Now Nathan was willing to invite Maizon to his other small home he moved in whenever he couldn't go to his real home. Maizon felt bad for Nathan so he gladly stayed by his side all through the night. The next day, Maizon left to hunt and gather food. While searching for fruits. He saw a neglome that looked like an ogre. So he brought out his pendant and shot many crystal shards at him. His pendant began to glow and his eyes glowed pink and his hand shot out a crystal beam that crystalized the neglome and allowed Maizon to be able to control it at will. He called Nathan to see what he had done. He called the crystalized neglomes, crystal puppets. Nathan was impressed but told Maizon to take off the pendant. Maizon was truly astonished by the pendant's power. He began to test it on other animals and it was the same result all through. Maizon and Nathan spent a wonderful time together. Due to the weather, Maizon made a crystal fortress for Nathan. Nathan and Maizon had made love every now and then. Another neglome appeared and attempted to attack them. Nathan tried to stop Maizon from using the pendant but failed and Maizon used the pendant and turned it into his crystal puppet. Then a sword divided it in half. They checked to know he it was found it to be Isuki, their role model. He invited the both of the to the H-Tower. They both introduced themselves to the team. Everyone was indeed excited except from Kenesai as she didn't feel at eased with Maizon.
Kenesai felt uneasy with Maizon's crystal pendant was in the tower. "So can you show us what you got?" Isuki asked them as he showed them the obstacle course. Nathan went first and dodged and blocked every obstacle. He gracefully finished the course at ease. Maizon wore his pendant and tried to control its power but instead lost control and destroyed the obstacle course by shooting and making crystal beams. "With a little more practice, you'll get there. Welcome to the team!" Isuki said as Nathan tapped Maizon's back telling him nit to sweat it. A mission was given that there was a neglome name Dog bite on a rampage. So they all left with Nathan. He tried to beg them to let him come but failed.
During the battle, Kenesai lost control of her powers and attacked Isuki with a psychic blast and made his sword crack a bit.. In tears she flew away saying she can't be a hunter like them.
Meanwhile in an arcade, a teen boy that goes the name Boji Nikon wanted to buy something with tickets but didn't have enough tickets to due so. He then noticed the senior discount for what he wanted to buy. He went behind the video game box and turned into an old man and bought it without anyone knowing it was just him.
To be continued....