "This is all just a bit overwhelming."

 Tristan gave me a sad little half smile and took his hands off my face. He placed one on the wheel of the car and the other turned the ignition starting up the car.

 "Honestly, you're taking this all a lot better than I would have expected." He looked at me with what felt like concern in his eyes than quickly returned them to the road.

 "I'd do better if I had some answers. I'm in the car. I'm with you. Is it okay to ask questions now?" I didn't want to look outside. The purple fog was unsettling. I just looked at Tristan. His black hair was long in the front, almost covering his left eye, but short and neat in the back. He had small black gauges in his ears. He was tan and thin but muscular, too. Not too muscley like those body builders who look like garbage bags filled with meat and tied together but toned. Honestly, he was incredibly attractive.

 "If you promise not to bolt from the car into traffic, I will answer whatever you want." He gave me another side smirk.

"How do you know my name?" Not the most pressing question but I needed to start small to see if he would tell me the truth.

"That's a complicated question." He stared straight ahead. "For as long as your soul has existed, I have known you." I didn't react or speak. What do you say to something like that? "I'm what is known as a guardian. We are pure souls that are created attached to another soul. We watch over that soul in every form it takes. See, some souls are made special. They have a destiny that is bigger than most. These special souls need some extra protection and care, so they are tethered to a guardian, like me." I turned myself a bit to see him better as he explained, my back leaning against the car door. He was just staring at the road. I still refused to look outside.

"So, you've known me since I was born?" I asked.

"Um, well not exactly. When your soul was created, so was mine. Your soul has been around a lot longer than your physical body." He gripped the stirring wheel a little tighter and shifted in his seat uncomfortably.

"What?" My soul is older than my body? "What does that mean?"

"Well, gah' how do I explain this?" He brushed his black hair out of his face. "There are many different planes of existence occupying the same space. This right here is known as the Physical plane. In this same spot, there is other planes with other souls walking around that we can't see. Some souls are destined to live in one or two planes for all their existence. Some, like yours, can live in many different planes at different times and in different forms." I tried to absorb all of this.

"Okay so how many planes have I- or we lived in?" I don't know why it mattered, but I wanted to get all the information I could while he was still talking.

"So far? Five." He shrugged like it was such a normal thing. I guess for him maybe it is.

"So, you have known me for five lifetimes?" I phrased it like a question, but it wasn't really.

"Well, yes and no. Lifespans are different on every plane. Some can last a hundred years- some can last a thousand." I leaned my head against the window just letting it all settle.

"Okay. So, you have been watching me and following me for my entire existence. Isn't that a little boring? I mean, just watching my lives. Do you ever get one of your own?" I looked back at him. His face softened.

"Well, most of the time I exist as a ball of energy that is tethered to you. But I can take on whatever form is appropriate for the plane we are in, to keep you safe and on the right path. Like now." He gestured his hand up and down his body showing his new physical form. "Honestly, my thoughts and conscience are always on you. My entire existence is tied to yours. If you don't exist, neither do I."

"Woah. That is heavy. Don't you ever want to be away from me? I mean, I don't even like me that much." He giggled thinking I made a joke. "No, seriously. It can't be much fun just watching someone live over and over again without getting to really live yourself."

"My soul is tied to yours for a reason. I've never minded watching over you, in fact I consider it an honor. We are all created with free will. We all can decide to accept our calling or ignore it. I was never forced to watch you, but it was what I was meant to do. At any point I could have chosen to take the form of any plane we were on and live a life away from my duty, leaving you defenseless and open to harm that may prevent you from achieving whatever it is you were created for."

"So, you choose to watch me, or watch over me?" I thought back on my life. How frustrating it must have been for him to watch me make a bunch of mistakes. My life wasn't something I think anyone would find interesting enough to watch 24/7. I suddenly felt very self-conscience about it. I felt my cheek beginning to flush with embarrassment.

"Yes. I make that choice every day, and I have never regretted it." He said reassuringly, but I still felt embarrassed.

"Okay, um, so what was that thing that stopped the bus today?" I shuddered remembering its milky white stare.

"That is what we call a poacher. He is like a demon from a plane we call Ultra-violet. It is usually invisible to the human eye, but they can see everything that happens on the Physical plane. They are able to come through sometimes by poaching a physical body. You might know it as demonic possession." His face turned hard again. I wanted to reach out and comfort him, but I held back, not knowing how that would be received.

"How can we see them now?" I pictured the things face and cringed at the memory of it.

"Somehow, they were able to penetrate the barrier that separates their plane form this one. They were able to cross over in their form and stand in this world." He shook his head in frustration.

"Is that why the world is covered in this purple fog?" I finally looked outside at the weird hue covering everything. I never thought I would miss the grey clouds that covered the Pacific Northwest.

"Yes. Somehow when they broke through, they brought the violet gas that covers their plane. It's harmless to us really, but it does allow us to see them."

"What do they want?" I asked, not sure I wanted to know the answer.

Tristan sighed, "You." He looked at me with concern.

"Me?" I squeaked. Why would anyone want me? I was nothing. Just a poor foster kid, college student. What could I possibly have to offer to anyone?

"Well, any soul, but especially special souls. There are quite a few of you out there, but you all have something special or are destined to do something significant. They want to stop you all from spreading good in the world. The more good there is in the world, the less likely they are able to cross over and take ahold of the Physical Plane. They want to live here. They want to rule this plane and get rid of anything good in it."

I shook my head slowly and stared down at my feet. I didn't want to cry in front of him. Which seemed silly seeing as he has literally seen me do everything in my life.

"Why?" It was almost a whisper.

"It's just their nature. They are Poachers. They don't know any other way." His voice was soft but firm. He needed me to understand this.

"Where are we going?" I needed a subject change. I didn't want to think of that thing coming after me.

"Somewhere less populated. We need to hide you away from anyone who could be possessed or be a poacher themselves. There is a property hidden away on the mountain. We will hide out there and try to gather as many specials and guardians as we can."

"Then what? We just hide forever?" That didn't seem like much of a plan to me.

"I don't know, Mia. I can only take this one step at a time and right now your safety and the safety of all the specials is what is important right now."

 I slumped back against my seat. Remus popped his head over my shoulder, and I nuzzled into him for comfort, and watched out the window as the city I've always lived in flew past me. Mt. Hood was about 45 minutes outside the city. After about fifteen minutes of nothing but trees and filigree, we turned off the main street onto a barley-there road taking us further and further into the woods.




It couldn't have been even noon yet, but the thickness of the trees and the purple fog covering the world made this place look dark as night. I heard a grumbling and look towards Tristan. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Looks like we both forgot to eat this morning." I giggled to myself realizing how hungry I was. "What are we going to do about food while we are hidden away up here? I mean, I love the outdoors life as much as the next Oregonian, but I'm not exactly a hunter." Tristan laughed out loud in agreement with my statement. I realized he knew everything there was to know about me. Probably more than I know about myself, seeing as he has been with me in other lives, I know nothing about.

"No hunting necessary at the moment." He reassured, "Another guardian, Kay, has been up here in anticipation of what has happened. She has things set up for us and even has a stockpile of supplies." I realized something as he explained this.

"You knew this was going to happen." I didn't phrase it like a question because it wasn't. He knew. He had to. He was way too prepared for this not to have known in advance. Not to mention Carters warning just moments before it happened.

Tristan sighed, "I knew it was coming, yes. The ultra-violet plane has been trying to crack the barrier for centuries, but we had some warning that they were close." 

"How?" I asked, wishing that I was given a little warning before my whole world turned purple and exploded.

"Some specials have great destinies, and some have special abilities. Kay's special has the ability to see into the future. It's not always reliable, as the future is easy to change, but some things can't be changed. Like today." As he explained, the car started to slow to a stop. In front of us was a high gate made of logs from fallen trees in the forest.

 "How long have you known about this?" This fence and property must have taken years to put together, there is no way they just threw this together in a week.

Tristan got out of the car, and I followed him. He stood in front of me and looked me in the eye. "Ten years." He confessed.

"Ten years?! You couldn't have given me a little more warning?" I was starting to get really annoyed by this whole thing.

"We didn't have an exact date or time. We just knew it was coming and we wanted to be prepared. I wanted you to live as normal of a life as possible before I took it all away from you." He looked at me with this guilty expression all over his face. I didn't like seeing him like that. I don't know why I cared so much, but I didn't want to hurt him.

"It's not like my life was all that glamorous. I lived in a basement like a hermit. I barely talked to anyone except Carter and my dog."

 "But you had a choice. You lived on your own terms. I didn't want to take your choices away from you a minute before I had to. Besides, you would never have believed me unless you saw it happen for yourself." He had a point there. Damn my stubborn nature.

"Okay, okay." I put my hands up in surrender. "Now, how do we get into this Fortress?"

Tristan flashed me a smile that would make any girl swoon. His teeth were pearly white and perfectly straight. He had one lone dimple on his left cheek. He walked up to the gate and let out a loud whistle.

"Get back in the car." He said, but not demanded. I did as he instructed, and he followed closely behind. Once we were back in the car, the gate swung open. We drove to a flat area that was clear of trees. There was a river flowing down the left side of the property and a beautiful, old bridge that went over it. To the right was a small road that went up a steep hill. Everything was surrounded by trees. We drove up the hill, but I was afraid we wouldn't make it because it was so steep. Tristan drove slowly and carefully and somehow we made it up to another clearing. There were a few small buildings spread out all over the clearing and a large outdoor kitchen. In the middle of the clearing was a grassy area and a pit dug out for a fire surrounding by rocks.

 I got out of the car and opened the backdoor to let Remus out to explore. He jumped out and began sniffing everything and marking every tree he could. I giggled at my big lug of a dog. Tristan opened the trunk and started grabbing my bags. I turned to help him, and he gave me a puzzled look.

"Why is this bag so heavy?" He lifted one eyebrow with a look that told me he already knew.

"Well books aren't made to carry light." I said matter-of-factly. He rolled his eyes as I grabbed the bag full of books and hugged it to me protectively. "If you knew me so well then you would know that I could never leave my books behind. Even in an apocalypse."

"So much for packing only what you need to survive." He shook his head smiling. "Your cabin is right this way." I followed him to a little one-bedroom cabin with a full-size bed in a loft that overlooked a small room with a wood stove an old couch with an older afghan flung over the side of it. 

"Why did you tell me to bring my tents and stuff if there were cabins here?" I asked as I flung the bag of books onto the couch.

"Well, we are trying to locate as many guardians and specials as we can to join us here. We might run out of cabins. Also, we don't know how long we can actually stay here, and there isn't exactly another plan. We may have to leave in a hurry. The tent is a backup plan." He shrugged and hauled my stuff up the ladder to the loft where the bed is.

I looked out the window to see if I could find Remus still sniffing around out there, instead I saw a slim figure of a man walking towards my cabin. I gasped recognizing him right away. I sprinted out the door running towards Carter at full speed. I jumped into his arms as he caught me and tried not to fall over from the impact. He hugged me to him tightly, laughing at my reaction.

"I'm glad you finally made it." He laughed letting me go, making sure I didn't fall over myself in the process. "She didn't give you too much trouble, did she?" He asked looking back at the cabin I just ran from. Tristan was leaning against a beam of wood on the small porch, smiling from ear to ear and the sight of us.

"No more than normal." He replied smirking.

"How long have you known about all this?" I asked scowling at my best friend.

"Since I was ten." A woman walked up behind him lacing h er hand in his. She was beautiful. Tall, thin but still curvy in the right places. She had piercing blue and grey eyes and long black hair that seemed to make them even brighter. "Mia, this is my Guardian, Kay."

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. "Carter, you're the kid that can see the future?!" I can't believe he has kept this from me. We have been best friends since we were little kids. I thought we knew everything about each other. "And you!" I said pointing to Tristan, "What do you mean more than normal? I just met you today." Tristan, Carter, and Kay all started laughing.

"He has been watching over you forever and trying to keep you safe. Which isn't always the easiest task." Carter said still laughing.

"Oh, right." I turned to Tristan again, "Sorry, I'm still getting used to the idea of all this."

Tristan walked over and put his hand on my shoulder, "No need to ever apologize to me." His eyes were sparkling again. I looked back to Carter and Kay, who were still holding hands and standing very close to each other. I wonder how long that has been going on. Is it even allowed to date your own guardian? I looked back at Tristan. Hm, might want to file that question away for later.

"Why don't I show you around." Carter suggested.

"Sure." I looked towards Kay and Tristan, "You guys coming?"

Tristan shook his head, "Kay and I need to discuss some stuff. You guys go ahead, we'll catch up in a bit." I shrugged okay and followed Carter to the various buildings.

We came to a few small cabins like mine that were empty. One was painted all different wacky colors. He didn't have to tell me it was his cabin, this one screamed "Carter".

"Kay and I stay here." He pointed, offering a perfect opportunity to ask.

"So… you and Kay?" I looked at him wiggling my eyebrows up and down. "Why didn't you tell me? About her? About any of this? I thought we didn't keep secrets." I didn't want to sound like I was hurt, but I kind of was.

"Listen, the things I see aren't always my secrets to tell. They also aren't always reliable. I've made the decision to tell you a dozen different times, but each time I did the future I saw didn't include us being friends. You weren't ready to know the truth yet. As far as me and Kay… We are together." My eyes bulged. I mean I suspected for sure, but hearing it confirmed. Wow.

"But she's your Guardian, right? She's been watching you forever! Isn't that a little weird?" He looked at the ground and smiled to himself.

"Mia, she is the literal definition of my soulmate. She knows me inside and out. She has seen all my flaws and still loves me and chooses to continue to be tethered to me forever. What person in the world could be more perfect for me than that?" Wow, he was really in love. I mean Carter has always been a bit of a romantic, but I've never really seen him in love before.

"You have a point, I guess. Wow, Carter I don't know what to say. I'm happy for you. Too bad you found your person just as the world is ending, huh?" He looked up at me with an odd smile I couldn't figure out.

"That just means we can't waste another minute pretending we don't belong together." Something told me he wasn't just talking about him and Kay.

Carter continued to take me around the property. He showed me some outhouses they made and the outdoor shower stalls. I wasn't super thrilled about having to shower outside, but Carter said that the water is hooked up to a local hot spring so at least it's not a cold shower outside. At the top of yet another hill there was a large field with a green house and space for a garden. The place was beautiful. Like an enchanted forest fairy camp. They had a clearing in the middle of the property that had a little stage and seats for gatherings. It made me wonder how many people they planned to hide here.

After the tour, Carter and I walked back to the giant outdoor kitchen they had set up. There was a roof covering the top. Inside were a few propane stoves and a couple of barbeque grills. There was a couple of fridges and three huge chest freezers. Carter had showed me the emergency generators that powers the whole place. Apparently, a few guardians have been stock piling supplies for a while. We have enough for a couple years but with more people coming and us not knowing how long the stores will be open and available to us, we are going to continue to stock up on stuff. That is where Tristan found us.

"Well, I'm going to go find my woman and make a plan for another supply run." He hugged me tight, picking me up off the ground, then tipped his imaginary hat to Tristan before making his exit.

Tristan leaned up against the banister that held up the roof of the kitchen. He looked at me with his half smile, dimple present in all its glory. "How was the tour?"

"I'm not super enthusiastic about the outside showers, but other than that…This place is amazing. I could live the rest of my place here even if I wasn't being forced to by Poachers from another dimension." I walked to one of the dining chairs and slumped into one.

"At least your sense of humor has returned." He chuckled and walked into the kitchen and started to make two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. With everything going on I forgot to eat again. Tristan placed a sandwich in front of me and took the seat to my left.

"Thank you, PB and J is my favorite." I said taking a bite of heaven on bread.

"I know." He smirked before taking his first bite.

"Right." I said swallowing my bite, "I guess there isn't much you don't know about me, huh?" I took another bite and noticed Remus in the clearing ahead laying in the sun, with his feet sticking straight up. He could definitely make a home here.

"I mean as much as I can by observing, I guess." He wiped some peanut butter off the corner of his mouth as he swallowed another bite. "I mean, I can't read your mind or anything so, sometimes you can be a bit of a mystery to me, but I have come to be able to predict certain things about you." He seemed to finish his sandwich in three bites. I was so hungry it didn't take me long to catch up.

After lunch, Tristan and I walked down the hill to the bridge. There was ivy and flowers growing off of it creating a curtain for the river below. Honestly, it was the most beautiful place I could imagine. I sat on the edge of the bridge, my legs hanging over the side. Tristan sat on the ground next to me. Carter and Kay were down the river a little bit sitting on the bank with their feet in the water. Kay's head resting on Carter's shoulder. Her long black hair blowing in the wind.

"They are so cute together. Is it allowed for a guardian to fall in love with their charge?" I asked, staring into the glimmer of water ahead.

"It's never happened before, that I know of, but these are unprecedented times. Like I said before, we all have free will. We have the right to make our own choices. Kay chose him." He stretched his legs out in front of him and put his arm behind his head leaning against the wall of the bridge.

"Carter said they are soulmates." I picked apart some moss and threw it into the river as I talked.

"Makes sense. I mean they were literally made for each other." He chuckled.

The last few hours I have learned so much and absorbed so much new information. I wasn't sure any of this made any sense still. There were demons from another plane of existence. They broke some kind of barrier that allowed them to come here. The world was turning purple from some gas in their world that allows us to see them. I have some kind of soul that's marked special for some reason that ties me to Tristan. But why are we hiding? What is the rest of the world going to turn into while we live in this wooden paradise?

"Can you tell me more about what is happening? I'm not sure I understand everything." I turned myself towards him and pulled my legs up to my chest.

 "Are you sure you want to know everything right now? I don't want to overwhelm you like earlier." He winced like the memory was painful for him.

 "I'm okay now. I just want to understand why we are here. Why did we run away? Is the rest of the world going to be, okay?" I watched him move to face me. He looked at me like he was trying to gauge if I was ready to hear all of this yet. He sighed, deciding that I'd have to learn sometime or figuring I'm too stubborn to just let it go.

 "The ultra-violet plane is the same as this one. Everything is physically the same except through a purple lens. The inhabitants of this plane are demons with no souls. They wonder around trying to break through to this plane. While in ultra-violet, they can see, hear, and smell everything in this realm, but they can't interact with it. They just go right through. Since the two planes are so similar, the barrier between them is thin. Sometimes, if they are close enough and the soul is weak, they can take over a person's body for a short time." He looked at me to make sure I was still with him. I didn't say anything, just listened.

 "Now that the barriers are broken, they can steal souls right out of people's bodies. They take the soul and devour it from inside. The people don't die. But the essence of who they are, what makes them feel things; love, hate, form thoughts and opinions- is owned and controlled by the Poacher. Special souls, like yours and Carter's are hunted by them. Your soul is important. If they get Carter's soul, they get his ability, and because he and Kay are tethered, the poacher will control them both- but more than that, whatever it is that his soul is destined to do, won't happen. Then, the fate of this world will change." He looked me in the eye to make sure I understood what he was telling me.

 "If they can see what is happening in this world, then isn't it possible that they could find our hideout here without us knowing?" I really loved this place so far, but I don't want to get attached if we will just have to move on again soon.

 "Yes, it's possible, but most of the time the poachers are going to be attracted to overly populated areas. They want to be where there are a lot of souls around. Being out in the middle of the woods not close to anything is the best place for us. We still have to be ready to flee at any moment, but I like our chances of being comfortable for a while." He shrugged.

 "How long is it going to take for them to completely take over the world?" From the sound of it, this soul sucking thing could spread faster than a zombie infection.

 "The poachers are pretty mindless. They don't have plans or strategies. They run on pure instinct until they have consumed a special soul. They can use specials to control and gain their knowledge, conscience, and thoughts. It's like they gain a brain. The barrier has only been broken a few hours. Only one Poacher has been let out and chances are it's going to be a while before another one figures out how to come through. That's why we need to find as many specials and guardians as we can before more come over." I let out a long sigh, letting my legs hang over each side of the wall.

 "Is there any way to kill these things? Or close the hole in the barrier?" Seemed like a dumb question, if it were that easy, we wouldn't be hiding out like this, right? But I needed to hear it.

 "I don't know. Nothing like this has ever happened before, but when it comes to you, I'm not willing to take any chances." He shifted so his whole body was facing me. "Keeping you safe isn't just in my best interest because I'm tied to you. It isn't just about whatever task you have to complete to keep the fate of the world in the right direction. You are my whole life. Your safety and well-being means everything to me." His eyes were wide and determined.

 "I get it. You are the guardian. Keeper of my soul and destiny." I gave him a little salute, trying to lighten the tension. He was literally created to keep me safe and on track. I get that.

 He let out a little exasperated sigh and stood up. "I'm not sure you will ever get it. Not really." He kicked a small rock across the bridge and walked away slowly.

 I watched him walk away, then turned my attention back to the water. Carter and Kay were making their way back down the river. I couldn't wrap my head around Tristan's weird mood swing. Did I say something wrong?

 "Hey, slacker!" Carter yelled up at me. I looked over the side of the bridge at him. "Let's get some of the other cabins ready. We're expecting a few more arrivals tonight." He started to climb the bank and I met him at the end of the bridge. 




 We went to each of the other cabins and laid out sheets, blankets, and towels for the new arrivals. We talked about his gift and Kay, and all the stuff he's always wanted to talk about but couldn't. Being a "seer" as he calls it, he has to be careful not to reveal too much about what he sees because it can alter the course of the world. He told me that he can also read peoples pasts, and their past lives. He has lived through twelve other planes of existence and can remember them all.

 "What about your parents? Do they know what you are? Where are they?" I've known Carter's parents for a long time. They were odd but very caring people. They always let me crash with Carter when things at my home were really bad.

 "I never told them straight up, but they knew I had a gift of some kind. Yesterday before any of this happened, I told them where I was going and begged them to come with me. I explained things the best I could, but they didn't want to come." He shrugged and sat on the edge of the bed we just made.

 "Why not?" Why would anyone want to stay in a city that was about to be infested with soul devouring poachers?

 "I explained how we were trying to keep the special souls safe. They wanted to stay behind and try to help the rest of the souls who don't have guardians to look out for them." I sat on the chair across from the bed.

 "That sounds like them. What about Paisley? No way they would have taken her into battle with them. She is only five!" I jumped up in an outrage thinking about that sweet little girl facing a poacher.

 Carter smiled and took my hand dragging me to his cabin next door. We went up the colorfully painted stairs to a small room. In the middle of the room was two small children. One was little Paisley, her long brown hair that has never been cut in her five years on this plane, tied up in a ponytail that still almost reached her butt. She was wearing overalls and a pink tee shirt underneath. She looked up at me when I walked in and ran to hug me.

 "My Mia!" She exclaimed; she always called me that.

 "Miss Paisley!" I hugged her to me, relieved that she was safe with us instead of back in Portland in the danger zone. "And who is your friend?" I asked motioning to the little boy she was playing with. He was about her age, he had short black hair and large brown eyes. He was wearing some blue jeans and a plain blue shirt. He was pale with freckles all over his button nose.

 "That is Milo. He is Paisley's guardian." Carter answered. My jaw hit the floor.

 "He's a guardian?! He is only a child!" I couldn't even process the fact that Paisley was a special. How could this child protect her?

 "When Guardians are in their physical form, they will take on the age of their charges. Technically that is their age too. They are born when we are born." Carter explained.

 I looked at the little boy and smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Milo. Take care of my miss Paisley, okay?"

 Milo looked at me and smiled. "Always." Paisley went to join her Guardian and continue playing. Carter and I walked out of the room and back down the stairs.

 "So, Paisley is special too?" It wasn't really a question.

 "Did you ever really doubt that?" Carter said laughing. I giggled with him shaking my head no.

 Kay walked in and caught us in our giggle fest. Her eyes softened and she smiled at the sight of us. "Some of the others are arriving, my love." She grabbed onto Carters hand, and we all walked out to greet the new comers.

 Tristan walked up to meet us. Before we go to where the approaching car was going, he grabbed my arm to hold me back. I stepped back and turned to look at him.

 "I just wanted to apologize for walking away like that. I haven't been in this human body for every long and I still trying to get used to all the emotions and feelings that comes with it." He looked up at me apologetically.

 I smiled at him and shrugged. "Don't worry about it. I know I'm not always the easiest person to talk to." He returned my smile, and we walked side by side to meet the new recruits.

 There was a tan Highlander parked next to the car Tristan and I stole this morning. Wow, that was really just this morning. The sun was just starting to set now. Inside the back of the SUV was more supplies that Tristan and Carter were starting to unload. In the front seat sat a gorgeous, blonde, bombshell of a woman. She was tall with blue eyes and full lips. She wore simple blue jeans and white tee shirt. She got out of the car and walked to Tristan. They shook hands and my heart panicked when they touched. I tried to suppress whatever discomfort was bubbling up. While they said their hellos, I went to the other side of the car and helped the other young girl out of the car. She wasn't as tall as the other girl but just as pretty. She has long curly black hair and beautiful smooth dark skin. She wore trendy round glasses. She was wearing baggy jeans that were rolled up to the middle of her calves, a black crop top and jean jacket over the top, and a red and black flannel shirt tied around her waist.

 "Hi, I'm Mia." I said reaching my hand out to help her out of the huge car. She grabbed my hand and hopped down from the car and quickly turned and reached back in for a heavy looking duffle bag. Swinging the bag over her shoulder with an "oof" she looked back and me and smiled, pushing her glasses up her nose. "Hi I'm Abigail."

 "Can I help you with that?" I grabbed one of the straps of the duffle not waiting for an answer.

 "Thanks." She replied. The bag must have weighed at least 80 pounds.

 "What's in here?" I asked.

 "My books. Sabrina told me I shouldn't have packed them because they weren't essential, but if the world is ending or whatever, there is no way I'm leaving my books behind." I grinned at her in agreement. This is a girl after my own heart.

 "Tristan gave me the same lecture, but there is a backpack full of books in my cabin too." She beamed at me. I had a feeling that this was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. "So, that supermodel is your Guardian?" I asked.

 "Yeah, a little intimidating, right? But she is very down to earth and very kind. We really connected right away. Although I suppose it's hard not to connect with the person who is tied to your soul and has watched over you your whole life, right?" We started to slowly climb the stairs to her cabin, one step at a time. "Tristan is your Guardian then?" She asked when we finally made it up the stairs.

 "Yup." What else could I say about the guy I just met this morning? "I mean I don't know much about him. I've only known about all this for a few hours." I said shrugging.

 She looked at me like I had two heads. "You really didn't know? Like he just sprung it on you today?" Her reaction kind of through me off. Was I the only one who didn't know about this before today?

 "Um, yeah. I was on my way to school and the whole world turned purple and Tristan was just there, and we ran. How long have you known?" She opened the door to her cabin, and we began to drag the bag of books inside. "A few months. Sabrina came to my apartment one night and explained everything, then said that these Poachers were about to break through the barrier to our plane and that we had to pack and start driving. We avoided highways when we could and have been on a non-stop road trip since." She plopped onto her couch and wiped the invisible sweat form her forehead. "Drove from Maine. One side of the country to the other."

 "Wow. That must have been an exhausting trip." I sat in the chair across from her.

 "Yeah, but Sabrina was good company. It was nice to have that time to get to know each other before we got here ya'know? Well at least it was good for me to get to know her, since she already knows me better than I know myself. Anyway, it will just be good to sleep in an actual bed again!" She grinned up at me.

 "I bet." I laughed, "It was really great talking to you, but I think I'll give you some time to unpack and get to know your new home." I stood up and walked out into the darkness. No city lights, no streetlamps, and the moonlight wasn't as bright with the purple fog covering it up. The kitchen had some Christmas lights strung up, and there were a few tiki torches lit up around the property. In the middle of the clearing, I saw Kay and Tristan starting a fire in the designated pit.

 I decided to go to the kitchen and get some kind of dinner started. Everyone has had a long day, and I'm sure they were all hungry. Remus was laying down under one of the tables in the dining area. This new life obviously agreed with him. I chuckled at him and went to check the food supply for ideas on a dinner. I decided on spaghetti since I knew I could make a lot of it very quickly. I turned on the propane stove and started to boil the water I got from some jugs I found in the pantry. There was plenty of sauce and noodles in the cupboards. I found some ground hamburger in the chest freezer, and I began to brown the meat in a frying pan. I searched for some kind of seasoning not very hopeful given the circumstances, but I was able to find some salt, pepper and garlic powder. I seasoned the meat and added my noodles to the boiling water. Once the meat was cooked, I added the sauce and strained the noodles.

 The whole process took about a half an hour, but I made enough to feed us all and a few more. Which was good because while I was puttering away in the kitchen, two more cars drove up. One was a small Subaru with an older couple in the front, I'm guessing a 20 something year old man and a young girl, about Paisley's age if not a little older, climbed out of the back. The other vehicle was a large truck, the bed of which was filled with stuff, and it was hauling a small pop-up trailer behind it. Two people jumped out, a tall very muscular and good-looking man with dark skin and almost no hair, I'd guess to be in his late 30's, and a woman about the same age. She was cute, long shiny black hair, looked like she could have been Native American. The woman opened the back door to the truck and let out a beautiful husky, not quite as big as Remus. Of course, my dog was already running to sniff his new play mate. I ran after him to make sure the meet and greet didn't turn into a fight over territory.

"Don't worry he is very friendly." I said to the woman, I didn't have anything to worry about though. The Husky was female and more than happy to meet my hunky mountain dog. "His name is Remus, and I'm Mia." I extended my hand to her. She shook it eagerly.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Nell, and this is Sophie." At the sound of her name, Sophie trotted away from Remus and to her owner's side licking her hands. Nell bent down and rubbed her head.

"Nice to meet you too. I have dinner ready if you guys want to eat before unloading all this stuff." I looked toward the rest of the group helping the older couple unload their car. "You guys too." I yelled, "Soups on. Get it while its hot!"

Everyone muttered their appreciation for the food and made their way to the kitchen, leaving all the stuff at the cars for later. Tristan walked up to me with a smile on his face.

"Thank you for doing this. We were all so busy none of us thought about needing to eat." We started to walk towards the kitchen together.

"You have to remember that your human body needs food to survive." I said jokingly.

"You know you aren't good at doing that either." He laughed back. He had a point. I was always forgetting to eat.

"Touché. I guess we will just have to look after each other then." I jabbed him lightly with my elbow.

He laughed harder pushing me back. "Deal."

We all grabbed plates full of pasta and sat around getting to know each other. Kay grabbed the kids and gave them all their own space to eat and play. I sat at a picnic table next to Tristan and across from the older couple. Geraldine and Raymond, but they like to be called Geri and Ray. Geri is the special soul, she can manipulate the elements, which I thought was the coolest ability ever. Ray is her guardian, but he has been in his physical form for 35 years. She didn't realize her gift until she was in her early twenties, and when she figured it out, she had some trouble controlling it. Ray came to help her, and they were married after six months. The older man that came with them is their son, Michael, and the young girl is their granddaughter, Millie. My eyes budged from my head. My head snapped to Tristan.

"I thought you said Kay and Carter were the first special-guardians, to fall in love." He rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged.

"As far as I knew they were. But from the looks of it, it isn't an uncommon occurrence after all." I looked around at all the new people. I could see what he meant. It seemed that all the specials were smitten with their Guardians and vice versa. My faced burned red at the implication of it. Am I expected to be all romantic with Tristan? I just met this man today! As far as I can tell everyone else has had a lot more time to get to know their Guardians and build a relationship with them. Nell and her Guardian, Aaron, the good-looking man she drove up with, have been traveling form Alaska for the last two weeks. Abigail and Sabrina have been together for a couple months. Kay and Carter first met when he was ten.

"It just makes sense tho, donit?" Geri exclaimed, "If there was one person in the universe that was gonna love ya and take care of ya forever, shouldn't it be the one who is tied to you anyhow?" she took another bite of her pasta and snuggled closer to Ray. "Not to mention, these Guardians are all cuter than a baby pig in a bonnet." Tristan and I both laughed at that, but we were both still red. Glad to see it wasn't just me.

 After dinner, Geri and Ray shooed me out of the kitchen, refusing to let me help with the cleanup. I walked over to the truck and began to help unload all of the supplies instead. With all the people here now, it didn't take us long to get everything put away. Nell and Aaron set up their pop-up trailer, instead of taking a cabin like everyone else. In the clearing Paisley, Milo and their new friend Millie were trying to catch fireflies with their bare hands. Everyone seemed to be settling in just fine.

 I walked down the hill to the bridge. This was quickly becoming one of my favorite places. I laid on my back and looked up at the stars, but they weren't visible through the purple fog, so I just listened to the rushing of the river below me. Remus trotted himself down the hill to me and laid with head on my stomach, like he always did. I rubbed his head and kept looking at the dark sky, wishing I could see the stars and moon again.

 "We got the fire going up there." I jumped at Tristan's voice. I didn't hear him coming. I sat up, so did Remus although he protested. "There is talk of breaking out the marshmallows soon." I nodded to acknowledge, but I wasn't really feeling being around all that right now.

 Tristan took a seat next to me. Remus went to him demanding pets. "Look Mia, I know all that soul-mate stuff at dinner kind of freaked you out. I just want you to know I don't expect anything. I just don't want you to feel weird or uncomfortable around me." I didn't know what to say. I mean on one hand I was relieved that I wasn't expected to just suddenly be in love with a guy I just met, but on the other hand, I don't know, I didn't want him not to want that. Why was everything suddenly so confusing?

 "Thanks." I muttered. "I think I'm just going to head to my cabin." I got up and started to walk up the hill. Tristan grabbed my arm to get my attention.

 "You don't have to do that you know?" Concern flooded his face.

 "Do what?" I turned to look at him.

 "Distance yourself from everyone. You don't have to keep pushing people away." I took a couple steps back feeling a little defensive.

 "I'm not its jus-"

 "Look I understand why you've had to it in the past. When you were little, you did it to avoid drawing attention to your situation, in foster care you had to because you moved a lot and it was easier not to make ties you had to break later, but here. You don't have to. These people understand and they want to be here for you. Someday you may need a community like thi-" I Held up my hand to stop him. This who I-know-everything-about-you thing is getting on my nerves.

 "Look. I'm not trying to avoid them. I'm not trying to push you all away. I just need to process. Everyone here has had weeks, months, years, even decades to process all of this and to make sense of it. I have had hours! My entire life changed today, and I just need to be alone and process. Just for tonight, okay? Tomorrow, I promise I will be miss social, or whatever, but tonight I just need some space." He looked hurt. I didn't like that I made him look like that.

 "You're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you so much today." He gave me a little smile, but it didn't hide his sadness. "Goodnight, Mia."

 "Goodnight, Tristan." I walked up the hill feeling guilty, but I was telling the truth. I just needed some time to process everything.

I made it up the hill, winded, and feeling the burning in my calves. Everyone was in the clearing around the fire. The kids were eating burnt marshmallows and laughing. I smiled at the sight. I made my way back to my cabin. It was dark inside, but there were some gas lanterns around I was able to light. I went upstairs to the loft where my bed was. My bags were on my bed. I thought about unpacking but I remembered what Tristan said about maybe having to leave at a moment notice and decided against it. I pulled out some pajama pants and an old Green Day tee shirt to sleep in. I pulled the bags off my bed and noticed something that must have fell out of my bag. I pick it up, my heart skipped. It was my book. My copy of the Outsiders I left on the bus this morning. I held it up and a note fell out of it.

You forgot this. Wouldn't want you to miss it.

I know how important it is to you.


 I held the book to my chest and sat on the edge of my bed. I don't know how or when we went back for it. I felt the tears well up in my eyes. My chest began to heave. I laid back and start to cry out all the emotions of the day. Everything I've been holding back. All the frustrations, fear, confusions, it all came up at once. I laid in a ball on my bed clutching the book to my chest, until I drifted off to sleep.




 I woke up to scratching at the door. SHOOT! I smacked my forehead. I forgot Remus outside. I ran downstairs and opened the door to let him in.

 "Sorry, buddy." He raced inside and up the stairs to the bed. I turned to close the door and noticed someone on my porch. I walked out, rubbing my arms to shield them from the cold. There was a hammock hung up on the side of my porch and there was someone shivering violently inside of it. Tristan. I rolled my eyes. Why would he choose to sleep outside in the cold? I reached over and shook him awakes.

 "Tristan, wake up. You're going to catch your death out here." He turned over, still shaking from the cold. "Why aren't you in one of the cabins where it is warm?" I asked, scolding him a little bit.

 "I d-d-don't like being that f-far away from you. But I wanted to g-g-give you some space like you a-a-a-asked." I realized this was his first day in his physical form. He has never had to be more than a few feet from me ever. Wow, I was being so selfish asking him to leave me alone.

 "Come inside. I'll light a fire and warm you up." I took his arm not giving him the option to say no. His skin was freezing.

 "I-I-I'll be ok-k-kay. I want to respect your sp-p-pace." Tristan resisted my hold on him a little.

 "Tristan don't be stupid. If you stay outside all night you will freeze. Please come inside. The couch turns into a bed and there is a wood stove to keep you warm." I pulled him inside and closed the door behind us. Tristan stood in the doorway with his arms wrapped around him trying to retain some heat. I went to light the wood stove. Once the fire caught, I removed the cushions from the couch and pulled out the hide-a-bed. Tristan stayed by the door, still shivering. I shook my head and went to the storage under the stairs and pulled out pillows and as many blankets as I could.

 "If you're just going to stand there, at least come stand by the fire and warm yourself up." I shook my head and started to make up the bed for him. He walked over and began helping me spread out the blankets. Remus came down the stairs and jumped on the freshly made bed, thinking it was for him. I laughed at him and gave him some pets. Tristan sat on the edge of the bed closest to the stove. At least he stopped shivering.

 "Thank you, for saving my book. It really means a lot." I didn't look at him, just kept petting Remus.

 "I know what that book means to you. I couldn't leave it behind." He reached his hands out closer to the heat from the stove.

 "Well, thanks. You should get under the covers. You'll warm up a lot quicker." With that I turned and went back to my bed.

 I didn't sleep more than thirty minutes at a time. That's not unusual for me though. I've never really been able to sleep well. I couldn't even tell you the last time I dreamed. That was probably the reason I hated mornings. I never slept so I was always so tired in the mornings. Tonight, though it felt different. Normally it felt like some invisible force was waking me up. Today I felt like a concerned mother. Like I felt I had to keep checking on Tristan to make sure he was still there.

By the time a hint of light started to brighten the sky outside, I had given up all hope of getting any sleep. I grabbed a towel and decided to get a shower in before anyone else woke up. It was still cold outside. I was dreading the outdoor shower experience, but I knew this was the best time to get it done without being scared of someone walking in.

The shower stalls were tall, and offered some privacy, but they were still open to the cold air. I undressed quickly and started the water. The pressure left something to be desired, but the water was warm and felt really good in contrast to the chilly mountain air. The showers were stocked with shampoo and conditioner and soap. I washed myself quickly and just stood under the warmth of the water a little longer. After a while I decided I'd better get out. I dried off as fast as I could to avoid the cold as much as possible. I put my pajamas back on and wrapped my wet hair in the towel.

 I walked back to my cabin and enjoyed the sounds of the woods. The fresh mountain air was refreshing. I could seriously get used to mornings like this. I heard some soft footsteps behind me and turned to find Sophie trotting up to me.

 "Well, good morning, Sophie." I giggled and gave her some pets. I looked back and saw that Nell was walking behind her. "Hey, I didn't think anyone would be up this early."

 "This one doesn't approve of sleeping in." Nell gestured to Sophie. We both laughed. "I'm going to get some coffee going. Want some?"

 "That sounds like heaven. I'm going to get dressed really quick. I'll meet you in the kitchen." I gestured to my P.js damp from my rushed dry job.

 "Sounds good. See you in a bit." She waved me off and I headed back to my cabin.

 I walked into the cabin as quietly as possible. Tristan was still asleep wrapped in the blankets like a cocoon, Remus snuggled into his side. I smiled at the sight and ran up the stairs. I pulled out some jeans and a plain black tee shirt. I dug around and found a pull over hoodie. I got dressed and hung up my pajamas over my headboard to dry. I brushed out my wet hair and pulled it back into a loose braid. When I walked back downstairs Tristan was still dead asleep. Remus popped his head up and wagged his tail, thumping it loudly against the bed.

 I chuckled quietly. "Come on boy." I whispered, patting my leg. I opened the door, and he jumped off the couch bed and ran outside. Remus ran to Sophie, and they frolicked in the clearing. I walked up to the kitchen and smelled the heavenly aroma of fresh coffee.

 "Hope you like French pressed, because that's all we've got." Nell said bringing the coffee over to the picnic table I ate dinner at just last night.

 "Even better." I said beaming at her. "Is Aaron still sleeping?" I asked curious.

 "Nah, he decided to brave the showers." She laughed and poured the coffee into three mugs. "He should be down any minute."

 "Ah, the shower isn't that bad. The hot springs make the water feel very good. Even when its cold out." I took a sip of the hot coffee. "Mmmmmmm. The coffee is amazing, Nell. Thank you."

 "Anytime. Coffee is one thing I refuse to give up. Even as a refugee in the middle of the woods." She chuckled taking a sip herself.

 "I know what you mean. Tristan scolded me for bringing my books, but I couldn't leave without them." We both laughed.

 "So how are things with you two?" She asked, "It just seemed a little tense yesterday." I could tell she wasn't trying to pry; she was just concerned.

 "Yeah. I guess. I mean, I don't know." I didn't know how to explain things between us. "I mean I just met him yesterday. Then I met you all, and you're all so sure of your place with each other. I feel like I should be more certain of my feelings, but he's still a stranger to me." She didn't judge, just listened. It was very comforting to be able to have someone to talk to.

 "You know it didn't happen overnight. For any of us. We all had the advantage of having more time to get to know each other and bond before the purple fog rolled in. No one expects you two to magically wake up and be in love. Aaron and I have only been in this stage of our relationship a few days." I was surprised to hear this.

 "Really? But you guys seem so…so" I didn't know how to finish that sentence.

 "I know. Like we've been together forever. And that is how it feels now, but it didn't start off that way. We had to build that trust first, like any relationship. Once it was there it felt like we should've been together since the beginning. We just had to take things at our own pace, and so do you." I let her words sink in.

 "I guess I just feel pressured to feel a certain way. I mean it's worked out great for all of you. It's not like I don't like Tristan. He is great. Very protective and perceptive and considerate." I thought of the book he saved for me, and him sleeping out in the cold to respect my space. "There really isn't any reason I wouldn't like him, but- "

 "But he is still a stranger to you. This is a new person in your life. You guys need time to get to know each other on the same plane. Either it will blossom into romance, or it won't. There is no pressure to make your relationship with your guardian anything than what it is supposed to be." She reached over the table and put her hand on mine. I couldn't believe how much I needed to hear those words.

 "Thank you, Nell. I really needed that." I took sip of my coffee. I haven't had someone to talk to like this in a long time. I mean other than Carter, but this felt different. Maybe Tristan was right. I needed this community. I needed to make an effort not to push people away.

 "Is one of those for me?" Aaron sat down next to Nell; a towel wrapped around his neck. Nell handed him a full cup and gave him a peck on the cheek. I decided to give them some space.

 "Pancakes anyone?" I asked standing up to

got to the kitchen, but Geri was already there.

 "You made dinner last night, sweet girl. Sit your bum down and let this ol'girl whip you up some breakfast." I didn't dare argue with Geri, I learned that last night, so I opted to make some more coffee.

 By the time I got back to the table more people had woken up. Everyone trickled into the dining area. Lured in by the smell of Geri's cinnamon apple pancakes. There was no sign of Tristan, so I decided to go check on him.

 I was skipping up the steps of my cabin just as Abigail was walking out of hers next door. I waved good morning to her. Sabrina walked out shortly after wrapping her arms around Abigail and giving her a quick peck on the cheek. She noticed me after and blushed red. I gave them both a little wave and made my way inside.

 I closed the door quietly and looked to the couch. The bed was empty. He must have woken up then, I thought to myself. Then I heard a groan. I looked around for the source. Then coughing followed. I ran to the other side of the bed and found Tristan on the floor twisted and gripping his stomach. He was drenched in sweat. I rushed to his side and helped him sit up.

 "Oh jeez, Tristan, you are burning up!" I wrapped his arm around my shoulder and tried to lift him up to the bed. It took a couple tries but I got him up there. I lifted his legs back onto the bed to lay him down. He was shivering again, despite how hot he felt. "I told you, you were going to catch your death out there in the cold." I went to the bathroom and filled a pitcher with cool water, from the river no doubt, and a washcloth.

 When I got back to the living room, he hadn't moved an inch. He was still shaking and sweating. I rung out the cool washcloth and dabbed his head with it. He winced at the cold cloth.

 "I know its uncomfortable, but I have to cool you down." I placed a hand on his arm for some comfort and put the washcloth back on his head, dabbing softly.

 "I-it's t-t-too c-c-cold." He stuttered.

 "No, you're too hot. You have a fever, a really high one." I said softly. He was really hot. I wondered if we had any Tylenol, or flu medicine in our stockpile. I don't know if I could get his temperature down on my own.

 "I f-feel s-s-so weak." He tried to lift his head to look at me.

 "Shhhhh. You are very sick. You need to rest." I dipped the washcloth back into the cool water and laid it on his head. He winced again like it was hurting him. "I'm going to find you some medicine. I will be right back please don't move, okay?" He reached out and grabbed my hand like he didn't want me to go. "I promise I will be back soon, okay?" He let me go a groaned loudly.

 I ran out of the cabin as fast as I could. I went straight to Carter's cabin and banged on the door loudly. Kay opened with a puzzled look on her face. I grabbed onto her arms trying to catch my breath.

 "Mia, are you okay?" She held onto me trying to keep me steady.

 "Tristan." I gasped for air, "Tristan is sick. He needs medicine." I realized I wasn't out of breath from the run. I was panicking. I tried to take slow deep breaths, but I just started crying. "His fever is really high. Do you have any Tylenol or flu medicine? He's so weak." I couldn't wipe the tears from my face. I was afraid to let go of Kay.

 "Carter!" she yelled urgently. Carter came rushing into the room wearing only his shorts.

 "Mia? Mia what going on?" Kay handed me over to him and he hugged me tightly as I sobbed.

 "You calm her down. I have to go see Tristan." Kay ran out of the cabin leaving me in Carters arms. Paisley crept down the stairs quietly.

 "What wrong with my Mia?" She asked putting her hands on her hips. I wiped my eyes and took a slow deep breath.

 "I'm okay, miss Paisley. Why don't you head over to the kitchen? Geri made some apple cinnamon pancakes." Her face lit up with excitement and she ran past me out the door. Carter lifted me back on my feet.

 "What happened Mia?" Concern covering his usually carefree face.

 "Oh, Carter it's all my fault." I shook my head letting the reality of that sentence sink in. "He wanted to give me space but didn't want to be far away. So, he tried to sleep outside in the cold!" The tears started to fall again. "I brought him inside as soon as I could, but now he is so hot. I can't cool him down. He is sick and it's all my fault." Carter held me closer until I called down. I took another deep breath. I had to stop being so selfish. He is lying in bed while I'm over here feeling sorry for myself. No more. I needed to get back to him.

"Mia, he wouldn't get this sick just from sleeping in the cold. That not really how viruses work. He has only been in a human body for a day. He has no immune system built up, and he spend his first few hours in his body on public transportation, in the middle of flu season." He explained but it did little to ease my guilt.

 "I have to go. I told him I'd be right back. Please, if you can, find me some Tylenol for his fever." Carter nodded and I ran back to my cabin.

 When I walked in Kay was assuming my position of putting the cool rag on his head.

 "How's he doing?" I said hopeful.

 "He's very ill. His physical body hasn't been here long enough to be exposed to all the germs on this plane. He has no immunity." She said echoing Carter. She stood up and gave me back my spot on the bed next to him. I placed my hand on his arm to let him know I was there.

 "What can we do?" I didn't take my eyes off of him.

 "You are doing it. Be here for him. Keep him cool." She placed a hand on my shoulder for comfort. Carter came in quietly and gave us all a sympathetic look.

 "I found some Tylenol, and I brought him some Gatorade to keep him hydrated." I took the medicine and fluids and gave Carter a little smile to say thank you.

 I shook Tristan's arm gently to get his attention. "I need you to sit up. Just for a little bit, okay?" With Kay's help we were able to get him to sit up. I gave him the pills and opened the Gatorade for him. He swallowed the pills and drink half the bottle of blue liquid. His eyes opened a little and he tried to smile.

 "Okay you, lay back down and get some rest." He held my hand and squeezed it slightly. "I'm not going anywhere. Now get some sleep." He laid his head back and closed his eyes. I kept his hand in mine.

 "Thank you both for your help. I'm just going to stay and make sure he's okay." I looked and Carter and Kay's concern struck faces.

 "I'll bring you some tea and pancakes, okay?" Carter said, guiding Kay out the door. I nodded but didn't say anything back. I wasn't very hungry anymore.

 People came to check in on us periodically. Tristan slept through most of it, except when I had to get him up for more medicine. His fever seemed to go down some, but he was still very weak. I stayed with him the whole time. I brought down some of my favorite books. To pass the time I read to him out loud, though I don't know how much of it he heard. Abigail agreed to keep Remus for me for the night. I would nod off in the chair next to his bed occasionally, but I didn't sleep much. I wanted to make sure his fever didn't spike again.

 At some point I must have nodded off again. I felt a soft hand gently nudging me awake. My eyes fluttered open, and I saw browns and gold eyes staring back at me. I jolted awakes and wrapped my arms around Tristan's neck.

 "Woah," he exclaimed falling back into the bed. "Careful I haven't gotten all my strength back."

 "Oh, I'm sorry Tristan." I released him and breath out my relief that he was awake. He was still pale, for him, and had dark circles under his eyes, but he was awake and not burning up anymore. "This was all my fault. I'm so sorry."

 Tristan laughed at me, "This was not your fault. I have no immune system and I chose to sleep out in the cold. You probably saved my life by forcing me to come inside and taking good care of me yesterday."

 "But you wouldn't have felt the need to sleep outside if I hadn't been so-"

 "No. Mia. I refuse to let you feel responsible for this. Okay? I'm going to be okay, thanks to you." He kept one hand on my arm to calm me.

 "Okay, okay. So how are you feeling? Really?" I asked straightening myself up.

 "Still a little weak, and tired, but nowhere near as bad as yesterday." He rubbed the back of his neck, "I didn't know people could sweat this much." He wrinkled his nose.

 I chuckled at him. "Why don't I get one of the guys to help you get in the shower, and I'll change your bedding."

 "I'm sure I can manage to shower by myself." He gave me a funny look.

 "I'm sure you think you can, but until you get your strength back you should have someone help you." He groaned at me but didn't argue. There was a knock at the door and Nell came in slowly.

 "Hey, I just came in to check on you. How are you feeling?" She asked sweetly.

 "Much better, thanks" he said beaming. I glared at him a bit.

 "He is still pretty weak. Do you think you could get Aaron to help him up to the shower?" I asked, he rolled his eyes at my request but didn't argue.

 "Yeah. I'm sure that won't be a problem." She beamed at us, happy to be able to help after everyone feeling so helpless yesterday. She turned and walked out of the cabin to get Aaron.

 I walked into the bathroom to grab him a clean towel. When I came back Aaron was at the door ready to help. I handed him the towel.

 "Thank you for doing this, Aaron." I gave him a smile.

 "Of course. Anything I can do to help." He beamed and turned his head to Tristan. "You had us all crawling out of our skin with worry, man."

 "It was not my intention, I assure you, brother." They gave each other a manly handshake and made their way out the door.